
  在得到线报前往逮捕一起谋杀案的重大嫌疑人的路上,总督察Joanne Davidson注意到异常状况,临时决定带队改道去处理一桩正在发生的持械抢劫案件,从而延误了逮捕嫌疑人的最佳时机。这到底是一个纯粹的巧合还是早有预谋的设计呢?在了解相关情况后,反腐小组AC-12决定介入调查……


  第二季故事紧接第一季结尾,Aine (Aisling Bea)和姐姐Shona (Sharon Morgan)的生活发生了很多变化。
  Aine开始逐渐把疗养院的时光抛之脑后,不再那么小心翼翼地生活,而这可能并不是特别明智。她和Richard (Tobias Menzies)会放手爱一场吗?又或者两人之间的雇用关系,以及Richard儿子的存在,会阻碍他们更进一步呢?也可能这不过是一场有点小性感的情绪危机?
  尽管和商业伙伴Charlotte (Indira Varma)有着偷偷一吻,但Shona还是接受了Vish的求婚。随着婚礼需要各种计划,她该搬去和Vish同居了吗,她能告诉Vish发生了什么吗?婚礼上她真的得穿裙子吗,还是说问题在于她是否架得住一套白色婚纱?


  Hulu及Channel 4预定Aisling Bea主演及执笔的喜剧《朝上 This Way Up》,这部剧讲述聪明的语文教师Aine(Aisling Bea饰)早前来了次「小型」精神崩溃,现在她得努力整理好自己的生活;而女主班上都是群很有个性的学生,他们都在找寻自己的目标。
  Sharon Horgan饰演担心妹妹的Shona﹑Aasif Mandvi饰演Shona男友Vish﹑Tobias Menzies饰演女主其中一名学生的父亲Richard﹑Indira Varma饰演女主同事兼好友Charlotte。
  Sorcha Cusack饰演女主母亲﹑Chris Geere饰演女主前男友Freddie﹑Kadiff Kirwan饰演女主室友Bradley﹑Ricky Grover饰演朋友Tom﹑Ekow Quartey饰演上司James,Pik-Sen Lim﹑Todor Jordanov﹑Jassem Mougari及Daniela Spataru饰演学生。


  Acorn TV预定6集罪案新剧《惠镇珀尔侦探社》。
  改编自Julie Wassmer的"Whitstable Pearl Mysteries"系列小说,本剧讲述了惠斯塔布当地善良的餐馆老板Pearl Nolan,年轻时曾接受过警察培训,但因为怀孕而放弃了自己梦想的职业,如今她成立了一家侦探社。在发现好友Vinnie的尸体后,她很快就卷入了自己的第一桩案件中。高级警督Mike McGuire刚调来小镇,以逃避自己在伦敦的过去,他与Pearl形成了意料之外的伙伴关系。随着第二具尸体的出现,Pearl发现这个自己称之为家的美丽小镇,有着阴暗的一面,而自己正被拉入其中。
  挪威备受追捧的电影制作人Øystein Karlsen负责改编。Karlsen的编剧团队还包括《玛赛拉》的Mike Walden、《Malory Towers》的Rachel Flowerday,和《反击》的Alastair Galbraith。《浴血黑帮》导演David Caffrey为本剧领头导演,执导2集。


  The documentary follows the investigation of Sophie Toscan Du Plantier, a French film and TV producer who was killed while at her isolated holiday cottage in West Cork, Ireland, in 1996.

女婿乱入 第一季

  Ken和Lorna 的乖乖女儿长假归来带回了一个非主流“丈夫”,一身嬉皮士装扮,无所事事没有工作,满腹经纶探讨着哲学和生命的意义,自诩为“精神的忍者”......这一切对于任何父母来说简直是一场噩梦!Ken和Lorna 没有办法只能接受这位“忍者女婿”住进自己的家。-------如果家是每一个英国男人的城堡,那么这位嬉皮士已经闯入了Ken的城堡并且掠夺了一切,更无法原谅的是,掠夺了他的公主。




