As a group of Danish children pass into adolescence, gradually the most popular girl becomes an outcast, for trivial reasons that she never understands.
玛拉·昂德 诺亚·萨维德拉 Tonio Schneider 安德烈·鲁斯特 Luisa-Céline Gaffron Nadine Sauter Ivy Lissack Hussein Eliraqui 维多莉亚·塔拉特曼斯多夫 米夏埃尔·维滕博恩 Heidi Walcher Stefan Einfalt Robert Besta Christopher Hans Constanze Weinig
三个无家可归的男孩,两个兄弟,他们是好朋友,住在俄罗斯的铁路车站。有一天,他们决定去在寻找一个更美好的明天。他们想越过边界偷偷进入波兰,寻找他们想要的一切,可是孩子们还没有家庭,朋友,幸福... ... Dorota Kędzierzawska's film tells the story of three homeless Russian boys who travel to Poland for a better life, with the hope that l ife is different and better somewhere else. The boys wanted to change something in their life.
Lynn (22) lives with her brother in Berlin. There she enjoys the advantages of family life, without really feeling involved in it. She does not have any precise aim in life, but manages to awaken the interest of many people with her direct and spontaneous character. Her boyfriend David is very different he is entirely engrossed in his very disciplined swimming training for the world championships. David does not intend to allow himself to be distracted by the complicating factors of a relationship with Lynn. When Lynn, working behind the till of restaurant, meets the Japanese student Koji, everything gets more complicated. They can't exchange many words, but it is soon clear that their moments together mean a lot to both of them.
在印度的一个角落里,一个男子正在梦想……他梦见他拿着500个卢比来到了他母亲的身边,希望自己和母亲不在那么痛苦,可当他正要放到母亲手里的时候,却看到了四周都是和他一样的孩子,还有十多个很老很老的老人,这些人立刻把她包围了,他慢慢的被人群吞噬…… 出生于印度一座小镇上的一个中产阶级家庭,曾做过女演员。1976年,她进美国哈佛大学学习并在那里开始爱上了电影制作。学生时代她拍摄了一系列关于当代印度社会的纪录片,获得了一定的影响力。 米拉 奈儿的第一部剧情片《早安孟买》(SALLAM BOMBAY!),展现了在孟买贫民区中挣扎的一个小男孩痛苦的生活,以纪录片式的手法和现实主义风格有力地揭开了流浪儿悲惨的经历,尽管是处女作,但平稳成熟,一举摘取了1988年坎城电影节金摄影机奖。 自80年代开始,米拉步奈儿就成为了印度电影在西方的一个标志性人物。她的其他片子包括《MISSISSIPPI MASALA》、《THE PEREZ FAMILY, KAMA SUTRA》、《A TALE OF LOVE》以及最近为HBO所拍摄的纪录片 《THE LAUGHING CLUB OF INDIA》(哈哈俱乐部)。 她是第一位抱走金狮奖的女性导演。
索芘娜帕·崇帕尼 查克利·彦纳姆 Vichitra Triyakul 克里特拉·因波维吉特 Chan Ming Lee Joe S. Lee Man X Yim Bowie Fua Geoff Kole Eugene Leong Raajiv Kumar Abdas Samad Bob Senkewicz
娇坦(索尔德娜帕·塔特朗西 Sopitnapa Dabbaransi 饰)热爱绘画,却一直无法出人头地,被诊断患上绝症之后,娇坦决定前往纽约,换一换心情。在纽约,娇坦不幸的遭遇了车祸,就此结识了善良的泰国青年基(威吉拉·达利亚昆 Vichitra Triyakul 饰),车祸令娇坦失去了所有的记忆,她唯一记得的,只有绘画,自觉着理应为此负责的基决定帮助娇坦找回她的记忆。 随着时间的推移,娇坦和基之间渐渐产生了真挚的感情,然而,基厌早已经倦了在纽约颠沛流离的生活,一心想要回到泰国,并为此加入了黑帮,替其卖命。一次偶然中,基误杀了黑帮老大的侄子,因此而陷入了巨大的危机之中。
Martin, an aging man, is abandoned in a psychiatric hospital, where a pharmaceutical business is conducting illegal drug tests. His granddaughter, Ana, discovers that her own father is directly involved and takes action into her own hands. As Ana and Martin run away to grant him his last wish, they must fight for their own survival against the vicious interests of the powerful company. Based on a true story.
