举世闻名的《富甲山水图》各一半珍藏于大陆和台湾的故宫博物院,这是首次合璧在台北故宫展出。国际上的江湖大盗纷纷闻讯而至。来自大洋彼岸的国际盗宝集团派出两名美女盗贼假扮保安人员混入故宫盗走画卷。盗贼得手之际恰好撞到年轻的保安员小杰(房祖名 饰),双方发生了激烈搏斗。正当身手不凡的小杰终于占了上风要将盗贼擒拿之际,一名正在故宫参观的大陆游客“英雄救美”放走了美女大盗反而制服了小杰。当身穿便服的小杰终于让[展开全部]
13-year-old Marek shoots videos with social themes, making him an outsider among his classmates. At home, his peaceful relationship with his mother is disrupted by his mother’s new acquaintance. In the most sensitive phase of his life, he meets Tereza. Despite their social differences, they develop a liking for each other. Soon teenage games spiral out of control with a simulated kidnapping, culminating in running away from home. They board a train and a series of spontaneous adventures ensue until they get lost in a labyrinth of endless freedom.
更多 13-year-old Marek shoots videos with social themes, making him an outsider among his classmates. At home, his peaceful relationship with his mother is disrupted by his mother’s new acquaintance. In the most sensitive phase of his life, he meets Tereza. Despite their social differences, they develop a liking for each other. Soon teenage games spiral out of control with a simulated kidnapping, culminating in running away from home. They board a train and a series of spontaneous adventures ensue until they get lost in a labyrinth of endless freedom.