  根据莎拉·沃特斯同名小说《Tipping the Velvet》改编而成。
  一支轻轻奉上的滴露玫瑰,让18岁的小镇姑娘南(Rachael Stirling饰)万劫不复,一生的命运就此改变……
  南在观看杂戏团表演时,遇见了反串男生演出的女角凯蒂(Keeley Hawes饰),南被后者灿烂夺目的形象和演出深深感染,幸运的她在引荐下和凯蒂结识,满心喜悦地成为偶像的小跟班。


  丹尼(马丁·弗瑞曼 Martin Freeman 饰)只是一介普通工人,日复一日的庸碌生活中,他的未来一片混沌。一次偶然中,丹尼被一道惊雷劈中陷入昏迷,醒来之后,丹尼吃惊的发现,自己竟然进入了一个名叫薇罗尼卡(蕾切尔·斯特灵 Rachael Stirling 饰)的女人的身体之中。
  薇罗尼卡是一名时尚杂志的记者,前途一片光明,就这样,丹尼以薇罗尼卡的身份开始了全新的生活。在薇罗尼卡的男友杰(佩特逊·约瑟夫 Paterson Joseph 饰)和情人阿里(詹姆斯·兰斯 James Lance 饰)的双重攻势下,丹尼意识到他必须找回自己的身体。丹尼重访了自己曾经工作过的地方,遇见了同事皮特(马绍尔·兰卡斯特 Marshall Lancaster 饰)与丹尼暗恋的女孩菲罗娜(Angela Griffin 饰),通过与两人的交往,丹尼发现了一个全新的自己。


  克瑞斯(艾什雷·沃特斯 Ashley Walters 饰)是一名保安,某日,他同一位名叫蒂塔(Leila Mimmack 饰)的美丽女子坠入了爱河,为了谱写两人美好的未来,他需要一大笔钱。马库斯(沃伦·布朗 Warren Brown 饰)是卡车司机,曾经,他借来了巨款想要投资发廊生意,却亏得血本无归,如今,只有还清债务才能够让他和妻子吉娜(凯尔丝通·沃尔英 Kierston Wareing 饰)的生活重回正轨。
  约翰(斯蒂文·麦金托什 Steven Mackintosh 饰)公司的账房经理,某日,他发现公司的账户中竟然一下子少了五万英镑,约翰想来想去,全公司只有克瑞斯和马库斯最为可疑,他找来了两人,但并没有将他们交给警察,因为他的内心里打着自己的算盘。

摩斯探长前传 第二季

  《摩斯探长前传》第二季于2014年3-4月在英国ITV播出,新一季由《宝藏》、《夜曲》、《摇摆》、《永无乡》四个故事组成,单集片长为90分钟,Russell Lewis担任编剧,Shaun Evans继续出演主角警探摩斯,摩斯探长系列小说原作者Colin Dexter依旧为本剧担任顾问。四集导演分别由Kristoffer Nyholm、Giuseppe Capotondi、Andy Wilson、Geoffrey Sax担任。

摩斯探长前传 第一季

  《摩斯探长前传》第一季于2013年4月在英国独立电视台播出,共由《女郎》、《赋格》、《火箭》、《回家》四个故事组成。该剧主人公改编自经典的侦探形象——摩斯探长,而饰演摩斯的Shaun Evans的表演也为这部剧添光不少,他将摩斯的个性表现的非常丰富,有点忧郁,有点张狂,又有点可爱。

摩斯探长 第七季

  Dr. Brewster's suicide takes a particular twist when the pathologist determines that he had also been bound and gagged. The Brewsters, both medical doctors, ran a private clinic and their son John, who lived at home, is doctoral candidate in philosophy. One possible suspect is Michael Steppings who threatened the Brewsters and their nurse after his daughter suffered severe side-effects and is now in a vegetative state from a botched operation two years previously. The forensics lab determines that one of Steppings's threatening letters was altered and Morse learns that Brewster may at one time been having an affair, so he must consider another possible motive for murder.

摩斯探长 第六季

  Henry Fallon, who is wheelchair bound and is suffering from a neurological disorder, apparently commits suicide and Morse has mixed feelings working on this case as he was once engaged to the dead man's wife, Susan Fallon. The body was found by his son-in-law Peter Rhodes, a local antiques dealer and the victim's wife was in London. When Fallon's doctor advises Morse that Henry didn't have the physical capability to hold a gun to his head, the police realize they may have a murder on their hands. When the police are told that the business arrangement between Fallon and Rhodes had fallen apart, they also have a suspect. Lewis is concerned that Morse is too close to Mrs. Fallon to be objective but in the end, the perpetrators are identified.

