在阳光充沛、风景如画的美丽小镇巴盖里亚,年幼的佩皮诺渡过了自己无忧无虑的童年,直至战争的阴影笼罩了小镇,打破了那里的宁静。成年后的佩皮诺依然靠牵着牛在街上出售鲜奶为生,一天他遇到了美丽的少女曼尼纳并对她一见钟情,经过不懈的努力,他努于赢得了曼尼纳的芳心,两人不顾曼尼纳父母的反对最终走到了一起。婚后的清贫让他俩的第一个孩子不幸夭折,幸运的是之后他们很快又有了其他几个孩子,自此便深陷生活的琐碎之中。共产主义运动的兴起让佩皮诺又一次精神鼓舞,父亲的去世和运动的进一步开展使他的生活渐渐又归于平静。巴盖里亚的阳光似乎恒古不变,孩子们渐渐长大了,而他却却越来越老。此时再回忆起他的童年,已恍如隔世…… 本片是意大利著名导演朱塞佩·托纳托雷(Giuseppe Tornatore)继“西西里三部曲”之后蛰伏多年推出的对故乡西西里岛的致敬之作。
We had left Stefano with a question: Will I ever be able to go back there, where only lovers can be, three steps over heaven? The answer is coming...After two years in the U.S., Stefano returns to Rome to confront all that he had tried to leave behind: the ache for a dead friend; the difficult relationship with his mother; an unknown future as an adult for which only he can be responsible; and his burdensome reputation as a “legend” with which to come to terms. Many things have changed, and his meeting with the captivating and irresistible Gin will catapult Stefano towards feelings and sensations that he had only had with Babi, his first great love, the memory of her still burning within. Will Gin be able to take Babi’s place in Stefano’s heart? In love we don’t always know what we really want. Even when we think we’re sure of it. We had left Stefano with a question: Will I ever be able to go back there, where only lovers can be, three steps over heaven? The answer is coming... From the novel by Federico Moccia, with the same name.