昭和初期的日本神户,平凡的街道居住着经营洋装成衣铺的妹尾一家四口。一家之主盛夫(水谷丰 饰)和善可亲,思想开化;信奉基督教的主妇敏子(伊藤兰 饰)心灵手巧,操持家中的一切。长子肇(吉冈龙辉 饰)穿上了母亲编织的带有英文字母的毛衣,被朋友们称为少年H,妹妹好子(花田优里音 饰)机灵顽皮,讨人喜欢。经常与外国人接触,让妹尾一家待人接物上多了一份宽容。然而随着国际局势的日趋紧张,日本普通人的生活也受到极[展开全部]
13-year-old Marek shoots videos with social themes, making him an outsider among his classmates. At home, his peaceful relationship with his mother is disrupted by his mother’s new acquaintance. In the most sensitive phase of his life, he meets Tereza. Despite their social differences, they develop a liking for each other. Soon teenage games spiral out of control with a simulated kidnapping, culminating in running away from home. They board a train and a series of spontaneous adventures ensue until they get lost in a labyrinth of endless freedom.
更多 13-year-old Marek shoots videos with social themes, making him an outsider among his classmates. At home, his peaceful relationship with his mother is disrupted by his mother’s new acquaintance. In the most sensitive phase of his life, he meets Tereza. Despite their social differences, they develop a liking for each other. Soon teenage games spiral out of control with a simulated kidnapping, culminating in running away from home. They board a train and a series of spontaneous adventures ensue until they get lost in a labyrinth of endless freedom.