本片讲述了在离开家乡多年后,25岁的丹尼因父亲的意外去世而回到了自己童年的家。开始他受不了这个穷乡僻壤的寂寞和无聊,但慢慢地,他才发现这个养育他长大的地方是一片乐土,他也重新赢得了童年时期青梅竹马的苏苏的心。但为了找到他生活的意义,丹尼还是不得不面对多年前让他离开家乡的真正原因。 回乡的自我救赎是本片亮点,在温情的描绘中道出了男主深埋于心底的秘密。影片节奏轻快紧凑,幽默又温情,特别适合年轻观众以及全家观看。 卖点:集聚德国新生代小鲜肉和美少女的青春片。
This is a story of lifetime. A story full of spiritual power biography, behind which stays a whole age in the national development of Bulgaria. Reality Fantasy, 6 May 2006 Author lordsin from Bulgaria This is one of the best movies I've seen. Some may say it has no sense, but if you look closely you'll notice that this movie is a philosophical masterpiece. It shows several scenes of life in the village and then the brilliant Rangel Vulchanov puts reality into a boy's fantasies. The movie jumps from birth to death, from wedding to funeral, from joy to sorrow, from reality to fantasy, from war to peace. There are lots of laughable moments for the comedy fans, and there's drama for the drama fans. You won't forget this movie once you've seen it. It's a true gem! It will give you all you want even more...One of the best Bulgarian movies ever made. Better than all of the French movies altogether!
格拉日娜·沙波沃夫斯卡 玛利亚·帕库尔尼斯 亚历山大·巴尔迪尼 耶日·拉齐维沃维奇 阿图尔·巴奇斯 米哈尔·巴约尔 马雷克·孔德拉特 塔德乌什·布拉德茨基 丹尼·韦伯 克日什托夫·库兹明斯基 马尔泽娜·泰巴拉 亚当·费仁希 埃尔兹别塔·基拉斯卡 杰兹·卡玛斯 汉娜·杜诺夫斯卡 扬·特萨利兹 安德烈·沙拉夫斯基
香港青年苏晓宛于结婚当日被新郎抛弃,独自踏上了一个人的蜜月旅程。 当苏晓宛到达风光明媚的珠海,巧遇了也从香港来珠海公干的忠实厚道的伟伦。一场阴差阳错的误会后,苏晓宛强行要伟伦做她七天“结婚恋人”,陪她完成这个“蜜月假期”。他们的行踪被苏晓宛的亲哥哥阿成发觉。阿成因担心其妹而暗中跟踪他们。伟伦虽表面勉强但暗中心花怒放。 苏晓宛的突然失踪,令苏晓宛的好友阿梨和阿娟担心不已,两人决定要揭发伟伦的“真面目”,不但悄悄跟踪二人,更让阿娟设计陷害伟伦。苏晓宛见此情景,对伟伦产生误会,开始争吵起来。 阿梨继续恶意破坏,来证明队伟伦不是好人。伟伦好友志远偶然揭发一切是阿梨在作怪,所以处处与她为敌,闹出不少笑话。苏晓宛与伟伦明明很在意对方,却为了面子问题,不肯承认。就在此时,苏晓宛在沙滩遇上性格乐观开朗的陈冬凡,苏晓宛被他的阳光气息吸引,异常投机。原来陈冬凡是阿成的多年好友,陈冬凡受阿成所托,要好好照顾其妹。阿成暗地里连番试探伟伦,希望多了解此人。苏晓宛当然毫不知情。 玩闹的“七天蜜月”中,苏晓宛虽说敢作敢为,但也开始怀疑这段错乱“婚恋”质疑自己。而伟伦糊里糊涂做了苏晓宛的限期“丈夫”,由最初怀着玩闹心态,渐渐觉得应该认真对待爱情,但始终不知如何是好! 等到假期最后一天,伟伦才发现自己原来已深深爱上苏晓宛!那么,伟伦还能讨回苏晓宛的芳心吗?
