故事以倒叙形式表达。夏氏兄弟经营之公司业务蒸蒸日上,原来背后有一段曲折往事。夏云骧年老病危,临终时不忘教诲儿子二人要兄弟同心,相亲相爱。长子仲觉敦厚踏实事父至孝,幼子仲慧却沉迷赌博玩乐。表妹江静霞自幼寄居夏家,钟情于二表哥慧,常与觉规劝慧,慧却疑父偏爱兄长,不时与觉冲突。 骧病逝,觉不支病倒,慧欲独占家产,逼老仆忠伯在觉的药中下毒,觉毒发身亡后,慧终日被觉的鬼魂缠绕,更误把新婚妻子霞当作觉,把[展开全部]
Its Halloween 1989, best friends Sam and Josh are trying to enjoy what's left of their final Devil's Night before graduating high school. But trouble arises when the two pals and a group of friends take a detour on their way to a rock concert, finding an old abandoned barn and awakening the evil inside. Now it's up to Sam and Josh to find a way to protect their friends and defe...
Its Halloween 1989, best friends Sam and Josh are trying to enjoy what's left of their final Devil's Night before graduating high school. But trouble arises when the two pals and a group of friends take a detour on their way to a rock concert, finding an old abandoned barn and awakening the evil inside. Now it's up to Sam and Josh to find a way to protect their friends and defe...