公证处为地产公司迦桦集团办理房产预售的公证。公证处的孟庆林却在家中跳楼身亡。马龙在重复观看了电梯监控和小区的路段监控后,怀疑孟庆林是被人谋杀。 叶永彬在和马龙一起观看了电梯监控和小区路段监控之后,认定杀害孟庆林的凶手必是黄毛无疑。而黄毛正是几年前杀害实习警员谷风的凶手,叶永彬暗下决心,一定要和马龙一起,将逍遥法外的黄毛缉捕归案。[展开全部]
A village on the Georgian Black Sea is full of friendly people convinced they know each other. One day, Eliko is found hanged. His granddaughter Moe comes to organize his funeral. She is confronted with a web of lies and the tragic consequences of Eliko’s hidden love life with Amnon, which lasted 22 years. The truth however frees Moe’s capability to love and forces the villager...
The story focuses on the titular protagonist Tina who learns from Megi to live a self-determined life in patriarchal society after getting dumped by her boyfriend. The film was shot during the COVID-19 pandemic, which informed the process of shooting and the story.
A village on the Georgian Black Sea is full of friendly people convinced they know each other. One day, Eliko is found hanged. His granddaughter Moe comes to organize his funeral. She is confronted with a web of lies and the tragic consequences of Eliko’s hidden love life with Amnon, which lasted 22 years. The truth however frees Moe’s capability to love and forces the villager...
The story focuses on the titular protagonist Tina who learns from Megi to live a self-determined life in patriarchal society after getting dumped by her boyfriend. The film was shot during the COVID-19 pandemic, which informed the process of shooting and the story.