2024 综艺 比佛
2022 综艺 比佛
2013 综艺 模范
已完结 共8期
2018 综艺 美国
美国卡车之夜以有史以来最艰难的卡车障碍赛场创造历史。美国和卡车齐头并进,自 1925 年第一辆美国工厂生产的卡车下线以来,美国车主一直在想方设法让它们更快、更强、更好。在美国的卡车之夜,五名卡车车主在一系列艰苦的挑战中展开竞争,最大限度地测试他们的技术和驾驶能力。每集都有独特的挑战,以前所未有的方式测试卡车。挑战在“绿色地狱”中达到高潮,这是一个 3 英里的障碍赛场,其中包括让卡车飞离跳跃、翻越被压扁的汽车山,甚至穿过蛇出没的沼泽的挑战。一路上帮助他们的是越野世界的四位专家——他们指导、建造、修理、但他们不能做的一件事就是开车。最后,完成比赛的卡车将获得冠军 - 如果他们能走那么远的话。
已完结 共13期
2021 综艺 与潮
已完结 共10期
2013 综艺 我为
琳达·戴克斯(Linda Dykes)是来自北威尔士的强迫性清洁工。她非常喜欢清洁,因此成立了自己的清洁机构。琳达认为,强迫性清洁工拥有一套特殊的技能,可以改变国家的习惯,因此她正在与其他强迫性清洁工合作,帮助清洁英国肮脏的房屋和肮脏的公共场所。每周,这些强迫性清洁工都会与家庭急需大扫除的人进行精心匹配。
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2013 综艺 我为
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2017 综艺 好胃
阿卜杜拉·赛义德(Abdullah Saeed)和他的团队举办了世界上最精致的大麻晚宴,邀请著名厨师前来,在厨房里制作一顿饭,厨房里摆放着有史以来最大的大麻原料。
已完结 共20期
2019 综艺 好胃
阿卜杜拉·赛义德(Abdullah Saeed)和他的团队举办了世界上最精致的大麻晚宴,邀请著名厨师前来,在厨房里制作一顿饭,厨房里摆放着有史以来最大的大麻原料。
已完结 共10期
2016 综艺 好胃
阿卜杜拉·赛义德(Abdullah Saeed)和他的团队举办了世界上最精致的大麻晚宴,邀请著名厨师前来,在厨房里制作一顿饭,厨房里摆放着有史以来最大的大麻原料。
已完结 共10期
2022 综艺 幸存
2024 综艺 90
连载中 连载到2期
2021 综艺 最腻
已完结 共8期
2023 综艺 最腻
已完结 共9期
2022 综艺 救救
患有极端头发相关医疗问题的患者寻求 Angie Phipps 博士、Meena Singh 博士和 Isha Lopez 博士进行改变生活的程序和治疗。
已完结 共6期
2020 综艺 地狱
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2018 综艺 地狱
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2018 综艺 地狱
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2020 综艺 动物
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2019 综艺 动物
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2018 综艺 动物
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2019 综艺 动物
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2017 综艺 赤裸
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2015 综艺 赤裸
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2016 综艺 赤裸
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2013 综艺 赤裸
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2014 综艺 赤裸
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2014 综艺 赤裸
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2013 综艺 赤裸
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2024 综艺 叛徒
2016 综艺 锻刀

  Forged in Fire is an American reality television competition series that airs on the History channel, and is produced by Outpost Entertainment, a Leftfield Entertainment company. In each episode, four bladesmiths compete in a three-round elimination contest to forge bladed weapons, with the overall winner receiving $10000 and the day's championship title. The series is hosted by Wil Willis, with a three-judge panel consisting of J. Neilson, David Baker, and Doug Marcaida, experts in weapon history and use.

