露露会说话的屁股/El Ojete De Lulu是由罗迈丽娜、 何塞·拉马斯、 何塞·米格尔·加西亚主演的一部 奇闻电影,是世界顶级艺术大师赫苏斯弗朗哥之作,可能片子过于直白,但为能领略大师风采,本片是将主角露露的屁眼拟人化后,成为电影的旁白,展示了露露逐渐喜欢上后路的过程,拟人化的台词还台词还比较搞笑······[展开全部]
“Okada’s death completely fits into Sato’s version of Japan, alienated and constantly watched. Women, especially, are followed with camcorders, viewed by security cameras, denied privacy. They float, friendless and unattached, in and out of phone booths, sex clubs, medical research, subways, neon cities.”
更多“Okada’s death completely fits into Sato’s version of Japan, alienated and constantly watched. Women, especially, are followed with camcorders, viewed by security cameras, denied privacy. They float, friendless and unattached, in and out of phone booths, sex clubs, medical research, subways, neon cities.”