Salomé (1923), a silent film directed by Charles Bryant and starring Alla Nazimova, is a film adaptation of the Oscar Wilde play of the same name. The play itself is a loose retelling of the biblical story of King Herod and his execution of John the Baptist (here, as in Wilde's play, called Jokaanan) at the request of his stepdaughter, Salomé, whom he lusts after. Salomé is often called one of the first art films to be made in the U.S.[citation needed] The highly stylized costumes, exaggerated acting (even for the period), minimal sets, and absence of all but the most necessary props make for a screen image much more focused on atmosphere and on conveying a sense of the characters' individual heightened desires than on conventional plot development. Despite the film being only a little over an hour in length and having no real action to speak of, it cost over $350,000 to make. All the sets were constructed indoors to be able to have complete control over the lighting. The film was shot completely in black and white, matching the illustrations done by Aubrey Beardsley in the printed edition of Wilde's play. The costumes, designed by Natacha Rambova, used material only from Maison Lewis of Paris, such as the real silver lamé loincloths worn by the guards. No major studio would be associated with the film, and it was years after its completion before it was released, by a minor independent distributor. It was a complete failure at the time and marked the end of Nazimova's producing career. A longstanding rumor, which seems to have started while the film was still in production, suggests that its cast is comprised entirely of gay and bisexual actors in an homage to Oscar Wilde, as per star and producer Nazimova's demand. It is, of course, impossible to say, but one of the extras in Salomé reported that a number of the cast members—both featured and extras—were indeed gay, but not an unusual percentage of them, and certainly not all of them. What can be said is that Nazimova herself was a lesbian, the two guard characters (who, next to Salomé, have the most screen time) are at least played very stereotypically gay, and several of the female courtiers are men in drag. Salomé was screened in 1989 at the New York International Festival of Lesbian and Gay films and in 1990 at the New York Gay Experimental Film Festival. In 2000, the United States Library of Congress deemed the film culturally significant and selected it for preservation in the National Film Registry.
1954年指挥大师富特文格勒在萨尔茨堡音乐节上,指挥维也纳爱乐乐团,上演莫扎特的经典歌剧《唐•乔万尼》,这个珍贵的录像堪称富特文格勒留存至今最完美的影像资料,来自当年奥地利导演保罗•齐纳尔的努力,不计工本,用彩色电影胶片拍摄整个歌剧的演出,由著名的意大利男低音西耶皮演唱剧名主角,瑞士女高音德拉.卡萨演唱艾尔薇拉,堪称一时之选。卡司如下: Otto Edelmann...Leporello - Bass Elisabeth Grümmer...Donna Anna - Soprano Cesare Siepi...Don Giovanni - Bariton Dezsõ Ernster...Commendatore - Bass Anton Dermota...Don Ottavio - Tenor Lisa della Casa...Donna Elvira - Soprano
影片Катя Измайлова改编自列斯科夫的随笔《姆岭克斯县的马克白夫人》。 女作家的儿媳妇卡佳和作家别墅的帮工谢尔盖一见钟情。30岁的卡佳在谢尔盖身上找到了从未有过的激情,受情欲支配的她只要有机会就要和谢尔盖做爱。卡佳对工作的懈怠引起了婆婆的不满。卡佳为了扫清她和谢尔盖今后生活的障碍,婆婆生病时故意拖延时间使之丧命,然后和谢尔盖一起将自己的丈夫杀害掩埋。卡佳以为从此她就可以开始过幸福的生活了。但谢尔盖早有女友,他对卡佳也是另有图谋。得知真相的卡佳约谢尔盖和其女友一起进城,半途中,卡佳谎称汽车抛锚要谢尔盖修车,等谢尔盖下车后,卡佳发动汽车,将自己和谢尔盖的女友一同坠入河中摔死。 导演瓦·托多罗夫斯基是俄罗斯新生代导演中的佼佼者。或许出生于电影世家(其父是著名导演,曾执导电影《国际女郎》,其母是编剧及制片人)让他对镜头有一种天然的敏锐。新颖的视角,影调构图的个性设计赋予影片难得的精致与优雅,对场景和对白的精雕细琢给影片提供了深厚的底层铺垫。本片看似曲折、充满谋杀的剧情其实只是为了商业上的宣传,导演更注重叙事的结构。大气、精细、个性化似乎已经成为瓦·托多罗夫斯基影像作品的风格。
马塞洛·马斯楚安尼 克劳迪娅·卡汀娜 皮埃尔·布拉瑟 里娜·莫雷莉 托马斯·米连 Fulvia Mammi Patrizia Bini Anna Arena Maria Luisa Crescenzi Jole Fierro Cesarina Gheraldi
故事发生在意大利的卡塔尼亚,安东尼奥(马塞洛·马斯楚安尼 Marcello Mastroianni 饰)生得一副英俊的面孔,是小镇里有名的花花公子。许多姑娘被他的传闻撩得心痒痒,慕名而来希望成为他的妻子。最终,安东尼奥选择了名为芭芭拉(克劳迪娅·卡汀娜 Claudia Cardinale 饰)的女子,两人携手步入了婚礼的殿堂。 结婚之后,芭芭拉才发现自己的丈夫外强中干,实际上是个性无能,感觉受到了欺骗的芭芭拉决定离开安东尼奥。为了保全儿子的颜面,安东尼奥的父亲做了许多的荒唐事,并且最终死于非命,而安东尼奥却在无心插柳的情况下,成功的令家中的女仆怀孕。
The issue of War widow representation in Israeli cinema is one of the most complex for the local industry for it seems to be unique and with a very local and specific iconography. The war Widow is a difficult character to digest. Because this is an especially painful topic in Israel, its mode of representation is almost always problematic. Gila Almagor in Tofano's siege is one of the first characters of the modern war widows to appear on Israeli cinema screens. The human and social complexity of the status of widows was not represented adequately and personally until her complex and fine appearance in this film. It was mostly Preceded by cliches of heroic women who have sacrificed for the nation with characters to which it was very difficult to get attached, nor to their personal grief. Siege was directed by an unknown Italian director of that period. Although Gilberto Tofano was brought as a professional director on the wings of inspiration made by the French New Wave of those years, he managed to turn out a very exciting work which has caught the Israeli warmth and sense of social siege which surrounds the Israeli widows, including the great expectations from them and the social stigmas. Tofano wrapped his leading lady with lots of warmth and gave a place of honor to Almagor's impressive presence in the film. This is without a doubt one of Almagor's best and most accurate performances. The restraint in her performance plus the shooting and expressive use of angles by Tofano and his soft European touch which was far off from the aggressive local product managed to produce a sense of documenting an authentic tragedy with a tangible personal touch that minimized the national dimension. The result stands the test of time proudly several decades after its creation.
“It is a film from an extended series. It is hard to say who is the main character of “The Soviet Elegy.” There are more than a hundred faces of our compatriots. But, of course, it is not by chance that it is the destiny of a famous political figure, Boris Nikolayevitch Yeltsin, that bears a special accent in the film. Though he got to power following quite typical ways, his uncommon character puts him out of the ordinary, and in the author’s opinion it may be determined by his uncommon human nature. Our hero exists within the tragic pattern of the soviet socialist life. He is a character of a drama, of which he is one of the authors. “The Soviet Elegy” can hardly be called a documentary film in the proper sense. Of course, the author guarantees the accuracy of chronology, but he insists on an artistic mode of thinking, not on a political or historical investigation.”
