在下班回家的路上,娜美(千瑀嬉饰)丢失了她的智能手机,里面包含她的一切个人信息。俊英(任时完饰)找到了娜美的手机并将其归还给她,但在手机里面安装了间谍软件。通过跟踪她的日常生活,他了解了所有关于娜美的信息 — 她的行踪、爱好、品味、工作生活、财务状况和社交网络 — 并通过隐藏自己的真实身份来接近她。
年逾七旬的国民诗人李适瑶(朴海日 饰)隐居在一处偏僻的别墅中,生活起居全由弟子徐志有(金武烈 饰)打点,而徐志有作为文坛新秀,即将推出他的第一本小说《心脏》。恩娇(金高恩 饰)的无意闯入打破了李适瑶和弟子平静的生活,恩娇年轻漂亮,又天真懵懂,李适瑶在她的身上似乎找回了一 点昔日的青春活力。看到自己敬仰的恩师居然和一个十七岁的女学生纠缠不清,而自己的地位正在逐渐下降,徐志有有一点难以接受,但更多的,是嫉妒。
史学家崔民在(赵宰贤 饰)提出了一个有可能扭转时局的设想,那就是盖在条约上的国印系伪造,也就是说,这份条约没有任何的法律效益。想要证明国印为假,那就必须找出真正的国印,总统(安圣基 饰)全力支持崔民在的论断,并成立了寻找国印委员会。而反对方则将重点放在了维持国家安全和统一的方面,主张和日方维持良好合作关系,为了达到目的,总理(文成根 饰)甚至赋予了情报局秘书官李尚铉(车仁表 饰)抹杀崔民在的权利。
Soo-kyung is a news reporter with a troubled past. Back then when she was a teenager, she and her best friend Min-soo wanted to go to a park, but there Min-soo disappeared without a trace. Soo-kyung felt responsible and decided to become a journalist, to investigate the case on her own. But until now she has found no sign of her friend. One day, she gets a call from her childhood-friend Min-gook who insists that he saw Min-soo. Soo-kyung doesn't believe him at first, but finally she is able to meet Min-soo again. Min-soo in return confirms her identity and also recognizes Soo-kyung, but she behaves totally different. Soo-kyung feels that something is still terribly wrong and everything points to Min-soo's boyfriend Dong-min.
在美国洛杉矶夜店工作的马克(马东石 饰),一直梦想在腕力比赛中成为世界冠军,被自认是他经纪人的晋基(权律 饰)说服,回到韩国参加全国腕力大赛。
除了比赛之外,晋基还送了从小被领养到美国的马克亲生母亲住家地址当做回国礼物。不过,马克只遇见从没见过面的妹妹秀珍(韩艺利 饰)和她的 一双儿女。在晋基牵线下,马克参加非法的腕力比赛。面对腕力怪物强敌环伺,在家人的支持下,马克能够一圆冠军梦吗?
因为儿子尹泰宇(元斌 饰)是智障,所以母亲(金惠子 饰)总是担心他受伤。一天,泰宇被一辆奔驰车撞倒,朋友镇泰(秦久 饰)带他去高尔夫球场找打球的教授报仇,结果被带回了警局。因为镇泰踢坏了后视镜,教授向他们索赔,泰宇被当成了挡箭牌。 从警局出来后,在家吃过晚饭,泰宇去找镇泰喝酒,但此时镇泰趁着夜色回到球场找出了白天扔进湖中的球杆。泰宇酒后尾随一个名叫文雅中的女学生,结果第二天雅中的尸体就出现在屋顶。泰宇被当做唯一的嫌疑人带回了警局,接着在警察的威胁下画押认罪。得知儿子入狱,心急如焚的母亲委托著名律师为他翻案。但是,泰宇的病影响了他的记忆,母亲在替儿申冤的道路上步履蹒跚……
The life of Moonjung, the main character of Greenhouse, is not happy. She suffers from a psychological disorder, her young son is locked up in a juvenile detention center, and since she has no home, she lives in a greenhouse. She sometimes sees a man, but she’s not sure if she really loves him. However, since she is nice and sincere, she works as a caregiver for an elderly couple and gets by in harsh conditions until a tragic event happens. After the incident, her life falls into a whirlwind, and the narrative speeds into confusion. Using the genre conventions cleverly in every major part, the fate of Moonjung, who has fallen into the trap of tragedy, unfolds as a skillful thriller of pain.
On February 2013, Haleem, born in Aleppo, Syria, plans to escape the civil war and go to Germany, where his sister lives, and later invite his family after being granted refugee status. During the transit in Korea, he is caught with a fake passport and denied entry. He is later sent to Turkey where he is denied entry again, ending up back in Korea. After staying in the deportation room in the Korean airport, he is sent to stay at a foreign shelter, when one day he hears of his son's death and goes into a violent rage, unable to handle the sad news. The lawyer in charge of his case continues to challenge his detention, and the Korean Ministry of Justice ends up canceling his Emergency Protective Order without notifying him. Haleem, who unintentionally stepped into unfamiliar Korean soil, finds himself working illegally at a construction site, where he meets Riyadh, an unregistered Arab resident. They comfort each other's pain and develop a father and son relationship. Haleem, who had saved money to bring in his family to Korea, spent all his hard- earned money paying off Riyadh's father's debts. With the help of Youssef, a Christian Arab, Haleem gets a job at a junkyard and a place to stay. But Riyadh gets into a serious accident and is pronounced brain dead after he is chased by immigration officers. The church elders and ministers plot to use Riyadh's organs for their church main elder's transplant surgery. They try to persuade Haleem to concede by telling him that the church can bring his wife and daughter from the Turkish refugee camp to Korea along with their missionary group. Haleem falls into a religious conflict and moral dilemma, leading other Arabs around him to misunderstand him. A story about a person stuck in the midst of cultural, religious, ethnic, and national conflict.