赛斯上校及其同伙因对平民展开报复行动被送到军事法庭审判,他为了避开终生监禁的刑期,而与皮斯卡法官达成认罪协议,但皮斯卡出尔反尔,赛斯相当生气在逃狱后挟持了皮斯卡所搭乘的客机,打算将皮斯卡携带的间谍资料公诸于世,让皮斯卡身败名裂.. 军方派出救援队却宣告失败,救援队唯一的生还者麦特跟空服员凯丽携手合作,一起制服了劫机犯,凯丽在机场人员的指导下顺利让飞机安全降落。[展开全部]
13-year-old Marek shoots videos with social themes, making him an outsider among his classmates. At home, his peaceful relationship with his mother is disrupted by his mother’s new acquaintance. In the most sensitive phase of his life, he meets Tereza. Despite their social differences, they develop a liking for each other. Soon teenage games spiral out of control with a simulated kidnapping, culminating in running away from home. They board a train and a series of spontaneous adventures ensue until they get lost in a labyrinth of endless freedom.
更多 13-year-old Marek shoots videos with social themes, making him an outsider among his classmates. At home, his peaceful relationship with his mother is disrupted by his mother’s new acquaintance. In the most sensitive phase of his life, he meets Tereza. Despite their social differences, they develop a liking for each other. Soon teenage games spiral out of control with a simulated kidnapping, culminating in running away from home. They board a train and a series of spontaneous adventures ensue until they get lost in a labyrinth of endless freedom.