伊娃·达尔贝克 哈里特·安德森 古纳尔·布约恩施特兰德 乌尔夫·帕姆 因加·朗格里 本克特-奥克·本特松 斯文·林德贝里 Kerstin Hedeby 茜芙·埃里克斯 约斯塔·普吕塞柳斯 Sigvard Törnqvist Nini Arpe Asta Backman 英格玛·伯格曼 Margaretha Bergström 比约恩·比耶尔文斯塔姆 勒妮·比约林 阿克塞尔·迪贝里 Jessie Flaws Git Gay Ludde Gentzel 英加·吉尔 Elsa Hofgren Maud Hytt
弗朗西斯卡(多利斯·道灵 Doris Dowling 饰)是小偷沃尔特(维托里奥·加斯曼 Vittorio Gassman 饰)的情妇,沃尔特自私贪婪心狠手辣,常常虐待弗朗西斯卡,令她苦不堪言。最终,弗朗西斯卡决定从他的身边逃开,前往波流河自寻生路。 在波流河,弗朗西斯卡结识了同事希尔瓦纳(肖瓦娜·曼加诺 Silvana Mangano 饰),希尔瓦纳拥有俊俏的外表和高傲的性格,她暗暗的将弗朗西斯卡认定为竞争对手。沃尔特循着弗朗西斯卡的踪迹也来到了波流河,他被希尔瓦纳的美貌所吸引,向她展开热情的攻势。原来,沃尔特想要利用希尔瓦纳的职位之便来偷窃营地里的粮食,弗朗西斯卡虽然百般提醒希尔瓦纳,但后者并不相信她。
Based on one of the major literary texts survived from the Middle Kingdom, the classical period of Egyptian literature, The Eloquent Peasant is a combination of a moralityfolk tale and a poem. The events are set between 2160 and 2025 BC. When the peasant Khun-anup and his donkey stumble upon the lands of the noble Rensi, the peasant’s goods are confiscated and he’s unjustly accused of theft. The peasant petitions Rensi who is so taken by the peasant’s eloquence that he report his astonishing discovery to the king. The king realises the peasant has been wronged but delays judgement so as to he can hear more of his eloquence. The peasant makes a total of nine petitions until finally, his goods are returned.
One night when seeking his estranged wife, Hoffmann goes to the youth center where she works. The police are there rounding up radicals who frequent the center - Hoffmann runs into the building and ends up being shot in the head. He awakens with brain trauma, partially paralyzed and unable to speak. The police accuse him of stabbing an officer; the radicals herald him as an innocent victim of police brutality. During his slow recovery at the hospital, Hoffmann must piece together his life and struggle to remember the events of that night.
丽芙·乌曼 马克斯·冯·叙多夫 西格·菲尔斯特 古纳尔·布约恩施特兰德 贝吉塔·瓦尔堡 汉斯·阿尔弗莱德森 英瓦尔·谢尔松 弗兰克·松德斯特伦 乌尔夫·约翰松 维尔戈特·斯耶曼 本特·埃克隆德 约斯塔·普吕塞柳斯 维利·彼得斯 芭布洛·约尔特·阿夫·奥纳斯 阿格达·海林
在这个世界上,总有一些人因为他们的特立独行而被人铭记。杨(马克斯·冯·西多 Max von Sydow 饰)和伊娃(丽芙·乌曼 Liv Ullmann 饰)是一对个性独特的音乐家夫妻,战争的到来摧毁了他们赖以生存的家园,为了躲避战乱,两人乘船来到了一座小岛之上,在那里,夫妻两过上了日出而作日落而息的田园生活。 好景不长,战火很快就蔓延到了小岛上,军队和紧接而来的游击队打得不可开交,杨和伊娃好不容易得来的平静生活再度面临巨大危机,好在有好友雅克比(甘纳尔·布耶恩施特兰德 Gunnar Björnstrand 饰)慷慨地出手相救,他们才得以脱离险境。然而,令杨无法接受的是,雅克比在身为恩人的同时竟也是他的情敌,他和伊娃之间并不纯洁的关系令杨心中妒火中烧。
彼得·冈萨雷斯·法尔孔 Fiona Florence Britta Barnes Pia De Doses Marne Maitland Renato Giovannoli 伊莉莎·马邑纳德蒂 Stefano Mayore Galliano Sbarra 安娜·马尼亚尼 Ginette Marcelle Bron 戈尔·维达尔 Marie Párová Alfredo Adami Sbarra Adami Aristide Caporale 小费奥多尔·恰利亚平 丹尼斯·克里斯托弗 弗兰科·奇蒂 Dant
一个漂泊各地的男人来到一所旅馆当服务生,在这里他结识了美丽的女服务员Anna和性格古怪的刷盘工Gustav。Anna和Gustav有私情但非出于她自愿。Gustav潜藏着可怕的犯罪欲望,他给新来的这个服务生起名叫Giliap并教唆他帮助实施自己的一个劫囚计划。Anna爱上了Giliap并希望同他私奔但被Giliap拒绝。一天,Anna突然不告而别... 瑞典著名导演罗伊·安德森(《二楼传来的歌声》《你还活着》)曾因此片票房与评论均惨败而25年未再导演长片。罗伊·安德森承认此片有缺陷,原因是他没有得到对影片的足够掌控权;同时他也表示,以当时观众的欣赏能力并不能接受这样一部稍显前卫的影片,一部与他的首部长片《纯爱故事》风格迥异的古怪影片。他还认为此片与随后上映的库布里克的《巴里·林登》一样出色。而以如今的眼光来看,这部片子作为cult类型便很容易让人接受。 瑞典1996年的电视剧集《佩西·塔拉》中有一段评价瑞典电影的情节,片中人物认为伯格曼的《芬妮与亚历山大》十分平庸,而罗伊·安德森的《Giliap》才是过去25年里瑞典电影的唯一杰作。
曾经红极一时的荣耀早已经成为了过去,如今维洛妮卡(洛塞尔·泽希 Rosel Zech 饰)变成了无人理会的昨日黄花。体育新闻记者罗伯特(Hilmar Thate 饰)曾是维洛妮卡的粉丝,当他再次见到她时,罗伯特只看到了一个沉迷于酒精和麻醉药品的过气女伶,他决定帮助维洛妮卡。 维洛妮卡住在卡茨医生(Annemarie Düringer 饰)的诊所里,在那里,有许多和她一样落魄和可怜的人们,罗伯特发现,诊所的医生竟然利用自己的职位之便,为这些人们注射吗啡,以此为手段控制和勒索他们的钱财。罗伯特想要揭发这一罪行,却苦于找不到证据。维洛妮卡决定复出,然而,正是这个决定为维洛妮卡的死亡增加了最后的一枚砝码。
A suicidal alcoholic’s last day teems with images of anxiety and Kafkaesque paranoia. Adapted from Marek Hlasko’s novel ‘The First Step in the Clouds’, Has’ feature debut is cinematic delirium tremens, as young man Kuba Kowalski escapes his cramped flat to wander from bar to bar, unable to escape the trap of isolation. The metaphorical noose tightens as Kuba, nearly saved by the love of a good woman, dives deeper into hallucinatory intoxication.
纳萨林(弗朗西斯科•拉瓦尔 Francisco Rabal 饰)是一名将自己的全部都奉献给了上帝的神父,他放弃了教堂里优渥的条件,心甘情愿的前往环境十分糟糕的偏僻村庄布道。然而,纳萨林的虔诚却并没有换来应有的尊敬,因为帮助了犯下了谋杀罪行的妓女安达拉(Rita Macedo 饰),纳萨林遭到了信徒的唾弃和教会的驱逐。 然而,纳萨林并没有放弃信仰。安达拉的好友比阿特里兹(玛格•洛佩兹 Marga López 饰)的姐姐的孩子身患重病,请求纳萨林的祝福,奇迹发生了,孩子的疾病竟然神奇的痊愈了。就这样,安达拉和比阿特里兹成为了纳萨林的信徒。比阿特里兹的前男友平托(Noé Murayama 饰)十分嫉妒纳萨林,对他进行了无情的污蔑和中伤。
“Sangen Om Den Eldröda Blomman” ( “Song Of The Scarlet Flower” ) was a recent and remarkable silent surprise for this Herr Von; the oeuvre is an excellent Herr Stiller silent film that this German count watched in a newly restored and tinted copy. It combines the well-known aesthetics, technical improvements and artistic merits for which the Nordic director was known and praised since those early silent times till today. The film tells of the merry and carefree love life of young Olof ( Herr Lars Hanson ) a woodsman who during his search for true love, seduces many frauleins ( just like this German aristocrat… well, not exactly because the purpose of this Herr Von’s seduction of rich fräulein heiresses are their great fortunes… ). He will suffer disappointment and deception, all those problems that turn up in any loving relationship. Finally he will find responsibility and maturity, learning during his particular quest that his actions always have consequences in different degrees to the people around him. This Herr Von can describe “Sangen Om…” as a kind of coming of age film, the special introspective growth toward maturity of a free and easy youngster. As this German count said before, the film displays Stiller’s characteristic artistic virtues. ; in the first part of the film, we can see elements of comedy, not exactly like the comedy of intrigues in other Stiller films, but humor of a more cheerful sort, highlighting the self-involvement of our hero. Olof ‘s frivolous flirtations with the different girls eventually turn romantic and then turn into drama. There is conflict in the troubled relationship between Olof and his father and later with the father of his beloved. The beautiful and wild natural landscapes of Norrland and northern Sweden lend the tale a certain power and is characteristic of Herr Stiller’s other silents where Nature emerges as an important character in the story. This is strongly reflected throughout the film but especially during the frantic scene wherein Olof descends into the troubled waters of a river, a beautiful metaphor for the hardships that our hero has to endure until he finds himself. “Sangen Om Den Eldröda Blomman” is an excellent, beautiful film, a solid, technically perfect and intricate production of 1919 that demonstrates once again the importance of Herr Stiller for silent film history.
