Jimmy Carr refutes the idea that you can't joke about anything these days with his edgy takes on gun control, religion, cancel culture and consent.
Rory MacNeil, a rugged old Scotsman, travels to San Francisco to seek medical treatment. He moves in with his estranged son Ian, as he sees his life getting transformed through a newfound bond with his baby grandson.
他(Method Man 饰)是一个沉默的男子,永远礼帽风衣,沉默地穿梭在这座道德沦丧、破败绝望的城市的大街小巷。死亡每天发生,司空见惯,不知天高地厚的年轻人们呼啸而过,挥霍生命。白天他是市殡仪馆的殡仪师,以娴熟专业且庄重的手法清理残破不堪的尸体,带死者走过最后一程;夜晚则端坐那间被暴怒吵闹的邻居所包围的小屋里,细心制作动物标本,为他们的主人找回最后的安慰。 某天,一具女性尸体在他死水般的内心世界引起涟漪。尸体上纹有波提切利的名作《维纳斯诞生》,似曾相识的图案勾起了他对往事的回忆。城市的自毁仍在继续,他也无法永保平静……
A pilots pregnant wife is killed by a band of thugs who break into their home. The gang is caught and sent off to prison. Wanting to see that "justice" is done the pilot stages his own death and then gets himself arrested so he can hunt the killers in the prisons into which they have been sent. To be honest the story is a bit clichéd with the plot taking some obvious paths o...
一个美国法学院的学生来到伦敦,她不幸被一辆黑色的出租车撞倒,当她醒来的时候她发现自己在一个完全陌生的世界里而且严重失忆,她只知道这是一个称为 “仙境”的地方。我们跟随她的冒险,她在一个白人出租车司机的引导下穿过社会底层的贫民区,她要知道自己是谁,从什么地方来,要怎样才能回去。随着冒险的发展,她似乎并没有发现什么,但命运的生活交织在一起,让她认识到真爱一直都隐藏在她的身边。
A letter for Miss Marple from a recently deceased friend promises a large reward for investigating a crime - without telling her who was involved, or when it happened! When she accepts, she is given a reservation for a coach tour of historic homes and gardens. She has fifteen fellow-passengers - and one of them knows a murderer's secret and someone is preparing to kill.
Check out the trailer for The Beast Within, an upcoming movie starring Kit Harington, Ashleigh Cummings, James Cosmo, and Caoilinn Springall.
After a series of strange events leads her to question her family’s isolated life on a fortified compound deep in the English wilds, 10-year-old Willow follows her parents on one of their secret late-night treks to the heart of the ancient forest. But upon witnessing her father undergo a terrible transformation, she too becomes ensnared by the dark ancestral secret they’ve tried so desperately to conceal.
The Beast Within is produced by Merlin Merton, Martin Owen, Ryan Hamilton, Karl Hall, Sebastian Street, Alex Chang, Jack Christian, Evan Ross, Jordan Wagner, and Ying Ye. It is written by Greer Taylor Ellison and Alexander J. Farrell.
The Beast Within, directed by Alexander J. Farrell, opens in theaters nationwide on July 26, 2024.