摩斯探长 第五季

  Deputy Assistant Commissioner Charlie Hillian is killed on the night of his retirement party. Hillian was at one time a senior officer in Oxford and was in fact Morse's boss. He was also writing a book about his most memorable cases, including one about the unsolved death of an 8-year-old girl some 18 years ago. The suspect in that case, Frederick Redpath, was at Hillian's house the day he died and that chapter from the manuscript is missing. There are other suspects however, including Hillian's ghost writer who will now receive all of the book's royalties; a handyman who was working on the property; and Redpath's daughter, who knew the little girl who was killed all those years before. Morse comes into conflict with with a colleague DCI Dawson, who was one of Hillian's protégés, as they again look into the little girl's death.

摩斯探长 第四季

  Morse finds himself the subject of a murder investigation when his friend, Beryl Newsome, is murdered at a rehearsal of the Magic Flute and he foolishly touches the murder weapon. Morse is suspended and DCI Bottomley, with DS Lewis assisting him, is put in charge of the case. Morse feels that he was set-up and looks to his past to see who, among the many criminals he arrested, might now be setting about seeking revenge. When someone scratches masonic symbols all over his car and he is reported for erratic driving, Morse wonders if Masons may somehow be involved. When a large number of his personal items are found in Beryl's apartment, Morse is placed under arrest.

摩斯探长 第三季

  The disappearance of Sir Julius Hanbury - and the theft of several of his erotic paintings - provide a new puzzle for Morse to solve. Assisted by DS Lewis, Morse interviews everyone at Hanbury House and it is in the course of searching the grounds that he finds Sir Julius' body, appropriately enough, in the family mausoleum. The pathologist notes that he was the victim of a frenzied attack but the lack of blood at scene leaves the police to conclude that he murdered elsewhere. Sir Julius was a candidate to become the Master of an Oxford college and was known to have a have had a bitter rivalry with another candidate for the position. When Roger Meadows, a friend of the Hanbury's au pair, is killed in a car accident, Morse concludes that that he too was murdered. Jealousy, revenge and greed all play part in the deaths.

摩斯探长 第二季

  Morse and Lewis investigate the death of Laura Poindexter, an American tourist who is part of an exclusive tour group visiting Oxford. Missing from her personal effects is her jewelry, including the Wolvercote Tongue which she was going to donate to the Ashmolean Museum. The pathologist determines that she died of natural causes, but Morse feels there's something not quite right. The mystery deepens when Theodore Kemp, the Ashmolean's expert on the Wolvercote Tongue, is found dead and Mrs. Poindexter's husband goes missing.

摩斯探长 第一季

  Inspector Morse is a British detective drama television series based on a series of novels by Colin Dexter. It starred John Thaw as Chief Inspector Morse and Kevin Whately as Sergeant Lewis. The series comprises 33 two-hour episodes (100 minutes excluding commercials) — 20 more episodes than there are novels — produced between 1987 and 2000. Dexter made uncredited cameo appearances in all but three of the episodes.


  ITV续订真实罪案剧集《寻凶 Manhunt》第二季,定名为《寻凶:黑夜狩猎者 Manhunt: The Night Stalker》,仍然4集。
  Martin Clunes回归扮演高级督察Colin Sutton。第一季编剧Ed Whitmore继续负责剧本。
  故事基于Colin Sutton的日志和真实事件改编,讲述了警方对一个臭名昭著的连环强奸犯的追捕,他17年的罪恶行径让伦敦东南部数千名老年人生活在恐惧之中。这是Colin Sutton退休前负责的一桩重要案件。

神奇动物管理员 第三季

  Whilst Naboo and Bollo go on the head shamans stag party, Howard and Vince are left in charge of the "Nabootique". Howard tries to sell some elbow patches and Vince gets lots of money from his celebrity radar. The Hitcher then appears demanding one thousand Euros as part of a protection racket and tells the story of how he used to go to the shop when it was a shop selling eels. He then comes back and gets shot but is then saved by a survival elbow patch stolen earlier from Howard which is bullet proof and decides not to kill Howard and Vince. Written by www.2kyb.com

神奇动物管理员 第二季

  A weekend country retreat runs into trouble, when local Kodiak Joe convinces Howard he can find the elusive Yeti He requires Howard's help www.2kyb.com to gain Vince's affections as an exchange. The Yeti's hypnotic rituals threaten the entire group.