Astrid Ofner Ursula Ofner Hans Diehl Kurt Radeke Michael Maassen 赖纳·菲利普 Werner Rehm Lars Studer Stephan Wolf-Schönburg Albert Hetterle Mario di Mattia 迈克尔·柯尼希 利布加特·施瓦茨
Julien Duvivier最好的作品之一也是他认为自己所有默片中最喜欢的一部。 Summary Bullied by his matriarchal mother, abused by his siblings, ignored by his father, Poil de Carotte's childhood is as miserable as it could be. An illegitimate child, he is the main reason for the enmity which exists between his parents, who continue to live together just to keep up appearances. In the end, Poil de Carotte's suffering becomes more than he can bear... Review Drawing heavily on the poignant novel by Jules Renard on which it is based, Poil de carotte is a modest yet appealing film which has stood the test of time mainly because of the quality of its acting performances and its inherent humanity. It is more memorable than Julien Duvivier's earlier silent version of 1925, also named Poil de Carotte. The part of Poil de Carotte was played by 11 year old Robert Lynen, who was alleged to have been discovered whilst walking down the Champs-Elysées in Paris. Lynen is totally captivating and the film made him an instant star, launching what looked like becoming a very promising film career – until he was shot dead whilst fighting against the Germans in 1944. Harry Baur, a legendary stage and film actor (who also died during World War II, allegedly at the hands of the Gestapo), also turns in a typically fine performance. The reconciliation between father and son at the end of the film provides its most enduring image, enough to melt the heart of all but the most stoical of spectators.
The Seventh Companion (Russian Седьмой спутник, translit. Sedmoy Sputnik) is a 1967 black-and-white Soviet film set in St. Petersburg in the years following the Russian Revolution; its title is commonly translated as The Seventh Companion. The film marked the directorial debut of Russian director Aleksei German, who co-directed it with Grigori Aronov. The film is based on a novel by Boris Lavrenyov.
古纳尔·布约恩施特兰德 本特·埃切罗特 尼尔斯·波普 马克斯·冯·叙多夫 毕比·安德松 英加·吉尔 毛德·汉松 因加·朗格里 古内尔·林德布洛姆 贝蒂尔·安德贝里 安德斯·埃克 奥克·弗里德尔 古纳尔·奥尔松 埃里克·斯特兰德马克 Siv Aleros 斯滕·阿登斯坦 哈里·阿斯克隆德 本克特-奥克·本特松 凯瑟琳·贝里 莱娜·贝格曼 托尔·博龙 古德龙·布罗斯特 本特·伊尔贝里 拉尔斯·格兰贝里 贡勒格·哈格贝里 托尔·伊塞达尔 乌尔夫·约翰松 乌诺·拉松 伦纳特·利亚 拉尔斯·林德 戈东·勒韦纳德勒
海滩边,巨浪滔天,英武的骑士布洛克(马克斯•冯•西多 Max von Sydow 饰)与黑衣死神(本特•埃切罗特 Bengt Ekerot 饰)摆下了一盘生死棋局。在下棋的过程中,骑士在回顾自己的人生,所见所闻暗合圣经的图景。十四世纪十字军东征后期,欧洲大陆瘟疫蔓延,民不聊生。布洛克曾遇到过马戏团的一对夫妻,丈夫笃信神明,无比虔诚,妻子则更加现实,唯命是从。他们的相濡以沫让幸福唾手可得。骑士在树林中邂逅了铁匠夫妇。铁匠非常粗鲁,他的妻子很是风骚,他们在树林里对着路人演出双簧,仿佛一对可笑的傀儡。最后,在经历过集体膜拜的祭奠仪式后,武士和他的朋友们再次遇到了死神,曾经的无助与恐惧,愤怒与怀疑,都化作了人生的诘问…… 本片获第10届戛纳电影节评委会大奖。
扬·利比切克 瓦茨拉夫·巴布卡 约瑟夫·贝克 Karel Belohradský Bozena Böhmová 尼娜·蒂维斯科娃 Josef Elsner Josef R. Engel 科维塔·菲亚洛娃 Ladislav Gzela Karel Hovorka 弗拉迪米尔·赫拉巴内克 伊日·哈莱克 Vladimir Jedenáctik Pavel Jiras Jan Kacer Václav Kotva 伊里·里拉 雅罗斯拉夫·马雷什 Josefa Pechlatová 伊里·普拉希 Ljuba Sko
This apocalyptic parable carries within it a clear echo of the 1968 invasion of Czechoslovakia. This unforgiving exploration of the Czech mentality tells the tale of a troupe of wandering actors who perform a passion play in some unnamed village. Fear of some unknown danger breaks out in the village, which is cut off from the surrounding world. Stupidity, selfishness and aggressiveness then come to the surface in this society under threat. In the film's key scene, a woman is raped by the self-styled leader. Zdenuk Mahler, who would later work on Forman's examination Mozart Amadeus, worked on the script. The director Evald Schorm (1929-1988) was one of the most original members of the Czech New Wave. During the normalization era, Schorm spent many years unable to direct. His last film, Killing with Kindness (1988) was only made in the twilight years of Communism. During that period when he was unable to direct films, he became an outstanding stage director. He directed groundbreaking productions at the Na zábradlí Theater and Laterna Magika.