2024 综艺 叛徒
连载中 连载到7期
2009 综艺 巅峰
男孩们正在进行一场从伦敦到爱丁堡的史诗般的比赛,因为他们发现了60年前的Top Gear会是什么样子。James选择了漂亮的捷豹XK120跑车,Richard选择了Vincent Black Shadow摩托车,Jeremy选择了不那么旧但新建的龙卷风蒸汽火车,这代表了当时英国的蒸汽火车。Jeremy路试新款Lotus Evora。Stig驾驶法拉利FXX,在Top Gear测试赛道上设定了新的圈速。
已完结 共7期
2008 综艺 巅峰
由于燃油价格上涨,男孩们正在努力解决燃油危机。杰里米 (Jeremy) 评测新款法拉利 430 Scuderia。推出《Top Gear》特技演员。男孩们用不到 1000 英镑建造了自己的警车。
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2009 综艺 巅峰
男孩们去罗马尼亚寻找3辆新的敞篷超级跑车中最好的驾驶道路。Jeremy选择阿斯顿马丁DBS Volante,Richard选择法拉利加利福尼亚,James选择兰博基尼Gallardo LP560-4 Spyder。詹姆斯路试了宝马和奔驰两款最强大的豪华轿车,宝马760Li和梅赛德斯-奔驰S63 AMG。埃里克·巴纳是价格合理的汽车中的明星。
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2007 综艺 巅峰
Jeremy、Richard和James乘坐兰博基尼Gallardo Superleggera、保时捷911 GT3 RS和阿斯顿马丁V8 Vantage N24前往欧洲大陆,寻找世界上最好的驾驶道路。Jeremy驾驶大众高尔夫GTi W12概念车。海伦·米伦女爵士是一辆价格合理的汽车中的明星,她解释了公共交通的概念。
已完结 共9期
2008 综艺 巅峰
Jeremy路试了新款保时捷911 GT2,并将其与新款兰博基尼Gallardo LP560-4进行了比较。为了了解当卡车司机有多难,主持人每人得到5000英镑,然后出去买一辆卡车(运输集装箱的大型钻机),然后他们将面临许多挑战。
已完结 共8期
2005 综艺 巅峰
Jeremy测试梅赛德斯-奔驰CLS55 AMG。James路试本田元素。Richard和James用丰田Aygo玩了一场汽车足球赛。Jeremy测试了路虎揽胜运动版,试图避免被挑战者II坦克击中。
已完结 共11期
2005 综艺 巅峰
Richard测试新款Ascari KZ1。男孩们前往马恩岛测试新款阿斯顿马丁V8 Vantage,并将其与新款宝马M6和保时捷911 Carrera 2S进行比较。
已完结 共6期
2004 综艺 巅峰
这是一场从英国到法国蒙特卡洛的史诗般的比赛,理查德和詹姆斯乘坐时速200英里的火车,乘坐阿斯顿马丁DB9与杰里米比赛。詹姆斯路试城市漫游者。Jeremy对Lotus Exige进行了路试,并挑战一架阿帕奇直升机在Lotus赛道上比赛时锁定目标。
已完结 共10期
2006 综艺 巅峰
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2003 综艺 巅峰
杰里米 (Jeremy) 前往底特律评测福特 GT。回到工作室,团队查看了福特 Visos 概念车。杰里米 (Jeremy) 驾驶着大众 Lupo 涡轮柴油发动机,与一辆汽油动力 Lupo 一起在 M25 上绕了一圈。东区硬汉马丁·坎普 (Martin Kemp) 是价格合理的汽车中的明星。斯蒂格在英国皇家海军无敌号航空母舰上驾驶由氮气注入驱动的捷豹汽车,挑战时速达到 100 英里/小时(160 公里/小时),但他速度太快,飞出了甲板。
已完结 共10期
2004 综艺 巅峰
Jeremy路试新款保时捷911 Carrera 2S。男孩们前往他们最喜欢的威尔士海滩,测试沃克斯豪尔Monaro、克莱斯勒300C和捷豹S Type-R。
已完结 共9期
2003 综艺 巅峰
廉价刺激是本周的主题。James May加入团队,带来一些热门的购车技巧。介绍了爱/恨委员会。前足球运动员出身的好莱坞硬汉维尼·琼斯是《价格合理的汽车》中的明星。该团队讨论了《意大利工作》的翻拍版、标致206 Estate和一辆打扮成法拉利355的丰田MR2。
已完结 共10期
2002 综艺 巅峰