教宗即將來訪!預計有數萬名群眾將湧進這個小村…。窮困的村民聽到這個好消息,高興得快要昏倒!他們打算趁機海撈一票,於是個個使出了渾身解數:有人要賣西班牙香腸,有人要做美味點心,也有人打算以燒烤的色、香、味,來誘惑教宗…。 面對這大好商機,貝托突發奇想,他決定在自家門前蓋個洗手間來獻給教宗;到時光靠路過的民眾,就能使他大發利市。貝托於是開始囤積大量衛生紙,並冒著生命危險,越過邊界去找一只在此地稱得上「稀有」的馬桶…。為了應付屆時大排長龍的人們,貝托甚至苦思對策,該如何使客人不會在裡面逗留太久…。 教宗就要來了!熱情沸騰的村民們,個個磨拳擦掌,準備迎接這史上空前的賺錢良機!但人已到隔壁村的教宗,卻遲遲還沒過來,村民都焦急的不得了…。教宗最後會來嗎?他又會帶來多少人潮和商機呢?每個人一生中最大的幸福和夢想,都押注在這具有決定性的一刻上!…
2005年索菲亚国际电影节回顾单元评选的“保加利亚影史十部最伟大影片”之一。 A large balloon suddenly appears above villages and fields and grabs the attention of the peasants. They start liking the sudden guest from nowhere for the beauty of the free existence. A policeman comes and the dreams of freedom vanish. A barrage balloon appears unexpectedly over a Bulgarian village. The startled villagers decide to knock it down with a fusillade. But the balloon flies off to the mountains. The villagers, armed to their teeth, set off after it. But they are not alone in this undertaking. There is another armed group that chases the 'wonder'. An argument whose property the balloon is breaks out between the two groups. It turns out that the balloon flew from Romania over the Danube River. In the turmoil following the argument, the balloon is destroyed. The police arrive and punish the villagers for meddling in other people's affairs.
A loving film tribute to Russian filmmaker Larisa Shepitko, who died tragically in a car accident in 1979 at the age of 40. This documentary by her husband, Elem Klimov, includes excerpts from all of Shepitko's films, and her own voice is heard talking about her life and art. Elem Klimov's grief-stricken elegy Larisa examines the life of his late wife—the film director Larisa Shepitko—through a series of direct-address interviews and photomontages, set against a mournful visual-musical backdrop. Typically, Klimov films his subjects (which include himself and several of Shepitko's collaborators) within a stark, snow-covered forest, its tangled web of trees standing in as metaphorical representation of a perhaps inexpressible suffering, the result of Shepitko's premature death while filming her adaptation of Valentin Rasputin's novella Farewell to Matyora. Interweaving home movie footage with sequences from Shepitko's work (Maya Bulgakova's pensive plane crash reminiscence from Wings takes on several new layers of resonance in this context), Larisa's most powerful passage is its first accompanied by the grandiose final music cue from Shepitko's You and I, Klimov dissolves between a series of personal photographs that encompass Larisa's entire life, from birth to death. This brief symphony of sorrow anticipates the cathartic reverse-motion climax of Klimov's Come and See, though by placing the scene first within Larisa's chronology, Klimov seems to be working against catharsis. The pain is clearly fresh, the wound still festering, and Klimov wants—above all—to capture how deep misery's knife has cut.