房产主安德鲁斯(安德鲁斯·索勒Andrés Soler 饰)打算拆除名下一幢旧楼,但聚居在此的贫苦人家不搬,发誓斗争到底。安德鲁斯去自己的屠宰场找工人比德洛(比德洛·阿门德里兹 Pedro Armendáriz 饰)帮忙。比德洛非常感谢老板给他工作,对安德鲁斯言听计从,马上搬进了他家的储藏室。安德鲁斯的老婆帕洛玛(凯蒂·乔拉杜 Katy Jurado 饰)经营一家肉铺,对肌肉发达又勤快的比德洛十分满意,不自觉地看上了他。与此同时,比德洛奉安德鲁斯之命趁夜去旧楼搞破坏,推倒了一个当面质问他的老头儿,被众人追杀,藏进了老头不知情的女儿米卡(罗萨·阿丽纳斯 Rosa Arenas 饰)家。比德络爱上了这位善良的姑娘,第一次开始思考老板口中的“禽兽暴民”究竟是谁…… 本片获墨西哥电影电视艺术学院奖最佳女配角奖(凯蒂·乔拉杜),并获最佳摄影和最佳男配角奖(安德鲁斯·索勒)提名。
达尼尔·奥勒布里斯基 沃捷希奇·帕斯佐尼亚克 安德烈·瑟韦林 安娜·内赫雷贝茨卡 塔德乌什·贝亚洛诚辛斯基 波泽纳·里基尔 弗朗齐歇克·皮耶奇卡 Danuta Wodynska 马瑞安·格林卡 安德烈·沙拉夫斯基 Jadwiga Andrzejewska 卡里娜·谢鲁斯克 耶日·诺瓦克 斯坦尼斯瓦夫·伊加尔 卡齐米日·奥帕林斯基
让·迦本 阿兰·德龙 利诺·文图拉 伊琳娜·德米克 阿梅德奥·纳扎里 凯伦.布朗盖农 伊夫·布雷维尔 格雷德·布尔 伊莉莎·瑟伽尼 拉乌尔·德尔福斯 雅克·迪比 Yves Lefebvre 爱德华·米克斯 萨莉·内斯比特
扬·诺维茨基 塔德乌什·孔德拉特 伊雷娜·奥斯卡 哈利娜·科瓦尔斯卡 格斯塔·霍洛贝克 Mieczyslaw Voit 博泽娜·阿达梅克 卢德维克·伯努瓦 Henryk Boukolowski Seweryn Dalecki Julian Jabczynski Jerzy Przybylski 维克托·萨德茨基 Janina Sokolowska Wojciech Standello 塔德乌斯·施密特 Szymon Szurmiej Jan Szurmiej Michal Szwejlich Pawel
哈斯的彩色电影,《萨拉戈萨手稿》的姊妹篇,个人觉得他的风格更适合彩色,此片要比《萨》更为出色。这是一次内心的历险。故事背景设在二战前期,一位年轻人乘坐一辆奇怪的列车去看望住在疗养院中垂死的父亲。但这个即将拆毁的地方唤起了他许多过去的回忆。他被过去的士兵、殖民地的雇佣兵、昔日生活中的女孩,以及他的父母所包围... 获奖:波兰电影奖最佳产品设计奖 戛纳电影节评审团奖并提名金棕榈
A bit of color for once, all the better to see the red flags with, not to mention the obvious aerial file footage of Warsaw. The story concerns Jozef Malesa, the mason or bricklayer of the title. He was once the darling of the party, the son of two old party activists, a worker of heroic reputation, his own commitment to The Movement unquestioned. He was chosen to be destined for great things, specially educated and pushed forward to positions of responsibility in the Party. Eventually he decides, because of the ethical pressures which he feels from the obstructionism of the bureaucracy from above, he asks to return to be a simple bricklayer. He is disturbed with the way the Party deals with people, especially their lack of direct contact. He thinks workers know better than the leadership many times but that's not the way power flows. He is uncomfortable with the compromises to his idealism. He remains committed to social justice and joins his friends for the May Day rally where his comfort and confidence in his place in society cause him to defer to no man, certainly no rat faced men in overcoats with red armbands. His great pleasure in life moreover is laying brick. He finds the work satisfying and fulfilling which is why he was such an obviously superior worker in the first place.
索菲柯·齐阿乌列里 米尔克·阿尔克桑亚 维勒·加尔斯特亚 高吉·格吉奇科里 Spartak Bagashvili Medea Djaparidze Hovhannes Minasyan Onik Minasyan Yuri Amiryan I. Babayan Medea Bibileishvili T. Dvali Aleksandr Dzhanshiyev Guranda Gabunia Zh. Gharibyan
影片部分根据18世纪亚美尼亚诗人Savat Nova的生平拍摄,但更多地是以诗句代替了诗人的形象。全片几乎没有对白,主要是旁白和剧中人自言自语。 无法用文字概括该片的内容,而且每个人都有权利按自己的方式诠释它。影片几乎从头到尾都是精彩瞬间,电影语言的诗化、色彩的明艳、构图的奇特均衡、内容上的仪式感、宗教感和展现的民族传统文化,都使影片具有超凡脱俗、特立独行的品质。 影评: 试图用文字概括这部影片的内容,基本上是一种荒谬的想法,而且对于亚美尼亚传统文化和宗教无法了解太多的我们,甚至无法完整说出哪怕一个细节所提供的含义。但对于这样一部风格鲜明突出的杰出影片,如果是因为无法描述而使一些朋友失之交臂的话,那对于我们这个每日碟评栏目来说,是个不可推卸的责任。所以,尽管以下文字仅仅是提供一个视觉概况和大意揣测,也显露出编辑作者的浅薄无知,我们还是做出一篇碟评,供大家参考批评。 我是一位生活和内心充满痛苦的人。石榴的颜色,就是血的颜色,它带着利刃的创痛。 我生活在一个富足的家庭,从小受到父母的无上宠爱。我从小就生活在严谨而温和的宗教氛围之内,在寺院中博览群书。我们民族的生活是多姿多彩的,女人们赤足清洗着地毯、男人们把线染成各种鲜艳的颜色,我们向骑白马的圣乔治顶礼致敬,通过浴室的窗户我见到了世界上最完美的乳房。 我成长为一个苍白清俊的青年,学习音律的同时,我也在生命中第一次爱上了一个女孩,她是我一生的女神,我们在对方心里寻找着自我。在富饶美丽的生活中,我得到的只是痛苦。我们享受着宫廷一般的社交、游玩、骑猎,但内心是无限的空虚。我们为自己的爱寻找一个庇护所,但正相反,这是一条通向死亡谷之路。我怎么用蜡做成爱的城堡,面对你炽热的火焰:你是火,你的衣服是火;我是火,我的衣服是黑色。 为了寻找自己的庇护所,我寻找了每一间修道院,我成了一名神父。我们的父亲,我们的宗教领袖拉扎路斯逝世了,天上仁慈而权威的父亲失去了最得力的权杖,我在圣堂中埋葬了我们的精神之父——葬礼上挤满了温顺的羔羊。 我仿佛回到了童年,又见到慈爱的双亲,狂风骤起,将我从梦中惊醒。我看清了一切,奇怪的是很不文明。我明白是生活抛弃了我,我开始了自我流放的游吟诗人的生涯。 我是一个生活和内心充满痛苦的人,在祖国的大地上流浪也无法止歇我的忧伤,我知道,等待我的最终将是死亡。 我去了,两个小天使把我带到通往死亡谷之路,他们还没有忘记带上我的木琴,也许我将在天堂为我的父亲歌唱。 这部色彩鲜艳、民族风味浓重、宗教感仪式感极其强烈的影片,是前苏联“最后一位天才导演”帕拉杰诺夫着名的“诗电影”杰作之一。影片描述的是亚美尼亚一位十八世纪游吟诗人的故事,这不是一部传记影片,而是一首关于这位诗人的精神影像的诗歌。