《Top Gear》是英国BBC电视台出品的一档汽车节目,虽然是一个汽车节目,但它相对于平时我们在电视上看到的"汽车杂志"之类的广告或节目有着天堂与地狱之间的差.思维跳跃的编导,好莱坞水平的专业摄影,匪夷所思的试车创意,还有那三个闻名世界的大嘴和一位从不说话的神秘试车手Stig.观看Top Gear,你不仅是在看一个单纯的汽车节目,很多时候更像是在欣赏一部令你热血沸腾的大制作电影
2022 综艺 巅峰
弗雷迪、克里斯和帕迪携《巅峰拍档》第33季回归,他们马不停蹄,在全球各地以不同形式热烈赞颂有关汽车的一切。一段穿越泰国的皮卡朝圣之旅中,他们探索了这个比世界上任何其他地方都更喜欢卡车的神奇国家;阿尔卑斯山的一场超级跑车对决,出动了全新的法拉利296 GTB、新款保时捷Cayman GT4 RS,以及价值数百万英镑、令人惊叹的四轮艺术品,帕加尼Huayra BC。三位主持人还来到了泰国遥远的另一端,巴黎,试驾最新款的平价电动迷你车。而在离英国不远的地方,他们贯彻不走寻常路的方式,寻找预算范围内变身快递小哥的最佳方式。在另一地,节目组聚焦于一群颇具潜质的年轻赛车手,他们缺乏在高风险的赛车世界中竞争的方法。才华横溢的年轻车手和机械师们在节目中组成团队,把握住这一千载难逢的机会。
2022 综艺 巅峰
Freddie、Chris和 Paddy三位主持人重返赛车场,节目的可看性也再次升级。这一次,他们再次前往世界各地,为您带来全新的汽车盛宴和最惊险的旅程,更有大明星做客节目,笑声无限。
2021 综艺 巅峰
这是Freddie Flintoff、Chris Harris 和 Paddy McGuinness 四度联袂主持 Top Gear。他们将再次上路迎接一系列严峻挑战在探索中刷新自己与座驾的极限。本季Top Gear的亮点不仅包括三位主持人将应对中年危机车的棘手问题,同时他们还将前往苏格兰高地开启紧张又刺激的越野大冒险、试驾 007 系列电影中标志性的邦德车。最后他们还会开着各自父亲的旧车拾起过往回忆踏上一段怀旧之旅。本季还将对许多新发布的车型进行试驾测评 包括丰田GR 雅力士 、兰博基尼 Sian混合动力超级跑车和法拉利罗马跑车等。Top Gear 重新回归一场彻头彻尾的激烈角逐!
2021 综艺 巅峰
Freddie Flintoff, Chris Harris and Paddy McGuinness head to the British Grand Prix for a showdown with a trio of F1's finest drivers. Elsewhere, Paddy pays tribute to the legendary Eddie Kidd OBE.
2019 综艺 巅峰
In their first adventure together, Freddie Flintoff, Chris Harris and Paddy McGuinness head to the searing heat of Ethiopia in their first cars. Back at the track, Chris puts the Ferrari 488 qigou.cc Pista and McLaren 600LT through their paces.
2018 综艺 巅峰
Top Gear,是由BBC出品的一档汽车娱乐节目,自2002年改版推出,至今已经25季。脑回路清奇的创意、疯狂在燃烧的经费、堪比好莱坞的制作,它被称为全世界最好的汽车秀。本次,Top Gear第25季将于2月26起,在bilibili全网独播,每周一10:00更新一集,前24季也将陆续上线。不解释了,赶紧上车吧。
2019 综艺 巅峰
不设边界、不找借口、不守规矩,Top Gear第26季将于2月18日起,bilibili全网独播!每周一10:00更新一集,游戏开始!
2017 综艺 巅峰
Since 2003, our top secret Top Gear test track (based just off the A281 in Surrey) has played host to all manner of glamorous metal in the hands of The Stig, celebrities in an array of afforable hatchbacks, the odd barbeque or two, and John Prescott. Here’s everything you need to know from 13 years of smoke and power - with links to all the behind the scenes footage.