神奇动物管理员 第一季

  Howard(朱利安·巴拉特 Julian Barratt 饰)和Vince(诺尔·费丁 Noel Fielding 饰)是一对好哥们儿,也是一所经营不善的动物园里的管理员。Vince有着一头夸张漂亮的头发,热爱时髦之物和电子音乐;相比之下Howard更务实一点,但也更 容易陷入各种危险之中。虽然背景设定在小小的动物园里,但是他们常常卷入各类奇妙的冒险,包括和袋鼠进行拳击比赛,从动物园的地下秘密实验室解救变种动物等等,冒险之地也五花八门,从死亡地狱到北极冻原。

模范煮夫 第一季

  出生在都柏林的Tom Whyte年幼时随父母搬到了英格兰。本想靠摄影闯出一片天地的他,如今只能依靠妻子Elaine外出打工供养一家。如今40岁的Tom只能留守家中做全职煮夫,照顾两个孩子。Tom的爸妈也放心不下这个儿子,也隔三差五的来家里瞧瞧。而且Tom的好朋友Roddy也是经常过来为这本来就多姿多彩的生活添油加醋。


  伊芙(塔拉·菲茨杰拉德 Tara Fitzgerald 饰)是法医研究基地的负责人,基地坐落在一个地处偏远的农场中,在这里,伊芙带领着她的团队,在尸体上积极探寻科学的奥秘。年轻有为的植物学家罗萨(乌米·马萨库 Wunmi Mosaku 饰)、血液分析师兼伊芙的旧情人麦克(马克·贝兹利 Mark Bazeley 饰)和深居简出的法医博士奥兹(芬莱·罗伯特森 Finlay Robertson 饰),每一位成员都为研究所的正常运作做出了巨大的贡献。


  Green Wing and Free Agents star Stephen Mangan is to play the lead role in BBC4's adaptation of the late Douglas Adams Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency.
  Mangan will be joined by Darren Boyd as his sidekick Richard MacDuff and Cold Feet and Friends actor Helen Baxendale, as MacDuff's girlfriend Susan.
  Adapted by the Bafta-winning writer Howard Overman – who is also behind Misfits, Vexed and Merlin – Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency follows the exploits of Adams's chaotic character as he uses his unusual methods to solve crimes.
  Mangan said: "I've been a fan of Douglas Adams ever since the Hitchhiker's radio series which I used to record as a child and listen to over and over again in my bedroom. It's such a thrill to now be playing one of his brilliant characters.
  "Dirk is a chaotic, anarchic force of nature with a totally unique take on the world. He is described as 'lazy, untidy, dismissive and unreliable'. I've absolutely no idea why they thought I'd be right for the role."
  The Dirk Gently books have formed the basis of a play and a BBC Radio 4 series but have never before been filmed for TV.
  Adams's agent, Ed Victor, said: "For all the years I represented the late, great Douglas Adams, the most substantial frustration for both of us was that we couldn't get films made either of Hitchhiker or Dirk.
  "Douglas once said, memorably, that 'getting a film made in Hollywood was like trying to cook a steak by having a bunch of people come into the room and breathe on it'. Well, we did eventually get a film made in Hollywood of Hitchhiker and, tragically, Douglas didn't live to see it. Nor will he see this adaptation of Dirk – but it's worth bearing in mind that Douglas always thought Dirk would make a better film than Hitchhiker and I feel sure that this new TV drama with a terrific script by Howard Overman will prove his point."
  Shooting begins this week in Bristol on the 60-minute drama, which is being made by ITV Studios in association with the Welded Tandem Picture Company.
  The Dirk Gently production is to be directed by Damon Thomas – who also directed BBC4 drama The First Men in the Moon – and will air early next year.