篇中运用大量象征、隐喻手法,展现了十八世纪亚美尼亚民族风貌和这位诗人的心路历程。欣赏这部影片,不仅仅是一次观影,更是一次朝圣,一次对诗意精神的膜拜之旅。 这张DVD中,还有一个20分钟的帕拉杰诺夫自述纪录片,虽然无法看到原长50分钟的全貌,但对于我们了解这位天才还是极为有益的。对于导演工作,帕拉杰诺夫说:“我相信,你必须生来就是一个导演,它就象十个童年的冒险。” 此外,一个10分钟的静物“写生”短片也值得一看。这个不知题目(有俄语?原文)的短片,如静物写生一样,描述了民族风格的花盆、椅子,古老油画上的男人、女人,生活中略现残破的建筑、雕塑。不知导演用意为何,但透露出对传统文化的钦敬,同时也流露出对传统文化被时间吞噬的一种失落感。 导演背景介绍 前苏联导演帕拉杰诺夫(SERGUEI PARADJANOV,1920-1990)一生仅以四部剧情长片呈现于国际,但他那结合诗、绘画、民俗志的独特影象风格,却使得他紧随在塔可夫斯基左右,成为电影史上两朵异样奇葩,烁烁闪耀着。 他之所以和塔可夫斯基相提并论在于:他们的电影都是诗的,亦即把俄罗斯传统的抒情诗融入影象里,成就影象诗或诗的影象。此外,两人也都乐于采用非习惯性的叙事。然而,在整个电影风格上,帕拉杰诺夫离传统更远,更狂野,也更倾向绘画。 帕拉杰诺夫的独特风格来自于他的亚美尼亚血统,那属于高加索的神话传说,以及回教与基督教交错的宗教圣灵,是他所有创作汲取的灵感源泉。他的作品将高加索的草原复活在中世纪的时空下,隐隐透露出一个着魔的宇宙,神秘而诡异,并充满强烈的仪式性质,人和动物在其中不面沦为牺牲祭品。 这些与土地偎依的人物,在帕拉杰诺夫的镜头下具有庄严的美,乍看俨然如图画里的宗教圣像,而失去了写真性。而所有人物的心理都没有加以刻画,主角通常摆荡在牺牲、服从和热烈追寻自由中,最终毫无动作,也无作为,只是在土地上生与死,因为帕拉杰诺夫从不以连续性的叙事来描述人物的遭遇。 然而,帕拉杰诺夫的电影较接近图画电影或照片电影。摄影机定住不动,摄入一张张照片式的影象,影象有如一幅幅中世纪的壁画、或拼贴的画作,所有的物质都呈现在同一平面上,没有透视与景深,宛如被禁闭在画框里无法移动向外,却又象向镜框外作无限延伸。 可知,帕拉杰诺夫不只专擅电影,对诗与画也十分娴熟。他一生集诗人、短篇作家、画家、和导演于一身,各类作品都相当丰富。他去世后的隔年,亚美尼亚共和国 EREVAN市政府将他故居改成博物馆,开放给公众,陈列他的绘画、拼贴、手稿、家具、海报等,展现他一生不寻常的创作经历。 1924年出生于乔治亚首府TBILISSI的帕拉杰诺夫,父亲是个古董商,母亲是当地的美女。他中学进的是音乐学校学声乐和小提琴,并参加绘画和壁画课程,也参与戏剧演出,后来他的戏剧教授督促他报考莫斯科电影学校(VGLK)。1946年,他考入VGLK,受教于导演IGOR SAVTCHENKO。第二年,他与一群TBILISSI同学因夜晚荒唐行径及同性恋嫌疑被捕——这是他首次尝到牢狱之灾。帕拉杰诺夫叛逆个性使他象冷战时期的不少苏联导演一样,动辄被控以莫须有的罪名而羁狱。 隔年被释放后,IGOE SAVTCHENKO找他担任一部新片的助导,并让他导十分钟的一个段落。1951年,他在莫斯科和一个靼旦大学女生结婚,但她的家人为报复而杀了她。帕拉杰诺夫乃在第二年搬到基辅,进入基辅的杜普仁科制片厂,与人合导两部片。终于在1958年执导自己的第一部长片,那是一部有关爱情的音乐喜剧。这期间,他有了第二次婚姻,对象是个外交官的女儿。1961、62年,他各有了一部长片,但这三部影片未在基辅以外地区上映。 1965年,国际影展首次认识帕拉杰诺夫导演。他前一年拍摄、为纪念乌克兰作家MIKHAIL KOTSIOUBINSKI百年诞辰而改变自其短篇小说的《被祖先遗忘的阴影TENI ZABYTYH PREDKOVI》先在MAR DE PLATA影展获最佳导演和评审特别奖,接着被选参加旧金山、罗马、蒙特利尔的影展。影片在莫斯科的一间大电影院推出时,观众在赞赏中有所保留,尽管如此,并无法使此片作更大范围的发行。 此后,帕拉杰诺夫多次公开声援被官方逮捕的知识分子,终于把自己也拖入险境。1973年12月,他从莫斯科旅游归来,旋被当局逮捕审问,并入狱。莫斯科电影界在圣诞节时获知他被捕的消息,隔年年初,此消息被欧洲的报纸转载登出,帕拉杰诺夫被控“同性恋” 罪名,判决五年的劳改营。同时,一个被盗印的《石榴的颜色》版本被偷运出国,引起国际关注,欧洲电影界组成一个帕拉杰诺夫声援团向苏联施加压力,经过法国作家阿拉贡的奔走,他才在三年后获释。 此后,他的几个拍片计划都未蒙通过,生活陷入窘境。1982年,又在老家被KGB逮捕,控告他用几壶酒贿赂官员让他的侄儿进大学,所幸入狱半年多即被释放。1983年,苏联的政治逐渐松绑,他才有机会拍摄20分钟的短片《苏哈密堡垒的秘密 LEGENDA O SURAMSKOJ KREPOSTI》。本片在1986年参加鹿特丹影展,大受好评。此时他已定居在EREVAN,拍摄机会源源不绝。1987年的《吟游诗人ACHIK KERIB》受邀伦敦及纽约影展,并在1988年第一次获准出国参加鹿特丹影展。迟来的荣誉对于已迈入老年的他似乎带点苦涩。1990年,他因呼吸道并发症时时于EREVAN。7月,他的灵柩被移往亚美尼亚伟人纪念馆,沿途有五万多人追随他的行列。 二:关于本片背景知识介绍: 本片人物:莎耶特.诺瓦介绍 《石榴的颜色COLOR OF POMEGRANATES》(1969)原名《莎耶特.诺瓦SAYAT NOVA》,诺瓦是十八世纪亚美尼亚着名的吟游诗人,年轻时曾受到格鲁吉亚的国王赏识,被召入宫,成为宫廷诗人,晚年则笃信宗教,成为僧侣,避世于修道院。帕拉杰诺夫在片头就告诉观众:“不要在影片中寻找诺瓦的一生。”他籍电影方法将诗影象化,只是打算呈现抒情诗人VALEIR BRIOUSSOV所说:“中世纪亚美尼亚的诗是雕刻在宇宙历史中人类精神最辉煌的胜利。” 补遗:僧侣诗人萨雅·诺娃(1712- 1795)出生于格鲁吉亚首都塔部利什附近一个村庄Sanahin,其父母为亚美尼亚人,在塔部利什做地毯。(与帕拉杰诺夫同为在塔部利什出生的亚美尼亚人),他原名为Haroutiun Sayakian,年青时,他成了一名吟游诗人。活动于:格鲁吉亚、亚美尼亚、阿塞拜疆。而后被亚美尼亚人称之为“SAYAT NOVA(歌王)”,比较有传奇色彩的是,他与格鲁吉亚王国安娜公主相爱了,因而被国王下令放逐。在亚美尼亚北部的一个修道院里度过残生。或许与本片有着一定联系就是:萨雅是由入侵格鲁吉亚的波斯王国士兵所杀害。
斯特法尼娅·桑德雷莉 马里奥·阿多夫 让-克洛德·布里亚利 约阿希姆·富克斯贝格 尼诺·曼弗雷迪 恩里科·玛丽亚·萨莱诺 乌戈·托尼亚齐 卡琳·多 佛朗哥·法布里齐 图里·费罗 罗伯特·霍夫曼 弗兰科·内罗 维罗尼卡·旺代勒 Franca Polesello 雷纳托·泰拉
imdb Plot summary Born in a small town in the countryside surrounding Pistoia, Adriana is an attractive young girl who counts on using her looks to go places in the entertainment business in Rome. Moving to the capital, she works first of all in a hairdressing salon, then in a small cinema where she manages to get a job working in fancy dress. Meantime, she socializes with young men of the upper middle classes, who take her to parties and out on the town with the sole aim of taking advantage of her. Adriana knows their game, but plays along. In the meantime, she meets an agent called Cianfanna, a modest money-grubber who introduces her to a journalist friend of his so he can write an article on her. Having thus launched her career in advertising, Adriana decides to go home to visit her parents. Once home, however, she is distraught to learn of the death of her sister. Returning to Rome, she takes acting lessons, but during one lesson she suddenly faints she is pregnant, with no idea of who the father of her child is. The days go by and Adriana tries to forget about her pregnancy, while sleeping with an increasingly long list of lovers. And yet, despite the fact these encounters are often less than enjoyable, at one point she actually falls in love his name is Antonio and he's a decent young man from a respectable family, but still in love with a former girlfriend he is unable to forget…
