大青山县政府办公室副主任付立业进山拉木柈子烧火,刚好研究生毕业留到省会城市的杨帆打算进山拉板材做家具用,要搭付立业的方便车,杨帆有木材出山通行证,付立业答应了他。为方便,付部长亲自开车出发了。 大青山县为了控制滥砍盗伐,保护林业资源,规定凡出山的木材必须持有国家运材许可证或县政府的许可证,为此沿途建立三个检查站。付立业要运出山的烧火材是几年前的柈子,按规定也必需有通行证。为了稳妥,付立业请副县[展开全部]
13-year-old Marek shoots videos with social themes, making him an outsider among his classmates. At home, his peaceful relationship with his mother is disrupted by his mother’s new acquaintance. In the most sensitive phase of his life, he meets Tereza. Despite their social differences, they develop a liking for each other. Soon teenage games spiral out of control with a simulated kidnapping, culminating in running away from home. They board a train and a series of spontaneous adventures ensue until they get lost in a labyrinth of endless freedom.
更多 13-year-old Marek shoots videos with social themes, making him an outsider among his classmates. At home, his peaceful relationship with his mother is disrupted by his mother’s new acquaintance. In the most sensitive phase of his life, he meets Tereza. Despite their social differences, they develop a liking for each other. Soon teenage games spiral out of control with a simulated kidnapping, culminating in running away from home. They board a train and a series of spontaneous adventures ensue until they get lost in a labyrinth of endless freedom.