托德·海恩斯宣布将携手宝丽金、Verve Label Group一同打造这部聚焦地下丝绒摇滚乐队的未定名传记片。他表示:“能与环球音乐的团队一起着手这个项目,我感到非常兴奋,这是我执导的第一部纪录片,是关于音乐世界中最激进、最具影响力的摇滚乐队之一的地下丝绒乐队。”
提到默片年代的喜剧泰斗,很多人记得差利,其实冷面笑匠巴士达基顿同属殿堂级高手,对后来者一样影响深远。奥逊威尔斯直言钟爱《将军号火车》 (1926)。《七个机会》(1925)被一大群新娘狂追不舍,还有连环闪避巨石的画面,至今仍令人叹为观止。以《最后一场电影》(1971)名留影史的波丹诺维奇,回顾基顿一生起落,从他小时候跟父母表演杂耍说起,再细数其辉煌岁月十部经典杰作,重温那些历久不衰的惊险搞笑绝技。
影片是纪录片导演 Zachary Heinzerling的首部长片。《小可爱与拳击手》讲述了来自日本的“行动派”画家Ushio Shinohara和他的妻子Noriko Shinohara四十多年的婚姻,他们常常需要不断学习和包容来自对方的种种个性和缺点。Ushio Shinohara现年已经73岁,他主要在纽约举行创作,戴着拳击手套上面包裹着海绵,蘸取墨汁在画布上作画,而他的妻子Noriko尽管一直被当成丈夫身边的助手,却也在试图实现自己存在的价值。
斯科塞斯拍摄的一部关于演员史蒂文·普林斯(Steven Prince)过往事迹的纪录片。
A visionary, innovator, and originator who defied categorization and embodied the word cool: a foray into the life and career of musical and cultural icon Miles Davis.
In 1976, Karen and Barry Mason had fallen on hard times and were looking for a way to support their young family when they answered an ad in the Los Angeles Times. Larry Flynt was seeking distributors for Hustler Magazine. What was expected to be a brief sideline led to their becoming fully immersed in the LGBT community as they took over a local store, Circus of Books. A decade later, they had become the biggest distributors of gay porn in the US.
The film focuses on the double life they led, trying to maintain the balance of being parents at a time when LGBT culture was not yet accepted. Their many challenges included facing jail time for a federal obscenity prosecution and enabling their store to be a place of refuge at the height of the AIDS crisis.
Circus of Books offers a rare glimpse into an untold chapter of queer history, and it is told through the lense of the owners' own daughter, Rachel Mason, an artist, filmmaker and musician.
A documentary about Ben Bradlee, the iconic editor of The Washington Post.