加夫列尔(费尔南多·瓦尔沃德 Fernando Valverde 饰)和妻子卡门(西尔维娅·蒙特 Silvia Munt 饰)结婚多年,卡门怀孕生下了可爱的小女儿阿米(Susana García Díez 饰),虽然加夫列尔一心希望生下的是男孩,但依旧十分疼爱阿米。之后,卡门又怀孕了,阿米有了一个弟弟。弟弟出生之后,阿米的境遇开始变得艰难,父亲和母亲的注意力大多集中在小儿子身上,这令阿米心中十分不是滋味。最终,阿米犯下了一生难以偿还的过错。 在冷漠和罪恶感之中,阿米长大成人,可她的家庭却早已经支离破碎。一场意外之中,阿米被人侵犯,父亲亦因此终生将要坐在轮椅之上,母亲精神崩溃,与此同时,阿米发现自己怀孕了。
影片改编自出生于法国的波兰诗人、作家爱德华•斯塔胡拉(Edward Stachura;1937年8月18日~1979年7月24日)发表于1971年的小说《执斧人或冬季的森林人》(Siekierezada albo zima leśnych ludzi)。 敏感的年轻诗人雅内克不能再接受口是心非的人和虚伪的世界,已经在世界上找不到自己的位置。他很想能有一个与他熟知的世界根本不同的地方来充实他的生活,于是他应了林务招聘,将他的全部财产装在袋子里背在身后,到深山老林当了一名冬季临时伐木工。林场里空气清新,采伐工人虽性格不一,但跟城里人不同个个坦诚友好,他很快和他们交上了朋友。他也越来越相信“苹果树枝会在纯洁的土地上和心灵里双开花”(他的人生哲理)。尽管每个晚上都要被爱情创伤的噩梦惊醒,他还是盼望在这个纯朴的劳动者的圈子里也许会找到他所期待的东西,直到发生了改变了他想法的一件事—— 一个老实巴交的执斧人借着喝高了伏特加,用伐木的斧子砍翻了小酒馆的餐桌,以发泄妻子对他不忠的不满。 这件事触痛了他的神经,他决定告别林场。途中,自从来到森林里白天不再出现的幻觉又重新浮现在了他的脑海,只是这次不同,爱的天使犹如一具带着面具的美丽僵尸。 一辆呼啸进山的窄轨火车迎面驶来。周游世界的机会终于来临!他扔下装在袋子里的全部家当,只身一人去一个比他所有生活过的地方更加冷冰冰白皑皑的世界去追求他的人生哲学。
巴哈拉姆·拉丹 格什菲·法拉哈尼 Masoud Rayegany 罗亚·泰摩瑞安 纳德尔·索莱曼尼 Maedeh Tahmasebi Mahyar Pourhesabi Siamak Khahani Mohammad Solooki 哈桑·普西拉齐 Sadreddin Hejazi Ali Asghar Tabasi Kianoosh Gerami Atefeh Khobani Abdul Wasee Rahimi Amin Salahloo Bardia Zadeh
A very famous and successful Santoor ( Iranian traditional instrument ) player falls in the trap of drugs and loses everything in his life gradually ! even his wife who was in love with him .he struggles to give up smoking and finds his way to a medical institute and manages to give up smoking .
一位新房客(艾佛•诺维洛饰)被房东太太(玛丽•奥尔特饰)和她丈夫(阿瑟•切斯尼饰)怀疑有可能是恶名昭著的“连环杀手”,但他们当时装模特的女儿黛西•邦廷(琼•特里普饰)却被他深深吸引。黛西的男友警探乔•贝茨(马尔科姆•基恩饰)产生了嫉妒,于是在房东太太的教唆下获得了搜查令闯入了他的房间。然后警察找到了一把手枪和一张标明以往杀人地点的地图,以及一张第一个受害人的照片。房客辩称那个女孩是她的妹妹,他只是在寻找杀人凶手,可是警察还是逮捕了他。在黛西的帮助下,他逃了出来,但因为戴着手铐在酒吧被人发现,于是,他被逼入了墙角。 本片有一个难忘的镜头被希区柯克称为是在默片时代替声音的拍法,就是镜头里出现“房客戴着手套的右手在楼梯扶手上慢慢下滑。
1950 рік. З кінцем Другої світової війни ведеться нерівна на теренах Західної України боротьба на два фронти спочатку проти німецьких окупантів, а потім — проти більшовицької навали. У Карпатах продовжують збройну боротьбу знесилені, знекровлені, — але нескорені духом — збройні частини та невеликі боївки Української повстанської армії, здавна могутньої, добре організованої та вишколеної армії. На чолі армії — видатний Командир, легендарний генерал-хорунжий Роман Шухевич, знаний серед воїнів УПА як Тарас Чупринка. Саме долю цього командира покладено в гостросюжетну й динамічну основу фільму «Нескорений» це реальна спроба художніми засобами донести до глядача правду про події воєнного та повоєнного часу на Західній України.