Leopoldina Balanuta Eliza Petrachescu Nina Doniga Adrian Georgescu 米尔卡·迪亚科努 Radu Boruzescu Petrica Gheorghiu Ursula Nussbacher George Calboreanu Jr. Ferenc Bencze Dumitru Bonciuc Ion Dorutiu Nicolae Iordache Cornel Ispas Elisabeta Jar
影片分为两个不同的部分。第一部分由米尔恰·韦罗尤执导,描述了二十世纪初罗马尼亚一个寡妇的悲惨生活。第二部分由丹·皮察执导,讲的是一个婚礼上的新娘。 米尔恰·韦罗尤(1941年出生)和丹·皮察(1938年出生)是罗马尼亚最具独创性的电影制作人,他们一起制作了两部杰出的电影:《石婚》(1972)和《金魂》(1974)。毫无疑问,两部电影都是罗马尼亚有史以来最好的电影之一,在全世界受到了巨大的好评,被纽约现代艺术博物馆收藏。 《石婚》根据罗马尼亚作家Ion Agarbiceanu的小说改编,描写了上世纪初特兰西瓦尼亚乡村的生活状况。这些故事充满了一种深深的悲剧性的震撼,一种似乎无处不在的宿命感。所有这些都在令人难忘的摄影中被表达出来。毫不夸张地说,每一个镜头都是一件艺术品。 在第一部分中,女演员 Leopoldina Balanuta 的每一个动作、每一个眼神都充满了感性和智慧,她知道如何暗示多年的生活、希望和绝望的积累、固执的爱以及在沉默的斗篷下压抑的巨大痛苦。这些有力的镜头语言,只有第二部分的 Mircea Diaconu (逃兵) 眼中悲剧性的天真才能匹配。 两位导演中,米尔恰·韦罗尤喜欢充满沉思的冰冷凝结的风格,而丹·皮察在他的部分,则把它变成了一个充满活力的故事,有许多讽刺的时刻,富有表现力的人物,并在最后有一个痛苦的悲剧转折。 无论如何,《石婚》是一部值得一遍又一遍地观看的电影。每一遍,它似乎都增长了新的维度。
罗塞塔(瓦伦蒂娜•斯卡里希 Valentina Scalici 饰)和卢恰诺(朱塞佩•伊拉西塔诺 Giuseppe Ieracitano 饰)是一对相依为命的姐弟,她们的母亲因为逼女儿卖淫而锒铛入狱。此事遭媒体曝光后,两人随后被两个警察送上了去孤儿院的列车。其中一个警察因事先行告退,将姐弟俩托付给警察安东尼奥(恩里克•洛维索 Enrico Lo Verso 饰)独自看护。姐姐背负着雏妓的心理压力,但是弟弟却总是我行我素,两人常常发生争执。安东尼奥总是默默旁观,小心翼翼地呵护着两颗稚嫩的童心。在经历了抢劫、酒店驱逐,学校开除、哮喘疾病等一连串霉运后,安东尼奥似乎跟姐弟俩建立一种亦父亦友的关系,然而一张报纸却让他们的世界陷入崩溃的边缘…… 本片获第45届戛纳电影节评委会大奖。
Guido Carani, an engineer of noble descent, has just lost his son born to him by a chorus dancer, who, desperate, has become a nun. After a while he also loses his wife and daughter in a car accident. Poor Guido is in despair, but soon he meets Lina, a woman who is a dead ringer for Luisa.
1986年,瑞典国家健康与福利部委托导演罗伊·安德森就艾滋病题材拍摄一部教育影片,以便在学校和军队向学生和新兵传播艾滋病源头和防御的信息。但在电影拍摄期间,健康与福利部要求安德森终止该项目。原因是他们观看了已拍摄部分的素材,并对影片里信息的可靠性和拍摄风格提出了质疑。安德森并未遵循,而是凭几之力完成了该部电影。 关于艾滋病的起源,影片采用了阴谋论式的论调。在它的描述中,艾滋病病毒并非起源于非洲并由动物传播给人类,而是由美国科学家在实验室中创造出来,并随后应用于人体实验。今天,这部电影被看做是罗伊·安德森个人风格形成中的重要一步。
匈牙利著名女导演梅萨罗什(《收养》)最知名的作品 被禁止发行两年后,在1984年嘎纳电影节上获得了评委会大奖! 世界女性电影史上不朽的经典杰作! 梅萨罗什曾被英国国际电影年鉴评选为影坛五大导演之一。 八十年代最好的东欧电影之一 本片1982年拍摄完毕,1984年才准许发行。它反映了二十世纪四十年代匈牙利的政治、文化和社会生活。这是一部半自传体的影片。导演梅萨罗什是匈牙利著名女导演,她的经历几乎和影片中女主人公一样。1935年年仅5岁时和父亲移居苏联。影片中,女主人公从贾诺什留下的日记里开始理解玛格达,但还是不喜欢她。从玛格达身上,反映了匈牙利的历史的这一段进程。梅萨罗什拍摄了20多部影片。主要的有《九个月》、《郊区的房子》、《就象家—样》、《留给我爱人的日记》(本片续集)、《遗产》、《母亲和女儿》等。本片获得1984年第37届戛纳电影节评委会特别奖。 这部斯大林时期的自传体电影《给我孩子的日记》,用50年代的新闻片连续镜头和片断描绘了那个年代复杂的个人和政治景象。在西方被禁止发行两年后,还是在1984年嘎纳电影节上获得了评委特别奖。 ★★剧情介绍 1947年的一天,一批逃往苏联的匈牙利地下党员乘飞机回到布达佩斯,十几岁的小姑娘尤莉也在其中。她父亲,一位著名的雕塑家在苏联30年代大清洗时被捕,杳无音讯。母亲是画家,会多国语言,常带尤莉去看电影,但在尤莉很小的时侯就去世了。尤莉随祖父母回国,住在姑妈玛格达家里。玛格达过去是地下党员,战后是一家报纸的主编,她的公寓华丽而舒适。尤莉在特权阶层子女才能上的学校念书,姑母要收她为养女。但尤莉不同意,她不喜欢玛格达。她逃学去看电影,想念过去的生活,想念父母。尤莉很喜坎姑母的老战友贾诺什,老布尔什维克,大工厂的总工程师。贾诺什的妻子和女儿在一次空袭中被炸死,儿子成了残废。他也很关心尤莉。玛格达后来当了监狱长,积极参与1949年开始的大清洗运动,贾诺什突然失踪了。尤莉决定离开玛格达,到一家工厂当工人。1953年她去监狱探望了贾诺什,她示意将和他的儿子一起等着他自由归来。
政府不顾民意反对,执意要将古老宁静的小镇变作一家大型化工厂的所在地,并言如此可以大大增加就业机会。有丰富企业管理经验、对党忠诚的Stefan Bednarz(Franciszek Pieczka)被任命着手这一切。小镇是Bednarz和妻子(Halina Winiarska)的故乡,两人多年前曾因一起事件离开,今Bednarz要妻子同去,被拒。 工厂建成之初,虽有居民抗议政府的暴行,但一切还算顺利。投入生产后,之前居民担忧的环境会日益糟糕等问题凸显,政府与居民的关系开始紧张,Bednarz做中间协调人几近憔悴。而电视台导演(Michal Tarkowski)对工厂的持续关注、助手(Jerzy Stuhr)将居民意见刻意过滤、被迫与当年迫使他和妻子远离故乡的旧敌搭档工作、女儿(Joanna Orzeszkowska)的渐行渐远等事情,则令他慢慢明白自己不过是一枚棋子,萌生辞职念头。
这是一部末世纪寓言故事,晦涩但富有视觉表现力。 故事描述一个以玻璃制造为生的村镇,玻璃厂的工头死了,也带走了生产红宝石玻璃的秘方。工厂主想尽一切办法试图找回配方,却徒劳无功。 预言家海斯预测的坏事都变成现实,在村民中引起恐慌。海斯还预言玻璃工厂将被烧毁,人们相互仇视残杀,战火在世界各地燃起。后来预言果真应验,工厂主在绝望之中烧了工厂,人们的忍耐也到达了极限.... 影片的结尾,在世界边缘的一个小岛上,一些人为了探索世界的真相,驾着小船开始了新的冒险之旅....
