HBO纪录片[蒂娜](Tina,暂译)释出先导预告。该片由[不可击败]导演丹尼尔·林赛、T·J·马丁执导。该片将讲述国际巨星蒂娜·特纳的传奇人生,影片将着重记录蒂娜80年代个人事业复苏时期,影片除了包括先前未曝光的档案资料外,还将有与蒂娜的采访资料。该片将于3月27日登陆HBO与HBO Max。
The series follows Faye Yager, who built a vast underground network that hid hundreds of mothers and children, saving them from the alleged abuse of husbands and fathers when a broken court system would not.
First-time director/drummer from Australia, Alan Hicks, convinced his surfing mate and cinematographer, Adam Hart, to travel to the U.S. to follow and film 89-year-old jazz legend, Clark Terry (Quincy Jones's first teacher) over four years - to document an unlikely mentorship between Terry and a driven, blind piano prodigy, Justin Kauflin, 23. Clark, now 93, mentored Miles Davi...
Drones are transforming our world. We use them to deliver our medicines, clean our skyscrapers and even fight fires. But there is a dark side to this airborne revolution, from a shocking rise in drone-plane near misses above our heads to last year's sustained drone disruption at Gatwick – Britain's second largest airport – that ruined the Christmas plans of 140,000 people and c...
In 1989, physicist Bob Lazar broke the story of Area 51 and the US government's work on alien spacecrafts. He blew the whistle, shocked the world, then went silent - until now.
Is your smart phone making you stupid? Can you make yourself cleverer? The Great British Intelligence Test measures the brainpower of the nation in one of the largest intelligence experiments of its kind. Devised with leading scientists at Imperial College, London, over 250,000 people around the nation have taken part so far - revealing important new science about the nation’s ...
Chris Cubas是一名喜剧演员,也是德克萨斯州奥斯汀市的打工人。奥斯丁是整个国家贫富差最大的城市之一,克里斯计划找出原因。他将在接下来的一个月里成为“百分之一”的富人,他有3万美元,需要在30天的时间来花掉它。他将用这些钱来接触他一无所知的那1%的人,看看为什么富人越来越富而穷人却一直穷。然而,依靠暂时的富有进入了富人圈,却让他更加明白要想让一个有钱人,金钱、服装或在高尔夫球场上闲谈是远远不够的……
在美国,警察被赋予了控制人们个人生活的非凡权力。警察决定谁是可疑的,谁“符合描述”。他们定义威胁,并决定如何应对。他们要求人们服从,并附带不断的暴力威胁。真实的和可感知的犯罪行为以及对社会秩序的威胁均由警方制定,成千上万这样的互动每天在大城小镇中上演。警察使国家的抽象权力变得具体。 《权力背后》追溯了金钱的积累,政治权力的巩固,以及几乎不受限制的两党支持,正是这些支持创建了我们所知的警察制度。从 18 世纪的奴隶巡逻,到 19 世纪第一个公共资助的警察部门,再到 20 世纪 60 年代和 20 世纪 20 年代的起义,这部电影提供了一段直击内心的沉浸式旅程,展示了历史的演进历程。 部分文章,部分采访,部分档案拼贴,《权力背后》用历史材料来阐述我们当下的现实,并探讨与不断增长而且在很大程度上未受到限制的权威有关的紧迫问题:谁被监管,谁被保护,谁来决定,...
Dirty Wars follows investigative reporter Jeremy Scahill, author of the international bestseller Blackwater, into the hidden world of America's covert wars, from Afghanistan to Yemen, Somalia, and beyond. Part action film and part detective story, Dirty Wars is a gripping journey into one of the most important and underreported stories of our time. What begins as a report on a ...
According to the UN, it is predicted that the human population could reach ten billion people by the year 2050. For broadcaster and naturalist Chris Packham, who has dedicated his life to championing the natural world, the subject of our growing population and the impact it is having on our planet is one of the most vital – and often overlooked – topics of discussion in an era ...
Has internet anonymity unleashed a 'dark demon' lurking in all of us? A film that reveals the hard truths surrounding anonymity, dark instincts and freedom on the internet. Smartphones have put the internet into our pockets and billions of people around the world are now connected online
「出櫃與攀登胡德山很像,都很難。」台裔美籍導演 Devin Fei-Fan Tau紀錄四位酷兒運動員,攀登美國奧勒岡州胡德山的過程。這座活火山標高只有3429 公尺,但危險性十足,途中有11條冰川並長年積雪。「我們需要你的幫忙,我們需要你成為我們的盟友」,全片透過「登山」,暗喻「出櫃」所經歷的掙扎與挑戰,就算你成功出櫃了,但登上山頂後要下山,出櫃也是,得面臨接踵而來的諸多挑戰。
For centuries we have dreamt of reaching the centre of the Earth. Now scientists are uncovering a bizarre and alien world that lies 4,000 miles beneath our feet, unlike anything we know on the surface. It is a planet buried within the planet we know, where storms rage within a sea of white-hot metal and a giant forest of crystals make up a metal core the size of the Moon. Horiz...
HBO将推出《权力的游戏》纪录片[权力的游戏:最后的守夜人](Game of Thrones: The Last Watch,暂译),杰尼·芬利(Jeanie Finlay)执导。影片将跟随剧组与演员,见证《权力的游戏》最终季的拍摄过程。该纪录片时长2小时,5月19日登陆HBO。
讲述我们的未来以及我们如何重新构想它们。由著名未来学家阿里·瓦拉赫主持,邀请观众踏上一次环游世界的旅程,充满发现、希望和可能性,了解我们今天所处的位置以及接下来会发生什么。将历史、科学和意想不到的故事编织在一起,以扩大我们对今天所做的选择将对明天产生的影响的理解。每一集都讲述了那些努力解决我们面临的最大挑战的人。该系列还收录了众多思想家、科学家、开发者和故事讲述者的宝贵见解,包括法国总统埃马纽埃尔·马克龙、美国交通部长皮特·布蒂吉格、美国卫生局局长维韦克·穆尔蒂、水手埃伦 ·麦克阿瑟女爵士、音乐家格莱姆斯、建筑师比亚克·英格斯、 气候科学家凯瑟琳·海霍、传奇足球运动员凯利安·姆巴佩等等。
Former leaders of the "pray the gay away" movement contend with the aftermath unleashed by their actions, while a survivor seeks healing and acceptance from more than a decade of trauma.