玛丽萨·帕雷德斯 胡安·埃查诺维 卡梅·埃利亚斯 萝西·德·帕尔马 丘斯·兰普雷亚维 基蒂·曼维尔 华金·柯特斯 马纽埃尔·巴尔加斯 伊马诺尔·阿里亚斯 格洛里亚·穆诺兹 胡安·乔斯·奥特圭 南乔·诺沃 詹迪·莫拉 艾丽西娅·阿吉特 马里索尔·穆里尔
女作家里奥(Marisa Paredes 饰)使用阿曼达的笔名写了二十多年言情小说,然而最近创作却遭遇了瓶颈,供职于军队的丈夫出国多时,使里奥为婚姻紧张莫名无法专心写作,甚至一对靴子都可以让她困扰。在好友贝蒂的介绍下,里奥与编辑安吉尔(Juan Echanove 饰)见面,虽然里奥拒绝了对方的工作,但安吉尔的敏锐仍给她留下了印象。同时出版社对里奥的近况颇为不满,要求她回到正轨否则就公开她讳莫如深的真实身份。丈夫终于回家但却匆匆离去,并且表示婚姻已经破裂,伤心欲绝的里奥服药自杀,幸好被母亲的一个电话拉回人世。安吉尔在里奥无助时进入了他的生活,表示可以和他共享阿曼达的秘密。好友贝蒂承认了与丈夫的私情,里奥无心追究与母亲回乡下静养,在周围人们的触动下终于脱离阴霾。 本片获1996年卡罗维发利国际电影节最佳女演员等多项专业褒奖。
Mariano Martínez Federico Amador 拉里·埃斯波西托 Agustina Lecouna 埃米利奥·迪 Mauricio Dayub Alejandro Porro Mariano Argento 维克托里奥·达历山德罗 Liliana Benard Mónica Fleiderman Julián Zocchi
At 2 Ela lost her ability of seeing and hearing because of a severe illness. And then she became a total disappointment of her family due to her untamed behaviors. But everything changed after an unorthodox teacher stepped into their lives to educate Ela while healing himself.
剧情改编自意大利语言学家兼小说家佳维诺莱达自学成功的真实故事,他原是萨丁尼亚地区的牧羊人,二十岁之前还目不识丁,后因不堪父亲的淫威而自愿从军。军中一位袍泽教他读书识字,从此改变了他的精神世界。退伍后他跑去上大学研究语文,然后回故乡用知识跟严父对抗。 幕后花絮: 本片是意大利导演塔维亚尼兄弟首部扬威国际影坛的力作,获戛纳电影节金棕榈大奖。导演用沉寂多时的意大利新写实主义电影手法来处理这个发生在穷乡僻壤的父子对抗故事,气氛平实感人,有一种原始的美。当年轻的佳维诺在聆听了陌生人的手风琴演奏,而决定拿两只小羊换取手风琴的那一刻令人兴奋,因为他终于采取行动反抗父亲了。
一老一少两个在北极冰原上驻站的气象学家除了要面对令人冻僵的天气还要学着处理一样僵持的关系,这样一个现代版的传奇故事发生在一个坐落在北极Chukotka岛的气象站,那是俄罗斯几乎最北靠东部的一个自治区。即使是在夏季岛上的唯一两个临时居民——在这里呆了很久的技术人员Sergei (Sergei Puskepalis饰演, 他还是演过阿列克谢-普斯科帕里斯基上部片子Simple Things), 和一个从大学来的新人 Pavel (新人 Grigory Dobrygin) –当他们外出读取仪表数据的时候仍然需要穿很多衣服。他们唯一与现代文明的联系就是一台用来回报数据的双向无线电。 两个人的关系发生着什么样的微妙变化,在这个一年四季白雪皑皑的地方……
每个人在某个地方总有一个属于你的人存在。“我心狂野”就是让这种信念实现的故事。它讲述的是拉忽尔,一个不相信爱情的人的故事。拉忽尔不太理解人们是如何能够在一起相处一生,难道真的有人是属于他的吗?这又是关于坡佳,一个相信一定有人是属于她的,而且她一定能遇上那个人的女孩的故事。这还是关于妮莎,一个认为爱情就是友谊,终有一天她的梦想会实现的故事。这部电影还有出色的音乐献给那些有梦想而充满热情的人们。他们的梦想能实现吗?他们能找到他们的真爱吗?影片将让我们相信每个人在某个地方总有一个属于你的人存在。 Dil to pagal hai is a fantastic film. Its my all time favorite.I love to watch Yash Chopra films and among them its the best one. Since the year it released i.e 1997 no other film has touched me like this.My extreme love for DTPH is because of following reasons.. -Its tag line touches me i.e someone somewhere...is made for you. -Its story line and Yash Chopra's perfection as a director. -Its superb music by Uttam Singh and above all LATA MANGESHKAR's melodious duets with Udit Narayan.I love its songs; and in them, Lataji's voice (even more than old songs of Lataji) -Uttam singh's background instruments rock me whenever i listen to the numbers. -Shahrukh Khan's first performance in which he didnot deliver dialogs in the way like he earlier used to.He was very serious and his acting was quite,calm and mature.For the same reason he got several awards for this film. -Madhuri's performance was great and so was of Karisma.Both got awards and Karisma also got her first National Award. -I love its screenplay specially in the shots having an acting stage within the film.