2014 综艺 巅峰
《Top Gear》是英国BBC电视台出品的一档汽车节目,虽然是一个汽车节目,但它相对于平时我们在电视上看到的"汽车杂志"之类的广告或节目有着天堂与地狱之间的差.思维跳跃的编导,好莱坞水平的专业摄影,匪夷所思的试车创意,还有那三个闻名世界的大嘴和一位从不说话的神秘试车手Stig.观看Top Gear,你不仅是在看一个单纯的汽车节目,很多时候更像是在欣赏一部令你热血沸腾的大制作电影!
2016 综艺 巅峰
第二十三季由BBC的著名节目主持人Chris Evans与Matt LeBlanc共同主持。
2015 综艺 巅峰
Top Gear will return on Jan. 25th, 2015.
2013 综艺 巅峰

  148 Series 19, Episode 1 27 January 2013 Damian Lewis
  Review: Richard reviews the Pagani Huayra, the latest supercar from the Italian manufacturer. The car is capable of savage acceleration, with a lot of attention placed into the bodywork, interior and utilizing cutting edge technology. Despite the massive twin-turbo engine and horsepower, thanks to its sophisticated aerodynamic package, the car can easily be driven hard without the risk of spinning. The Huayra also set the fastest time on the Top Gear Test Track in the hands of The Stig, 1:13.8, beating the previous record, set by the Ariel Atom V8.
  News: The Dacia Sandero is now on sale in the UK. The Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG Black has been updated to produce extra horsepower, but the handling is still challenging. Jeremy claims that he has found a male equivalent version of Fifty Shades of Grey, presenting a kid's book about tractors. The new Chevrolet Stingray is announced. James May turned fifty the previous week. Also, the rally team composed of war amputees (previously mentioned in series 17, episode 6) finally completed their challenge of finishing the 2013 Dakar Rally.
  Review: James reviews the new Bentley Continental GT, and notes the new engine and subtle ride characteristics. Believing that the Bentley, with four wheel drive system and a big, powerful engine, can handle things worse than a Welsh countryside road, James takes the car onto a Welsh stage of the World Rally Championship, with Kris Meeke behind the wheel, and James being the co-driver. Despite the car having less grip, more weight, an electronic handbrake (unsuitable for usage on a rally stage) and James not being proficient at giving pace notes, the Bentley was actually faster than one of the full WRC cars.
  Star In A Reasonably Priced Car: Damian Lewis takes his turn in the car, and drifts the Kia Cee'd around the snow-coated test track and crosses the finish line sideways, setting the slowest ever time of 2:09.1. Jeremy cheers Damian up by making a separate board for snow (he justs put the time underneath and to the side of the fastest lap time on that board) and says that he is the fastest driver ever on their "snow board".
  Challenge: Jeremy attempts to build a car smaller than the Peel P50, naming his creation the P45. It was based on a quad bike, with bodywork fitted, designed to wrap around the driver. He then presented his idea to the 'Dragons' in a Dragons' Den style format. All of the dragons declare themselves "out" and back in the studio, Richard concludes that for the P45 to be put in production, Jeremy would have to be dead.
  149 Series 19, Episode 2 3 February 2013 Mick Fleetwood
  Challenge, Part 1: In another challenge, the presenters picked three super cars to take on an epic race. Since it was Hammond's turn to select the challenge location, the team went to the Western United States. Jeremy selected the Lexus LFA, James chose the new Aston Martin Vanquish, and Richard took the SRT Viper. After a brief drive in the Nevada desert, the trio headed to Las Vegas Motor Speedway, specifically the drag strip, to compete in drag races organized by the Las Vegas Police Department; whom organized it with the theory that allowing people to drag race, legally, at a closed circuit, would prevent street racing. Despite the high performance of their cars, the trio were beaten by modified production cars, and 4WD cars, in each of their drag races.