请讲普通话 第三季


请讲普通话 第二季


请讲普通话 第一季



  1950s period drama based on the true story of a housewife and mother whose life is turned upside down by a handsome Polish man at her local dance hall.


  故事发生在19世纪的伦敦,在那个工业化方兴未艾的钢铁时代,在街头巷尾、在画廊、在充满怀古风情的普通房屋里,拉斐尔前派兄弟会(Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood)的画家、诗人和评论家正热烈地针砭时弊,探讨艺术,展望人生。这些致力于打破旧习的人,用他们富有激情的「男性浪漫」在人生之路上不断奋斗。阴谋家,不知羞耻,叛逆者,你有时甚至可以这么称呼他们。但他们绝不会放弃自己的追求--为了名誉、金钱、地位、成功、爱情,还有性。制片人用很形象的语言描述本剧为:拿着画板的「明星伙伴」(Entourage)。

皮囊 第七季

  一群荷尔蒙分泌过往的年轻人,一段张狂而跋扈的残酷青春。 谁爱谁?谁不爱谁?重要么? 谁是谁?谁不是谁?谁在乎?年轻的天空总呈现魔幻般的彩色,当日复一日的乏味生活让我们无法忍受,就注定了叛逆的因子要从此刻爆发,且一发不可收拾。那澎湃卷涌的蘑菇云会遮天蔽日,冲破万物,直上云霄。 一生只得一次的半熟时光,难道不能用来挥霍? 莫非必须要用一份漂亮成绩单来换取一盎司的大麻?那不是我们,我们想到就说,有屁就放,肆意狂妄,横冲直撞。

皮囊 第六季


皮囊 第五季

  弗兰奇(达科塔•布鲁•理查兹 Dakota Blue Richards 饰)自小被一对gay收养,因为特殊的家庭让她有着与周围格格不入的着装风格和不太合群的性格。在之前的学校备受排斥,遭受到同学的欺辱,弗兰奇转校来到一个全新的环境。开学第一天就跟学校的风云人物米妮(弗雷娅•梅弗 Freya Mavor 饰)误打误撞的相识。米妮带着她的跟班丽芙和格蕾丝主动示好弗兰奇,让她以为已经融入了这个新环境,却不想过后再三遭遇恼火的事情。陷入困顿的弗兰奇遇到了神秘男子马缇(塞巴斯蒂安•德•索萨 Sebastian De Souza 饰)的劝解,暗生情愫,意外得知他是米妮男友尼克(肖恩•蒂尔 Sean Teale 饰)的弟弟。而酷爱重金属摇滚的叛逆少年瑞驰(阿历克斯•阿诺 Alex Arnold 饰)也在格蕾丝芭蕾舞般的温柔中陷入恋爱。

皮囊 第四季

  在托马斯看管的一个派对上,一个叫做索菲亚的女孩自杀,引起了这几个少年生活的一场波澜。库克(杰克•奥康奈尔 Jack O'Connell 饰)因兜售毒品被警方认定为是凶手而被关进了监狱。而纳奥米(莉莉•拉芙莱斯 Lily Loveless 饰)在警方问话中的吞吞吐吐引起了女友艾米莉(凯瑟琳•普雷斯科特 Kathryn Prescott 饰)的怀疑,发现纳奥米曾跟索菲亚发生过关系。艾菲(卡雅•斯考达里奥 Kaya Scodelario 饰)在三角关系中最终选择了弗雷德(卢克•帕斯夸尼洛 Luke Pasqualino 饰),却因为因为精神状况出了问题,被送进医院治疗。她的主治医师约翰因为爱上艾菲而对她催眠。