(See its climax to confirm what i said.) MUST SEE IT AFTER READING MY COMMENTS IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED WITH ME. I AM SURE YOU WILL ALSO BECOME A DTPH FAN LIKE ME.
尤拉伊·恩沃塔 吉娜·贝尔曼 兹德娜·斯图登科娃 伊日·门泽尔 雅各布·乌尔西尼 鲁道夫·斯洛博达 安东·苏利克 Viera Topinkova Viktor Blaho Daniela Kuffelová Marta Raslová 奥莉加·弗龙斯卡
At 38, Thomas is at a crossroads in his life. His parents are nonstop guilt-inducers, his ex-wife is always on his back, and his son is far from inspirational. Thomas himself is almost too intellectual to survive daily life. The attentions of a straightforward English teacher seem to be a way out.
斯特凡、茱莉亚和托比亚斯这三个兄弟姐妹过着舒适的中产阶级生活。从表面上看,他们做得很好,但所有三个人都越来越意识到他们的生活中存在着差距,有些事情不对劲,有些事情必须改变。41岁的斯特凡是一位成功的飞行员,一位真正的女士;到目前为止,他一直过着无忧无虑的享乐主义者的生活。但是突然之间,他的健康状况就不复存在了;而且,与他在早先的一桩婚外情中所生的女儿维姬的一次邂逅使他偏离了轨道。44岁的茱莉亚和丈夫在意大利度假时,开始照顾一只被车撞的街头狗。突然,她儿子去世的痛苦追上了她。34岁的托比亚斯嫁给了一位职业女性。他一直在照顾他们的三个孩子,似乎无法完成学业;现在他的兄弟姐妹决定他也应该照顾他们生病的父亲。 爱德华·伯杰的电影描绘了三个人寻找幸福和内心平静。由于这三个集中的性格研究,形象出现了一个不安全的一代在一个快速变化的世界。 The three siblings Stefan, Julia and Tobias lead comfortable middle-class lives. Outwardly, they are doing well, but all three are becoming more and more aware that there are gaps in their lives, that something is not right, and that something has to change. Stefan, 41, is a successful pilot and a real ladies man; up to now he has always led the life of a carefree hedonist. But suddenly his health will not play along anymore; moreover, an encounter with his daughter Vicky, whom he fathered in an earlier affair, throws him off course. While holidaying in Italy with her husband, Julia, 44, begins taking care of a street dog that’s been hit by a car. All of a sudden the pain of her son’s death catches up with her. Tobias, 34, is married to a career-orientated woman. He has been taking care of their three children and cannot seem to finish his studies; now his siblings have decided that he should also take care of their sick father. Edward Berger’s film portrays three people in search of happiness and inner peace. As a result of these three concentrated character studies, the image emerges of an insecure generation in a rapidly changing world.