  News: Jeremy comes up with a solution on how to solve the crisis affecting Britain's town centres: sacking all traffic wardens and removing double yellow lines. The trio then review a Chinese product designed to stop drowsiness behind the wheel, before they took a first look at the 2013 Jaguar F-Type. They praised its styling, but criticized its high price tag of £60,000, as well as its target audience. James mentions Peugeot Citroen's car intended to run on compressed air; Jeremy attempted to use a fire extinguisher to demonstrate, but failed after only causing himself to turn slowly around.
  Challenge, Part 2.: After leaving Las Vegas, James and Richard make fun of Jeremy's LFA for lacking not only Bluetooth connection and iPod connectors, but cup holders, despite being the most expensive car. They are then tasked to head to Willow Springs International Motorsports Park, but they instead stop on a grooved road, where each car drives over the grooves and produces notes. When they reach Willow Springs, they are forced to play an aerial version of Laser Quest, where they would drive 5 laps around the track, whilst being chased by two Aermacchi SF.260 armed with laser guns. In the end, James won the challenge by being hit only 17 times.
  Star in a Reasonably Priced Car: Fleetwood Mac's Mick Fleetwood drove the Kia Cee'd around the Test Track with a lap of 1:45.4.
  Challenge, Part 3: Departing Willow Springs, the group headed for Los Angeles, California. In order to do "real world" testing, Richard devised a challenge to see who could burn the best elevens. The three instead ended up drawing a phallus and left LA. The team then stayed for a night in Palm Springs. However, the producers gave them a final challenge. The three would drive from Palm Springs to the Mexican border at Calexico the following morning, and the last to make it to the Mexican border would have to travel into the country itself to drive the Mastretta MXT, a Mexican sports car made fun of by the presenters in an earlier series, for a later segment on the show. In revenge for taking them to America, Jeremy and James sabotaged Hammond's Viper, causing him to lose 10 minutes in the race. Despite making a stop for fuel, Jeremy made it to the finish line first, with James in second. Richard then walked to the border being the last person to arrive. At the studio, James and Jeremy end by saying that the Viper was awful and that the Vanquish and LFA were amazing.
  150 Series 19, Episode 3 10 February 2013 Amy Macdonald
  Review: Jeremy reviews the Toyota GT86 and the Subaru BRZ. The cars are almost identical, but Jeremy prefers the Toyota GT86. The Stig then completed a lap of the Test Track in 1:31:3.
  News: They discuss the new Subaru Impreza, which is not coming to UK, and they then talk about the new Maserati Quattroporte.
  Challenge, Part 1: The producers have reserved a single ticket to a football match at the San Siro in Milan, Northern Italy. The trio have a race from Wembley Stadium to the San Siro. Jeremy drives the Shelby Mustang GT500 and Richard and James travel on public transport. Similar to the previous race to Monte Carlo, Richard and James are not allowed to use any cars, and Jeremy is not allowed to use any trains. According to Jeremy, since the last epic race, the trains have become faster and boats have become slower. Richard and James opened up a big lead whilst travelling on the Eurostar, and arrive in Paris while Jeremy was still crossing the English Channel on a ferry. After reaching France, Jeremy discovers that the Mustang only holds 50 litres in its fuel tank. After leaving Paris, Richard and James discuss what to do upon arriving in Milan — as there are two of them but only one ticket. Hundreds of miles behind, Jeremy ends part 1 of the challenge stating out loud, "I'm gonna lose!"
  Star in a Reasonably Priced Car: Amy Macdonald drove the Kia Cee'd around the Test Track in 1:44.4. During one of her practice runs, Amy accidentally destroyed one of the runway lights, which Jeremy gives to her after revealing the lap time.
  Challenge, Part 2: The high speed TGV slowed down as it approached the mountains that surround Northern Italy. Jeremy began to catch up and was nearly neck and neck with the train, until road works at the Mont Blanc Tunnel slow him down. The train starts to accelerate again and reaches Northern Italy ahead of Jeremy. Richard and James use a tube network to get to the streets near the finish line. James maintains his opposition to run on television and Richard runs off alone to find the finish line, which is at a bar in the IM Villa Veuve Cliequot. James then assembled a bike which he had hidden in one of his bags and rides to the bar, only to find that Richard is already there and has won the race and the ticket to the football match. Moments later, Jeremy arrived and accepted defeat for the first time ever in an epic race of all the series.