做事一向理性的水利工程师沃尔特·费伯(山姆·夏普德 Sam Shepard 饰)搭乘的飞机中途失事,被迫降落在墨西哥的沙漠之中。然而在获救之后,沃尔特却一反常态地决定,与素不相识的德国商人去墨西哥丛林寻找多年都未曾连络过的朋友。当他们来到朋友的住处时,发现朋友已经自杀身亡。 沃尔特的第二段旅程开始在渡轮之上。年过中旬的沃尔特邂逅了妩媚的年轻女孩赛贝斯(朱莉·德尔佩 Julie Delpy 饰)。钟情于艺术的赛贝斯与专长于科学技术的沃尔特,看似是两个世界的人,然而一段不可控制的情愫在二人之间渐渐蔓延,相约同去欧洲南部旅行。在无意间,沃尔特得知赛贝斯正是自己年轻时女友汉娜(芭芭拉·苏科瓦 Barbara Sukowa 饰)之女。惊讶之余,沃尔特不得不怀疑她就是自己的亲生女儿。
马里乌什·德莫霍夫斯基 贝娅塔·蒂希基维茨 菲耶夫斯基·塔德乌什 Jadwiga Gall 维斯拉夫·格拉斯 卡里娜·谢鲁斯克 Jan Koecher 扬·克雷奇马尔 塔德乌什·孔德拉特 Halina Kwiatkowska 安杰伊·瓦皮茨基 扬·马休斯基 Józef Pieracki Janina Romanówna Anna Seniuk Irena Szramowska Wladyslaw Dewoyno 卢德维克·伯努瓦 克雷斯蒂娜.费尔德曼 Aleksander Fogiel Andrzej H
The Doll is an adaptation of the novel, The Doll (novel) by Bolesław Prus, which is regarded by many as one of the finest Polish novels ever written and, along with Pharaoh (novel), made Bolesław Prus a potential candidate for the Nobel Prize in literature. The influence of Émile Zola is evident, and some have compared the novel to Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert; both were Prus's contemporaries. The movie, however, may be more compared to Stendhal's Le Rouge et le Noir, (The Red and the Black). The Doll constitutes a panorama of life in Warsaw between 1878 and 1879, and at the same time is a subtle story of three generations of Polish idealists, their psychological complications, their involvement in the history of the nineteenth century, social dramas, moral problems and the experience of tragic existence. At the same time this story describes the disintegration of social relationships and the growing separation of a society whose aristocratic elite spreads the models of vanity and idleness. In the bad air of a backward country, anti-Semitic ideas are born, valuable individuals meet obstacles on their way, and scoundrels are successful. This poetic love story follows a nouveau riche merchant, Stanislaw Wokulski, through a series of trials and tribulations occasioned by his obsessive passion for an aristocratic beauty, Izabela Lecka, played by the famous Polish actress, Beata Tyszkiewicz. Plot As a descendant of an impoverished Polish noble family, young Wokulski is forced to work as a waiter at Hopfer's, a Warsaw restaurant, while dreaming of a life in science. After taking part in the failed 1863 Uprising against Tsarist Russia, he is sentenced to exile in Siberia. On eventual return to Warsaw, he becomes a salesman at Mincel's haberdashery. Marrying the late owner's widow (who eventually dies), he comes into money and uses it to set up a partnership with a Russian merchant he had met while in exile. The two merchants go to Bulgaria during the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-78, and Wokulski makes a fortune supplying the Russian Army. The enterprising Wokulski now proves a romantic at heart, falling in love with Izabela, daughter of the vacuous, bankrupt aristocrat, Tomasz Łęcki. In his quest to win Izabela, Wokulski begins frequenting theatres and aristocratic salons; and to help her financially distressed father, founds a company and sets the aristocrats up as shareholders in his business.The indolence of these aristocrats, who secure with their pensions, are too lazy to undertake new business risks, frustrates Wokulski. His ability to make money is respected but his lack of family and social rank is condescended to. Because of his help (in secret) to Izabela's impecunious but influential father, the girl becomes aware of his affection. In the end she consents to accept him, but without true devotion or love.(wikipedia)
玛塔(玛吉特•卡斯滕森 Margit Carstensen 饰)和个性冷漠粗暴的父亲过着相依为命的生活,两人前往罗马度家,途中,父亲突发心脏病不幸身亡。玛塔并没有感到有多难过,相反,她第一次感受到了什么是自由。之后,玛塔邂逅了名为赫尔穆特(卡尔亨兹•伯恩 Karlhei nz Böhm 饰)的工程师,两人坠入了情网。 然而,赫尔穆特的个性和玛塔的父亲如出一辙,他不断的侮辱和虐待着玛塔,奇怪的是,玛塔似乎很享受这种虐待。玛塔和赫尔穆特携手步入了婚姻的殿堂,婚后,赫尔穆特对玛塔的虐待相比以前有过之而不及。最终,玛塔决定和自己的同事私奔,哪知道一场车祸不仅夺走了情郎的性命,还令玛塔失去了双腿。
年轻漂亮的玛雅(迪帕•萨伊饰)对生活充满幻想和欲望。一天,她的父亲摔下楼梯弄伤了腿。一个年轻的乡村医生(法路克•谢赫饰)来医治。温柔的爱之花在绅士的医生和玛雅之间绽放,他们结婚了。 开始新生活的最初是令人兴奋的,重新装饰房间,以及对归属感的体会,都让玛雅感到幸福愉悦。但渐渐婚姻生活单调的一面渐渐展现。乏味的小城镇里,中产阶级沉闷的生活令人无法忍受,玛雅发现并选择进入一系列的婚外情。与此同时,她还渴望更多彩的生活带给她更梦幻的浪漫和激情体验。 她以奢侈为乐,希望拥有豪华享受以获得满足,但那只给她带来欺诈,债务和绝望。甚至她的婚外情关系,由起初的柏拉图,到激情,到最后变为可悲的占有欲,也使她意识到婚外情也和婚姻一般平庸无趣。这更使玛雅对现实灰心,进一步滑向她的幻觉。 她一直追逐自己创造的海市蜃楼直到她的悲喜与无畏连同魔法一起落幕。故事用一种倒叙的方式叙述了玛雅生活的改变。 电影结局当她的房子被拍卖,玛雅似乎也完全被她幻想的生活所吞没。
Staffan Götestam Lars Söderdahl 艾伦·埃德渥 Gunn Wållgren Folke Hjort 帕尔·奥斯卡森 汤米·约翰松 Jan Nygren 米哈·加巴伊 Georg Årlin 贝蒂尔·诺斯特伦 马茨·安德松 Aksel Erhardtsen Ulf Håkan Jansson 博迪尔·林多夫
9岁的“狮心面包圈”患结核病,而且知道他会死很快。哥哥狮心约拿丹在一次火灾中救人死去,弟弟后来也因病过世,死去后到了天堂,片中那个地方叫“南极优勒”。见到了哥哥,在天堂里哥哥仍然行善除恶,后来在那里又一次死去,从天堂又可以飞升到另一个更高的世界“南极利勒”。狮心兄弟担负着解放蔷薇谷的使命,但是,敌人又是那么强大,几乎是不可战胜的。他们历经了种种危险和惊心动魄的刻……胆小的狮心面包干是如何在危险时刻克服自己的恐惧,勇敢地与邪恶进行斗争。 书中的主人公是一位小男孩斯科尔班,身体虚弱、胆小怕事。而他的哥哥约拿旦•狮心,勇敢、英俊、强壮又无所不知,非常疼爱弟弟。当他害怕死去时,哥哥告诉他:人死后将去就会到南极亚拉,在那里他会立刻变得健康、强壮起来,甚至会变得英俊。在那里,从早到晚都可以参加历险,那里还处于篝火与童话的时代。在家里的一次大火灾之后,白鸽子引导他们先后去了南极亚拉,在那里的樱桃谷如天堂一般,但是生活在附近的蔷薇谷的人们却在暴君腾格尔的统治下,过着恐惧、受奴役、没有自由的生活。于是,狮心兄弟担负着解放蔷薇谷的使命,但是,敌人又是那么强大,几乎是不可战胜的。他们历经了种种危险和惊心动魄的时刻,终于把南极亚拉从暴君腾格尔、恶魔卡特拉手中解放出来。但是,最后哥哥也被恶龙卡特拉的火焰烧着了(而那是致命的)……胆小的斯科尔班是如何在危险时刻克服自己的恐惧,勇敢地与邪恶进行斗争。以及他们如何渡过难关,最终取得胜利。这些只有自己通过阅读去体会才会难以忘怀。旧时光定格,久远地印在心里。一点迷惑,一点莫名的感伤。像早上第一堂课,老师的嘴里唠叨着什么,每个字都重复着“睡吧睡吧”,同学们的脸孔遥远陌生。眼神迷离,不敢彻底伏下头去,等一声惊叫闯来,或者一个玩笑传来。时间过的慢极了,下课铃似乎永远不会响起。 一种童年,一个神奇温暖的梦幻世界。