In beautiful sunny afternoon in Prague, a man of a certain age discusses his love of Provence. Suddenly, a black flag is suspended. The composer Foerster died. Graduation film of director Jirí Menzel.
维图斯·策普里夏 Elke Aberle 亚历山大·阿勒森 埃尔尼·曼戈尔德 约翰娜·霍费尔 Wolfgang Hess 阿明·迈耶尔 Erika Runge Katherina Buchhammer Ellen Eckelmann Ulrich Radke Annemarie Wendl János Gönczöl 埃迪特·福尔克曼 Robert Naegele 皮尔·拉本 英格丽·卡文 Hannes Kaetner 莉萝·潘蓓 Dieter Schidor
影片讲的是,忠厚本分的年轻人皮特是个泥瓦匠,他十分孝顺父母,还亲自为他们造了一所房子。然而父母对他的态度似乎并没有因此而好转。之后,他遇上了心爱的女人艾瑞卡。他们一起搬到了慕尼黑,然而,生活的重压,金钱上的困窘却让皮特这个年轻人渐渐改变,最终沦为了阶下囚,而这一切只是为了让妻子爱他…… 该片被一些评论家认为是莱纳尔·沃纳尔·法斯宾德的最佳电影代表作。
约纳斯·奈伊 Trang Le Hong 大卫·史崔梭德 乔尔·巴斯曼 莎斯琪亚·罗森道尔 Paul Gäbler David Schütter 雅各布·比伯 葛赫·斯旺耶·科尔霍夫 乔梅杨 Aaron Le Larissa Fuchs Axel Pape 索斯藤·默滕 Enno Trebs 马提亚斯·布伦纳 玛蒂娜·艾特纳-阿奇姆彭 Claudia Loerding
东西两德合并后,东部瞬间没落。失去工作的青年也失去了生活的目标。随着外籍移民的不断涌入,矛盾日益扩大,仇恨在蔓延。九十年代初期,多个城市爆发了新纳粹主导的排外骚乱活动。本片的背景正是那个时候的罗斯托克。 这部近期的德语高分影片获今年的德国电影奖多项提名,并获得最佳男配角奖。
Jimmy Reardon and Mary Spalding head their respective organizations, Mary as Director of the Organized Crime Unit, Jimmy the boss of his family's organized crime business. Unexpectedly, Mary successfully recruits Jimmy to act as her star individual in the OCU's underground intelligence network on organized crime. However, it's a two-way street as she needs to provide Jimmy with inside information on police knowledge of his businesses. Both Mary and Jimmy need to tread lightly in their relationship while they try and maintain a grip hold on their respective businesses.
