平凡小镇富山,年近60的泷岛彻(三浦友和 饰)是一名有着42年驾驶经验的资深电车司机。他保持着35年无故障的记录,一心扑在工作的同时则忽略了与家人的交流。再过一个月泷岛将迎来退休的时刻,他一面计划着退休后和妻子佐和子(余贵美子 饰)的悠闲度假生活,一面又百感交集,恋恋不舍这个奉献毕生的岗位。然而佐和子却向他提出希望重返护士岗位的要求,本就心存芥蒂的二人为此大吵,佐和子更是愤而出走。来到公司,心[展开全部]
13-year-old Marek shoots videos with social themes, making him an outsider among his classmates. At home, his peaceful relationship with his mother is disrupted by his mother’s new acquaintance. In the most sensitive phase of his life, he meets Tereza. Despite their social differences, they develop a liking for each other. Soon teenage games spiral out of control with a simulated kidnapping, culminating in running away from home. They board a train and a series of spontaneous adventures ensue until they get lost in a labyrinth of endless freedom.
更多 13-year-old Marek shoots videos with social themes, making him an outsider among his classmates. At home, his peaceful relationship with his mother is disrupted by his mother’s new acquaintance. In the most sensitive phase of his life, he meets Tereza. Despite their social differences, they develop a liking for each other. Soon teenage games spiral out of control with a simulated kidnapping, culminating in running away from home. They board a train and a series of spontaneous adventures ensue until they get lost in a labyrinth of endless freedom.