本片探讨二战期间欧洲的犹太人大灭绝,这部主题、形式、范围均博大宽广的电影巨著,是我们每个人应当看的作品。 从记忆和历史的角度看,《浩劫》与其它反映犹太人大灭绝的作品相比,在证词的强烈程度和历史的严谨上高出一筹。克罗德·朗兹曼在13年间经常寻找事件和地点的真相。 《浩劫》既是出色的历史文献,详尽描绘着纳粹灭绝机器,也是一首长长的诔词,将观众带入形而上的体验,带到野蛮的根源。 《浩劫》包涵着庞大的记者工作,在调查和采访方面堪称典范,但它又不只是报道。它同时也是电影巨著(尤其是其剪接),将数十个小时的采访以相互回答、相互碰撞、相互衔接的方式组接起来,一再询问“为什么”却永远得不到答案,因为恐怖已无公度。克罗德·朗兹曼说:“《浩劫》这部影片有关死亡的绝对性,而与幸存者无关。活下去是另一个故事。”
The rise of Stalin, from his early beginning as a bankrobber to the cold-blooded leader of the Soviet Union.
Who was Stalin? The man who defeated Nazism? The “Little Father of the Peoples"? Or the greatest criminal of his time? In Apocalypse Stalin, three 52-minute episodes, Isabelle Clarke and Daniel Costelle paint the portrait of one of the fiercest despots of the twentieth century, using archive film of the day. This footage has been perfectly restored and beautifully colorized by the Apocalypse production team. Starting with the fight to the death against Hitler, the series tells the story of the incredible rise to power of Joseph Jughashvili. This cobbler's son from Georgia started with nothing and made his way up the ranks through various intrigues and crimes, ultimately rising to absolute power and adopting the moniker Stalin - “man of steel" in Russian. From a human standpoint, the series describes the enormous tragedy that befell the Soviet people between 1878 and 1945, as they found themselves caught in a trap that became a living hell.
Who was Stalin? The man who defeated Nazism? The “Little Father of the Peoples"? Or the greatest criminal of his time? In Apocalypse Stalin, three 52-minute episodes, Isabelle Clarke and Daniel Costelle paint the portrait of one of the fiercest despots of the twentieth century, using archive film of the day. This footage has been perfectly restored and beautifully colorized by the Apocalypse production team. Starting with the fight to the death against Hitler, the series tells the story of the incredible rise to power of Joseph Jughashvili. This cobbler's son from Georgia started with nothing and made his way up the ranks through various intrigues and crimes, ultimately rising to absolute power and adopting the moniker Stalin - “man of steel" in Russian. From a human standpoint, the series describes the enormous tragedy that befell the Soviet people between 1878 and 1945, as they found themselves caught in a trap that became a living hell.
◎ 简 介:纪录片极少能入围《电影手册》的十佳,但这一部从内容到表现手法却是真正的震撼人心。影片讲述了一个犹太人红军上尉组织集中营的犯人反抗德国士兵的事件,那是纳粹集中营里唯一一次成功的暴动,片名是那次暴动的时间地点。这部电影基本由导演与当事人耶华达·雷纳之间的访谈对话组成,当影片结束时导演报出所有被送到索比堡集中营者的到达时间、国籍和编码,带给观者一种极为可怕的感受。
蛋黄酱先生是一位艺术家对他家族秘密过去的史诗般的冒险。澳大利亚艺术家和电影制片人菲利普·莫拉(Philippe Mora)调查了他父亲在二战法国抵抗运动中的秘密角色,以及他母亲在前往奥斯威辛集中营的途中奇迹般地逃脱。菲利普是好莱坞邪教恐怖电影导演和波普艺术家,他采用黑色电影角色来讲述他的家庭故事。他还收拾好颜料和画架,踏上了创作一本关于父母、他们的生存和大屠杀的大胆漫画书的旅程。从洛杉矶到柏林,从巴黎到墨尔本,蛋黄酱先生是一部层次丰富的公路电影,由艺术家、现实生活中的英雄、纳粹恶棍主演......还有法式长棍面包,配上美味的法国蛋黄酱!
1918 年 11 月 11 日。随着第一次世界大战的结束,幸存者意识到昨天的世界已经一去不复返了,被埋在废墟中。胜利者编造了一份不稳定的和平条约,强加给被征服者。在欧洲、非洲和亚洲,新的国家往往是通过纷争和冲突而形成的。仇恨、恐惧和怨恨很快从受创伤的社会深处冒出,在新的世界秩序中播下混乱:革命、危机、移民潮和内战是极权主义的沃土。人们试图在查尔斯顿的疯狂节拍中摆脱战争的记忆,对新天启的到来视而不见。