The subject of Danièle Huillet and Jean-Marie Straub’s Der Tod des Empedokles (The Death of Empedocles, 1987) is the Greek pre-Socratic philosopher Empedocles (c. 490 BC – 430 BC), who lived in the Greek colony of Agrigentum in Sicily. His theories are mentioned in several of Plato’s dialogues. He maintained that all matter is made up of four irreducible elements water, earth, air and fire. A mystic and a poet, he is considered to be the founder of classical rhetoric. He is also thought to be the last Greek philosopher to write in verse; two fragments of his works survive Katharmoi (Purifications) and Peri Phuseôs (On Nature). An advocate of democracy, he came into conflict with his fellow citizens of Agrigentum and, as result, was banished with his young disciple, Pausanius. When he was asked to return, he preferred to commit suicide by throwing himself into the active volcano at Mount Aetna. The German writer Friedrich Hölderlin wrote two versions of Der Tod des Empedokles in 1798 and 1800, and a final third version in 1820, all three ultimately unfinished. They were conceived as five-act tragedies and all three differ in plot. According to Michael Hamburger, Hölderlin’s English-language translator, the main reason why Hölderlin finished no version of the play must be that he remained too closely identified with Empedocles, at the very period in his life when his own view of the poet as philosopher, prophet and priest – and as tragic hero – was subject to perpetual crisis and re-examination. Huillet-Straub’s The Death of Empedocles is based on Hölderlin’s first version (the longest of the three), whereas Black Sin is based on the third version.
An agoraphobic young woman, traumatized by past events, finds herself trapped and terrorized in her own home.
亚历克斯·冈萨雷斯 米格尔·安赫尔·西尔维斯特 卡洛斯·巴登 朱迪思·迪亚卡特 霍威克·库区科利安 哈维尔·巴登 Elio Toffana Javier Mancebo Dosel Kamana Gombe 胡安·卡洛斯·凡希多 Carlos Kaniowsky
Due to some common interests between German and Russian aristocracy ( the Russians even had aristocrats in their past not to mention they had an Empress called Catherine the Great, as great as this German count's heiresses… ), it is not strange that this Teutonic count has understood and even enjoyed Herr S. M. Eisenstein's Staroye I Novoye. It is not very usual that for the aristocracy to enjoy Bolshevist films full of proletarian demands that put private property at risk or as it happens in this case, a film about the Communist Party's policy on the subject of the collectivization of the Soviet agriculture. Normally this would be perfect gibberish for this German count, but thanks to Herr Eisenstein 's greatness and directorial talent, the hardships of the heroine of the film, Dame Marfa ( Dame Marfa Lapkina ) breached even the thick aristocratic Schloss walls. And that's one of the first remarkable aspects of this oeuvre; in spite of the political subject of the film, the powerful images and lyricism ( astonishing and beautiful shot compositions ), especially during the first part of the movie, preserve the artistic merits entirely while serving a propaganda purpose. The second remarkable aspect of the film is the dichotomy between the old and new, the fight to improve the lot of Dame Marfa and her countrymen. There are many discussions because it is not easy even in Russia to change ancient and conservative customs. There are superb metaphors and social criticism ( illiteracy, bureaucracy, religiosity ) which perfectly fit the film, and last but not least, Staroye I Novoye, is a kind of archaic documentary about ancient customs established deeply in old Russia, those ones that our heroine must fight against. And there is also a lot about agriculture ( very enlightening for this German count), especially about harvesting and how to fatten Russian cows or pigs ( literally, no pun here… ). Herr Eisenstein had to bear during the last era of his film career, unbelievable censorship and mutilation of his work, as happens with Staroye I Novoye. The film was reedited and Eisenstein accused of sympathizing with Trostky's policies but fortunately the film was restored and showed by the German-frenchified t.v. channel ARTE, natürlich!, including an evocative music score by Herr Taras Bujewski, that fits superbly Herr Eisenstein primal artistic interests. And now, if you'll allow me, I must temporarily take my leave because this German Count must buy a tractor for one of his Teutonic heiress.
武裝革命推翻獨裁政權,是以暴制暴,還是以暴易暴國際影展常客伊朗名導馬克馬巴夫描寫一位被推翻的獨裁總統帶著小孫子逃亡,喬裝成貧民、躲藏社會底層,遇見一個個因其恐怖統治而殘破不堪的家庭與個人。究竟他應該被吊死?燒死?斬首?還是隨眾人渴望的民主起舞?本片獲選 2014 威尼斯影展開幕片,虛構而映照現 實。人道主義至上,刀刀見骨卻毫不煽情。