  151 Series 19, Episode 4 17 February 2013 Lewis Hamilton
  Review: Jeremy reviews the Vauxhall Astra VXR, Ford Focus ST and Renault Megane Renault Sport Cup. The Stig did laps of each car, the Focus being the slowest at 1:29.6, the Astra VXR at 1:28.3, and the Megane in 1:27.7. Despite this, Jeremy chose the Astra VXR as the best overall car of the three.
  News: They discuss the newest cars, such as the Alfa Romeo 4C, the next generation Ford Mustang would be sold in Great Britain, but the UK version would come with a 2.0 EcoBoost engine, and the importance of the handbrake turn in "male development".
  Review: Jeremy tests the all new Kia Cee'd, putting it through a myriad of strange road tests. Including Matt LeBlanc doing a lap with both the old and new Cee'd, Bruce Willis (in character as John McClane) testing the horn of the Cee'd, Eric Clapton testing its auxiliary input jack, and Jeremy testing the Cee'd's self parallel parking feature.
  Star in a Reasonably Priced Car: Lewis Hamilton opens up about his move from McLaren to Mercedes AMG and takes the old Suzuki Liana around the Test Track, setting the fastest F1 time, a 1:42.9.
  Review: As punishment for losing the previous race, Richard is forced to review the Mastretta MXT in Mexico. Minding his words, he states that the MXT was an ambitious undertaking for the first-time manufacturer, but that it had its share of flaws.
  Challenge: Jeremy and James play car rugby using Kia Cee'ds and Kia Sportages at Twickenham Stadium and Stig in Vauxhall Astra Police car as the referee. Jeremy's team wins.
  152 Series 19, Episode 5 24 February 2013 James McAvoy
  Challenge, Part 1: Jeremy and Richard attempt to design a car targeted at elderly people. Jeremy demonstrates the complexity of modern cars' dshboard. Richard brings a Fiat Multipla and both modify it. Jeremy breaks the dashboard and replaces it considering it to be too complicated for elders. Richard asks for the airbags saying that it is dangerous for the elderly who are as delicate as children, and that he needs it for a safety feature. Jeremy makes a speedometer which reads 20 mph at the top speed, he also uses an old design switch for rear fog light which does nothing. Jeremy installs a pet-cage and replaces the back seat with high seat chairs and the Fiat badge with a Rover one. They paint it in beige after observing the shade of a hearing aid. Richard uses water-resistant fabric as seat covers, and while stitching hurts his eye. They complete the car and end the part 1 with Richard wearing heavy bandages over his left eye.
  News: Volkswagen will launch GTI version of the new Golf and GT version of Up will be launched. Kia will launch the Pro Cee'd GT. The Mini Paceman is launched, and the trio mock the front end of the car, claiming that it looks depressing. The trio agree that the British are the best drivers. Alfa-Romeo releases photographs of the Gloria, in which the trio make fun of it's name. Richard had arrived late so James and Jeremy had attempted to play tennis with cars (which has a lot of editing).
  Review: James reviews the new Range Rover in London. The new car is completely redesigned, 400 kg lighter due to Aluminium body, has active suspension, new gearbox, minimalist dashboard and offers better comfort. James then races it against TerraMax at Nevada Automotive Test Centre, Nevada. The race was to a hill 10 mile across, passing through rocky terrain, hillock, mud, river and sand-tracks. TerraMax was switched to drone mode during the race to deflate the tyres and take a short-cut. The Range Rover's automatic Terrain Response System is demonstrated. James takes a longer route to ascend the hill but still wins the race. At the studio, the trio consider the driverless cars to be not very practical.
  Star In A Reasonably Priced Car: James McAvoy drove the Kia Cee'd around the Test Track with a lap of 1:43.6 despite having less experience of driving cars. He drove over grassy patch in the last corner but manages to keep the car under control.