Ferdinand Marian Kristina Söderbaum Heinrich George Werner Krauss Eugen Klöpfer Albert Florath Malte Jaeger Theodor Loos Hilde von Stolz Else Elster Walter Werner Jakob Tiedtke Otto F. Henning Emil Heß Charlotte Schultz
In this notorious Nazi propaganda historical costume melodrama, a conniving, ambitious Jewish businessman, Suess Oppenheimer, snares a post as treasurer to the Duke of Wurttemburg by showering the corrupt duke with treasure and promises of even greater riches. As the Jew's schemes grow more elaborate and his actions more brazen, the dukedom nearly erupts into civil war. Persuaded by the Jew, the Duke all but scuttles the constitution and alienates the assembly by lifting the local ban on Jews in Stuttgart. In a final outrage, the Jew rapes a wholesome German girl and tortures her father and fiancee. When the Duke succumbs to a sudden heart attack, the assembly of Elders try the Jew and sentence him to death for having carnal knowledge of a Christian woman. Summary written by Kevin Rayburn
评论家亚历山大(厄兰·约瑟夫森 Erland Josephson 饰)在瑞典的家中庆祝自己的五十岁生日,年幼的小儿子刚做完咽喉手术不能发声。两人在静默中种下一株树苗期待它生出绿色的枝叶,然而就在当天晚上,电台广播了一则发射核导弹的消息,第三次世界大战即将爆发。绝望的亚历山大向上帝祈祷不要发生战争,甚至他愿意奉献自己的一切来阻止世界末日的来临。期待世界重生的亚历山大在心力交瘁的情况下,烧毁了自己的房子。在熊熊大火中,亚历山大被救护车送进了医院。小儿子来到岸边继续为他们共同栽种的树苗浇水,一切似乎又恢复了平静。 苏联著名电影大师安德烈·塔科夫斯基生前执导的最后一部杰作《牺牲》,荣获1986年戛纳电影节天主教人道精神奖在内的四项大奖,并提名金棕榈奖最佳影片,于1988年荣获第41届英国电影和电视艺术学院奖最佳外语片。
故事发生在1938年5月6日,这个日子无论是对罗马人民或是对平凡的家庭主妇安东尼泰(索菲娅·罗兰 Sophia Loren 饰)来说,都是不平凡的一天。当日,独裁者希特勒和墨索里尼来到罗马参加高峰会议,无限吹捧他们奉行的法西斯主义,在慷慨激昂的讲话的蛊惑人心的词语之中,整个城市陷入了一片疯狂的躁动。 然而,这狂热的一切似乎都和在家中洒扫整理的安东尼泰无关,此刻的她正陷于深深的忧郁之中,被困在枯燥的婚姻和苍白的生活内无法自拔。这时,她邂逅了新搬来的邻居加布瑞乐(马塞洛·马斯楚安尼 Marcello Mastroianni 饰),在极短的时间内,两人相知相恋,迸发出了巨大的激情,可黑夜过后,一切重归平静,仿佛什么都没有发生过。
Cannes Film Festival YearResultAwardCategoryRecipient(s) 1980 Won Best Supporting Actress Milena Dravic Tied with Carla Gravina and Terrazza, La (1980). Nominated Golden Palm Goran Paskaljevic Golden Globes, USA YearResultAwardCategoryRecipient(s) 1981 Nominated Golden Globe Best Foreign Film Brushed with shadings of a larger social and political commentary, this occasionally hilarious and consistently funny comedy looks at a closet alcoholic, Dr. Ilich (Ljuba Tadic) who treats alcoholism in others with an iron hand and a zany therapeutical approach. Between the music of Wagner, a diet in which apples figure prominently, and exercises that look like Chicken Little in take-off mode, the doctor is convinced his patients will be cured. What really ails most of them is what caused their alcohol problem in the first place -- so when the eccentric doctor takes six of his patients to a nearby brewery to demonstrate the success of his treatment, chaos results. First the apples taken on the trip are spiked by one patient (two of them clink their apples in joy) and then the brewery management and its own alcohol-addicted crew add to the patients' antics.
特丽丝塔娜(凯瑟琳•德纳芙 Catherine Deneuve 饰)的母亲在临死前,把她托付给堂•路普(Fernando Rey 饰)照顾。衰老的路普衣食无忧,性格强势看重荣誉,但同时,也是镇上女人们所熟知的好色之徒。路普表面上是特丽丝塔娜的监护人,而他实际对后者抱有隐而未发的强烈欲望。 特丽丝塔娜在路普的家中感受到压抑,女仆和女仆的聋哑儿子也远不是她可以倾诉心事的友人。在一次外出中,塔里斯塔纳偶遇一位年轻的画家,后者令她看到了爱情的希望,知晓特丽丝塔娜处境的画家殴打了路普,两人一起离开小镇。不久,特丽丝塔娜罹患重病,无计可施的画家只好寻求路普的帮助……
波利特(尼内-克里斯汀·约恩松 Nine-Christine Jönsson 饰)是一个年轻的女人,长久以来,她都生活在抑郁的情绪之中,并且有着很强烈的自杀倾向,这一切和波利特所拥有的的非常不幸福的童年有着分不开的关系。波利特和母亲之间的关系非常的糟糕,最近,她找到了一份工作,这令她感到开心,可是如此一来,她就无法再住在学校的宿舍里,这也就意味着,波利特必须重新和母亲住到一起去。 朝夕相处很快就将母女两人之间隐藏至深的矛盾给激发了,与此同时,波利特邂逅了一个名叫格艾斯塔(本特·埃克隆德 Bengt Eklund 饰)的男人,这个男人能否成为波利特的救命稻草呢?
赞努西打开国际影坛大门的早期代表作,以繁复而疏离的形式和内省的命题著称。 藉由一心进入知名学府物理系就读的男主角,日后恋爱、辍学、逃离尘世到回归体制的过程,不断从生活、精神、 思想上发掘冲突与辩证,游走在性灵与现实、自由与责任的拉据。不仅反映了当时波兰青年知识份子的心境, 也确立赞努西日后作品的内在主题。
It is a great film by a great director.Kira Muratova has never been given her due in the Soviet and post-Soviet Russia.In the Long Good Bye she depicts a seemingly banal story of a jealous and possessive mother (brilliantly acted by Zinaida Sharko) and her poor aloof and lonely son (the only cinematic role by the talented O. Vladimirsky). The story - which is nothing extraordinary in itself - grows into the wonderful and frightening analysis of alienation between genders and generations on the background of the even more frighteningly bleak and dehumanized Soviet reality.Kira Muratova shows the tiny details of everyday Soviet life,and, again , banal as they are ,they are a hair-raising horror.The dialogue is deliberately laconic and void of any sense, showing the ever-growing people's inability to communicate and understand each other.The sound track ( by another under-estimated talent, Oleg Karavaichuk)adds to the atmosphere of hopeless and meaningless existence.Of course,Sasha (the name of the protagonist),will leave his despotic ( but loving!) mother sooner or later, but where for (c)