皮囊 第三季

  弗瑞德(卢克•帕斯夸尼洛 Luke Pasqualino 饰)高中开学第一天偶遇托尼的妹妹艾菲(卡雅•斯考达里奥 Kaya Scodelario 饰),两人一见钟情。可因为一个叛逆的赌约,他的死党库克(杰克•奥康奈尔 Jack O'Connell 饰)和艾菲发生了关系。三人阴错阳差卷入一段纠结的三角选择关系。凯蒂(梅根•普雷斯科特 Megan Prescott 饰)和艾米莉(凯瑟琳•普雷斯科特 Kathryn Prescott 饰)是一对双胞胎姐妹,姐姐打扮时尚,样貌出众,还有一个帅气的男友。而妹妹艾米莉一直生活在姐姐的光环下,不善交际和言辞,却对同性好友纳奥米(莉莉•拉芙莱斯 Lily Loveless 饰)产生爱意,虽遇到了姐姐凯蒂的反对和纳奥米对性取向的犹豫,仍勇于追求。

皮囊 第二季

  延续第一季的内容,托尼(尼古拉斯•霍尔特 Nicholas Hoult 饰)因为车祸大脑受到严重的伤害,失去了日常的自理能力,甚至忘记了跟米歇尔爱的回忆。被托尼当成陌生人这件事令米歇尔(艾普萝•皮尔森 April Pearson 饰)非常难过。而此时希德(麦克•拜利 Mike Bailey 饰)也因误会远在英格兰的女友卡瑟(汉娜•穆雷 Hannah Murray 饰)背叛自己,而陷入感情的痛苦中,和曾经的女神米歇尔发生了一段意外的恋爱。麦克西(麦切•赫威 Mitch Hewer 饰)在经历了表白被安瓦(戴夫•帕特尔 Dev Patel 饰)拒绝的纠结痛苦后,重新跟安瓦恢复了朋友的关系,并阴错阳差的结识了一个自己第一个同性爱人。克瑞斯(约瑟夫•戴浦西 Joe Dempsie 饰)依旧生活的放荡不羁,却不想将要重蹈哥哥死亡的命运…

皮囊 第一季

  故事围绕着一群个性张扬的年轻人展开。托尼(尼古拉斯·霍尔特 Nicholas Hoult  饰),是一个长相帅气、生性叛逆的男生,在朋友圈里处于领导地位。在好朋友希德(麦克·拜利 Mike Bailey 饰)生日的这天,托尼决定要给他一个大“惊喜”——让自己的女友米歇尔(艾普萝·皮尔森 April Pearson 饰)帮希德告别处男之身。这夜将要举行一个狂欢派对,托尼把朋友都召集过来,形形色色的年轻人逐一登场,他们都沉浸在音乐、毒品和性中……一夜狂欢后,六个年轻人驾车离开,却因为一个小小的意外,连人带车地冲进了一条小河中……

演播时刻 第二季

  1957年11月,距演播时刻被意外停播已有一年,缘于Lord Elms颇具争议的采访事件引起的诸多变动。Freddie被开除之后四处游历,而Bel为了留下奋力拼搏。她既要努力提高收视率还要确保Hector不要闯祸;工作狂Bel对伦敦日益猖獗的黑社会越来越感兴趣,可追踪的故事却缺人报导。苏联人造卫星2号的发射事件在新闻工作室内掀起核恐慌。在群情激昂的会议中途,结束旅程的Freddie翩然而至

演播时刻 第一季



  10分钟 生命绽放
  10分钟 年华老去
  10分钟 人生流转
  10分钟 世事变迁


  《国土安全 Homeland》的幕后Patrick Harbinson为ITV开发小说改编的3集剧《塔楼 The Tower》,根据Kate London小说改编的《塔楼》讲述一名老巡警及一名少女从伦敦东南部一座塔楼坠落身亡,而在屋顶上的五岁孩子及新人警官Lizzie Griffiths则双双失踪。
  警长Sarah Collins被征召加入调查,她努力搜索Lizzie,但却发现背后隐藏着的可怕真相。在小说系列里,Lizzie Griffiths及Sarah Collins是重要角色。






  This is a programme about navigating the trials and traumas of middle-class motherhood, looking at the competitive side and unromantic take on parenting - not the cute and acceptable public face of motherhood.


  Its about navigating the trials and traumas of middle-class motherhood, looking at the competitive side and unromantic take on parenting - not the cute and acceptable public face of motherhood.