  Challenge, Part 2: Jeremy and Richard road-test their car at Christchurch, Dorset. The car has large front bumpers made up of foam, large rear-view mirrors, squeaking ball under the brake-pedal, large magnifying-glass on the dashboard, sat nav (voiced by Richard Briers) with only four destinatons. The car has an artificial cat on the roof which later fell over on the way of Bingo hall. Richard later shows his system to find the location of parked car (the car activates a flare and then releases a balloon). Jeremy shows that the radio only plays Horse of the Year Show theme on a loop, which both later find to be irresistible to clap along. The name of the car is revealed to be The James. They pick up three elderly ladies from a pensioners' home for road-testing and drive them to a bowling club where it is shown that Richard fitted the airbag at the rear for parking assist which inflates the airbag on close proximity. Jeremy and Richard buy food for picnic, choosing only British foods. They attach the shopping trolley to Tow hitch and head for picnic. The roof of the car leaks as it rains. Jeremy and Richard end up choosing a picnic spot on roadside where they find the trolley to be damaged during reversing and the food to be soaked, however they ate the food which was not ruined. The next day both leave Christchurch and Jeremy shows his system to prevent the car from being driven on the wrong side of the road, the car initially sounds alarm and later the tyres, doors and other parts of the car explode which stops the car and renders it immobile. At the studio, James considers the heater to be complicated, the trio thank Richard Briers and announce the Africa special.
  153 Series 19, Episode 6 3 March 2013 No Guest
  First of the two-episode Africa Special, taking place in Africa. The episode was shot in 2012.
  Challenge, Part 1: Buy used estate cars for up to £1,500 in Britain and report at a small village in rural Uganda. Jeremy arrives in a BMW 528i Touring, Richard in a Subaru Impreza WRX Estate and James in a Volvo 850R Wagon. The challenge is to find the true source of the river Nile.
  They set off an discover that exploring isn't as difficult as first thought when they go on a nice easy drive and find Lake Victoria, of whom the Victorian Explorers thought was the source of the Nile. However they are then told that it is not the actual source of the Nile and there were two other disputed locations for it, one in Rwanda and one in Burundi. However, Jeremy Clarkson insisted that both of these locations were wrong and decided to head west towards Lake Edward to see whether there was a link between that lake and Lake Kivu in Rwanda.
  In their journey west, where they visit the Entebbe Airport and from there see the Ford Scorpio Estate back-up car. They continue into Kampala, Uganda's Capital City where they get held up in a traffic jam overnight, the most hurrendous traffic they'd ever seen.
  They continue on well-maintained highways west finding their trip incredibly easy before reaching the town of Mbarara in the southwest of the country, via a stop in Jezza, a village in Mpigi District. Here they stay in a disgusting hotel, after driving through tea plantations in an attempt to discover a lovely teahouse hotel, which in the mind of Richard, was bound to found due to tea programmes he'd seen.
  In Mbarara they stayed in the Economic Lodge with Jeremy having a bed with faeces on it. They left the hotel disgusted before Richard has the idea to make the cars 'hotels'. James modifies his Volvo by adding a library, Richard adds a cooker and Jeremy adds a coffin. The coffin he uses to put his clothes in, he sleeps on Egyptian Cotton.
  They leave for Lake Edward, camping overnight there because of its beauty before heading in search of the river heading for Lake Kivu. None of the rivers connect the lake as they all head east rather than south. They give up, leaving them disappointed. Then Jeremy looks at a map and discovers the source of the Nile must be on the other side of Lake Victoria. His reasoning is that the Mediterranean Sea is effectively an inland sea and so Gibraltar is the true mouth of the Nile, rather than Alexandria in Egypt.
  After discovering this they decide that they must drive straight to the other side of Lake Victoria to get to the southeast coast in Tanzania near the Serengeti. They start this journey by heading south into the Rwenzori Mountains, finding the going hard and most of the time getting their vehicles stuck in mud.

2013 综艺 巅峰
Jeremy, Richard and James talk about everything car-related. From new cars to how they're fueled, this show has it all.
