间官周吉的妻子去世得早,留下他和三个孩子相依为命。幸一是周吉的大儿子,他和名为百合子的女子结为夫妇,两人和周吉同住。幸一的妹妹秋子是一个走在时代前沿的新新女性,并不着急着嫁为人妇的她目前在办公室工作。家中最小的孩子和夫还在上学。一大家子人住在一起,生活拥挤而又充满生机。 看到哥哥和嫂嫂恩恩爱爱,秋子感到寂寞难耐,于是前往公共浴室成为了侍浴女郎,谁知道竟然在某一日遇见了前来消费的幸一。原来,幸一[展开全部]
A pleasantly refreshing, exhilarating, comical sex erotic parody movie! 'Choon' the heroine with wacky and girly sensibility, lives with her best friend Ga-hee in her boyfriend's house, and is absorbed by three generations which struggles but eventually loses its goal. 'Choon' who couldn't shake off her worries about the future, happens to hide in a mansion by chance and plans ...
更多A pleasantly refreshing, exhilarating, comical sex erotic parody movie! 'Choon' the heroine with wacky and girly sensibility, lives with her best friend Ga-hee in her boyfriend's house, and is absorbed by three generations which struggles but eventually loses its goal. 'Choon' who couldn't shake off her worries about the future, happens to hide in a mansion by chance and plans ...