改编自Chard Connell的冒险小说。一艘巡洋舰因遭遇失事而被迫停靠在一个偏僻的小岛附近,巡洋舰上的三名乘客安全地抵达小岛。这个小岛是一个神秘的人Count Zaroff所拥有的,他邀请三人在小岛上逗留。Count Zaroff喜欢打猎,但他只猎杀的是人类!…… 参与本片拍摄的导演欧尼斯特·B·舍德萨克曾经拍摄过不少科幻片和恐怖片,在20实际30年代,他曾经拍摄过一部叫《金刚》的怪兽片,是历史上第一部金刚系列的电影。《金刚》、《金刚之子》和《最危险的游戏》是他的出名作。
Marquis(欧玛瑞·哈德威克 饰)带着家人飞往偏远的阿帕拉契参加父亲的丧礼,不料途中一场暴风雨使得飞机失控。Marquis醒来时受了伤,自己一人困在Ms. Eloise(洛雷塔·迪瓦恩 饰)的阁楼里。Ms.Eloise说自己用了Marquis的血和皮肤制作了巫毒Boogity,并将使用Boogity帮他治疗痊愈。求救无门的Marquis只能想尽办法以智取胜,试图下个月圆之夜之前逃离Ms. Eloise的巫术并拯救自己的家人免于这场邪恶的祭典。
Forced to travel with her boyfriend, Laine, she begins to experience premonitions associated with the urban myth of The Creeper. Laine believes that something supernatural has been summoned - and that she is at the center of it all.
When the naval construction designer Oliver Reed (Kent Smith) meets the Serbian Irena Dubrovna Reed (Simone Simon) in the zoo, he flirts with her and they sooner fall in love and marry each other. However, Irena is afraid of an ancient course of her town that women can not be touched by a man, otherwise she will transform in a panther, and the couple does not consummate their m...
聽呀……聽見了就會死去呀…… 1972年的偏遠村莊,一名少女夜裡聽見疑似「聽呀」的怪聲後,短短幾天內便離奇身亡......。少女慘死的消息很快在小村莊傳開,得知消息的大哥Yak(納得克庫吉米亞 飾)決定從軍營返家照顧全家人。某日,小妹Yam(拉塔娃蒂婉通 飾)放學時遇到一名樣貌詭異的黑衣女子後,乖巧的她突然性情大變,有時異常暴力,有時無故瘋狂尖叫,午夜夢迴時,甚至會中邪般重複唸著令人毛骨悚然的「聽呀…聽呀…」,詭譎「陰聲」逐漸蔓延到這個家中…….
在1956 年的法国北部,一群地下矿工带着一位教授前往地下一千米深处进行取样调查,而突如其来的山体滑坡导致他们无法再返回地面,但他们也发现了一个来自另一个时代的墓穴,并在不知情的情况下唤醒了传说中的嗜血生物。
An ancient Chippewa demon, the WINDIGO, is resurrected by a Native American teenager and his grandmother to protect their family after a run-in with back-woods meth dealers. They soon discover that the creature's lust for killing cannot be controlled. As each killing bonds the teen and the Windigo ever closer, the family must find a way to break the curse before all of them bec...
更多改编自Chard Connell的冒险小说。一艘巡洋舰因遭遇失事而被迫停靠在一个偏僻的小岛附近,巡洋舰上的三名乘客安全地抵达小岛。这个小岛是一个神秘的人Count Zaroff所拥有的,他邀请三人在小岛上逗留。Count Zaroff喜欢打猎,但他只猎杀的是人类!…… 参与本片拍摄的导演欧尼斯特·B·舍德萨克曾经拍摄过不少科幻片和恐怖片,在20实际30年代,他曾经拍摄过一部叫《金刚》的怪兽片,是历史上第一部金刚系列的电影。《金刚》、《金刚之子》和《最危险的游戏》是他的出名作。
Marquis(欧玛瑞·哈德威克 饰)带着家人飞往偏远的阿帕拉契参加父亲的丧礼,不料途中一场暴风雨使得飞机失控。Marquis醒来时受了伤,自己一人困在Ms. Eloise(洛雷塔·迪瓦恩 饰)的阁楼里。Ms.Eloise说自己用了Marquis的血和皮肤制作了巫毒Boogity,并将使用Boogity帮他治疗痊愈。求救无门的Marquis只能想尽办法以智取胜,试图下个月圆之夜之前逃离Ms. Eloise的巫术并拯救自己的家人免于这场邪恶的祭典。
Forced to travel with her boyfriend, Laine, she begins to experience premonitions associated with the urban myth of The Creeper. Laine believes that something supernatural has been summoned - and that she is at the center of it all.
When the naval construction designer Oliver Reed (Kent Smith) meets the Serbian Irena Dubrovna Reed (Simone Simon) in the zoo, he flirts with her and they sooner fall in love and marry each other. However, Irena is afraid of an ancient course of her town that women can not be touched by a man, otherwise she will transform in a panther, and the couple does not consummate their m...
聽呀……聽見了就會死去呀…… 1972年的偏遠村莊,一名少女夜裡聽見疑似「聽呀」的怪聲後,短短幾天內便離奇身亡......。少女慘死的消息很快在小村莊傳開,得知消息的大哥Yak(納得克庫吉米亞 飾)決定從軍營返家照顧全家人。某日,小妹Yam(拉塔娃蒂婉通 飾)放學時遇到一名樣貌詭異的黑衣女子後,乖巧的她突然性情大變,有時異常暴力,有時無故瘋狂尖叫,午夜夢迴時,甚至會中邪般重複唸著令人毛骨悚然的「聽呀…聽呀…」,詭譎「陰聲」逐漸蔓延到這個家中…….
在1956 年的法国北部,一群地下矿工带着一位教授前往地下一千米深处进行取样调查,而突如其来的山体滑坡导致他们无法再返回地面,但他们也发现了一个来自另一个时代的墓穴,并在不知情的情况下唤醒了传说中的嗜血生物。
An ancient Chippewa demon, the WINDIGO, is resurrected by a Native American teenager and his grandmother to protect their family after a run-in with back-woods meth dealers. They soon discover that the creature's lust for killing cannot be controlled. As each killing bonds the teen and the Windigo ever closer, the family must find a way to break the curse before all of them bec...