2012 综艺 巅峰

  Series Eighteen starts airing on 29 January 2012 with seven episodes (not including the India Special),[1] following on from the 2011 Christmas special which aired on 28 December 2011.[2] In the special they take a route across India, the first of the many countries Top Gear plans to visit over the course of the new series, according to Jeremy Clarkson. Shooting in India began on 2 October, with the first leg of the shooting beginning in suburbs of Mumbai.[3][4] The show was also seen in Lecce, Italy with a Noble M600, McLaren MP4-12C and a Lamborghini Aventador.[5] Hammond announced during the Top Gear Live shows in Birmingham, that additional recordings for the new series had been done in the USA.
  The January 2012 edition of Top Gear Magazine featured a preview of what to expect in series 18.[6] It included a piece where Richard Hammond drives a NASCAR safety car for a real race, later going on to drive an actual NASCAR race car. The magazine also featured a part of some of the power tests to expect, including Jeremy Clarkson driving a Mercedes-Benz C63 AMG Black Edition, a Mercedes SLS AMG Roadster and a Maserati GranTurismo MC Stradale. Hammond meanwhile will drive a 2012 BMW M5 F10, and May will have a Vauxhall Corsa Nürburgring Edition. Another feature is going to China to test drive Chinese cars, Italy in 3 super-cars, Lamborghini Aventador, Noble M600 and a McLaren MP4-12C. Also James May is taking a trip to USA to test sports hybrid supercar Fisker Karma, meet AC/DC frontman Brian Johnson and drive his 1928 Bentley Vanden Plas LeMans Tourer. According to Top Gear Executive Producer Andy Wilman, Clarkson, Hammond and May are going to northern Sweden as well, where they will race the new Ferrari FF across a Silverstone Circuit-shaped ice track. Also Jeremy Clarkson and Richard Hammond will attempt to film a car chase sequence for The Sweeney.

2011 综艺 巅峰

  Series 17 of the world’s biggest, silliest and most explosive car show sees Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May re-invent public transport with a car-based train, smash down buildings using surplus military equipment and celebrate the 50th birthday of the Jaguar E-type. The presenters also head to Monaco to race fast hatchbacks around the legendary Grand Prix street circuit, create a title sequence for an imaginary 1970s detective show, and find things to do in Lincoln whilst you wait for your electric car to recharge. The Stig is let loose in some seriously hardcore hardware including the Aston Martin Virage, the McLaren MP4-12C, the Lamborghini Avantador and the BMW 1-series M. And as if that wasn’t enough, Alice Cooper, Sebastian Vettel and Simon Cowell are amongst the sensational stars in the Reasonably Priced Car.——from:http://itunes.apple.com/gb/tv-season/top-gear-series-17/id446384289

2011 综艺 巅峰
Ariel Atom采用V8发动机,每吨900马力,0-60英里/小时的速度不到2.3秒,由James在赛道上驾驶。时速会达到60英里吗?理查德又玩保时捷了。这一次,新的911 Turbo S Cabriolet,他与一辆大众甲壳虫比赛。一场带有Top Gear扭曲的比赛。。。Jeremy开着一辆你买得起的实用车——斯柯达Yeti,并对它进行了一些不同寻常的测试。约翰·毕晓普是一辆价格合理的汽车中的明星。
已完结 共7期
2010 综艺 巅峰
Jeremy路试新款宾利大陆超级跑车。詹姆斯试图用一辆丰田Hilux皮卡(与机组人员前往北极时使用的卡车相同)接近冰岛的一座活火山。理查德对这辆价格合理的旧车(雪佛兰Lacetti)进行了妥善的安葬,以此告别它。推出了一款价格合理的新车。Jeremy测试Reliant Robin。
已完结 共7期
2019 综艺 走进


2010 综艺 好莱
已完结 共20期
2011 综艺 好莱
已完结 共12期
2024 综艺 愚蠢
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2008 综艺 好莱
已完结 共28期
2007 综艺 好莱
与男友杰森度过了一个艰难的夏天后,劳伦决定分手,并返回《Teen Vogue》面对她不高兴的老板。海蒂发现自己和她和奥德丽娜正在约会的一个男人遇到了麻烦。
已完结 共12期
2006 综艺 好莱
已完结 共10期