  1975 和 1976 年,泰国、尼泊尔和印度各地发生了一系列犯罪事件,年轻的西方旅行者接二连三地被杀害,伪装成宝石商人在这条亚洲“嬉皮之路”上游荡的查尔斯·索布拉吉和其女友玛丽-安德烈·雷克拉克(珍娜·科尔曼饰)成为主要嫌疑人。无意中卷入这一错综复杂的犯罪网络后,荷兰驻泰国大使馆的初级外交官赫尔曼·克尼彭伯(比利·豪尔饰)接触到其他证人,他们目睹过索布拉吉如何操纵人心,并和赫曼的配偶安吉拉(艾丽·巴姆博饰)及各国警察一起帮助赫曼发起了特别连锁行动,将索布拉吉列为国际刑警组织的头号通缉犯,并在多个大洲发出逮捕令。这部八集限定剧由塔哈·拉希姆饰演查尔斯·索布莱,珍娜·科尔曼饰演玛丽-安德莉·勒克莱尔,比利·豪尔饰演赫曼·克尼彭博;艾丽·巴姆博饰演安吉拉·克尼彭博,阿梅什·爱迪威拉饰演阿杰·乔杜里,以及蒂姆·麦克纳尼饰演保罗·西蒙斯等。《蛇惑》由 ITV Studios 的 Mammoth Scree 出品,由 BBC One 和 Netflix 联合制作。本剧的编剧为理查德·瓦洛和托比·芬雷,导演为汤姆·森兰和汉斯·贺伯斯,制作人为史蒂芬·斯莫伍德,监制为理查德·瓦洛、汤姆·森兰以及 Mammoth Screen 的普雷蒂·马瓦哈利和达米安·蒂默。《蛇惑》在泰国和英国拍摄,并改编自真人真事,但所有对话纯属虚构。


  在《生活大爆炸 The Big Bang Theory》中饰演伴侣Sheldon/Amy的Jim Parsons及Mayim Bialik联手为FOX开发多镜头喜剧《叫我凯特 Call Me Kat》(前名《Carla》),这部剧改编自英剧《米兰达 Miranda》。
  《叫我凯特》已经被直接预订并定于2020年秋档首播,Darlene Hunt负责剧本的美版主角Kat(Mayim Bialik饰演)是个39岁的女子,每一天她都得应付社会及咄咄逼人的老妈Sheila,不过Kat仍然保持着快乐的心,为此她把父母留给女儿婚礼的资金用来开了间咖啡店「Cat Café」。


  卢克·伊万斯将主演ITV三集新剧《彭布罗克郡谋杀案》(The Pembrokeshire Murders,暂译)。 Nick Stevens(《近在眼前》)操刀剧本,剧集卡司还包括基思·艾伦([飞鹰艾迪])、欧文·蒂尔(《权力的游戏》)、亚历山大·莱利(《去他*的世界》)等。该剧根据高级调查官史蒂夫·威尔金斯与ITV新闻记者乔纳森·希尔共同撰写的纪实文学改编,讲述了1980年代有两起未解决的双重谋杀案。2006年,新上任的督察长史蒂夫·威尔金斯(卢克·伊万斯饰)决定再度调查这两起案件,采用了现代法医调查方法,利用DNA等线索,将两起谋杀案与一系列的盗窃案联系在一起。在这些盗窃者即将刑满释放前,史蒂夫团队能否找到足够的证据来指控嫌犯呢?该剧将于本月开拍。


  《王冠 The Crown》制片公司Left Bank Pictures为Netflix制作另一部新剧《她的双眼背后 Behind Her Eyes》,这部剧集改编自Sarah Pinborough的同名惊悚小说,6集改编剧现已开机拍摄拍摄。
  Simona Brown饰演Louise﹑Tom Bateman饰演心理医生David﹑Eve Hewson饰演Adele。


  《完美星球》是一部与地球科学巧妙结合的蓝筹自然历史纪录片,它揭示了我们所生存的这颗星球的运转规则。 这部纪录片共分为五集,展示了自然力量如何推动、塑造和维持地球生物的多样性,前四集分别探索了火山、 阳光、天气和海洋的力量,最后一集则着眼于新兴的自然力量:人类,揭示了人类对地球造成的巨大影响以及如何恢复地球完美的生态平衡。


  爱丽丝(Keeley Hawes饰)和她相伴20年的伴侣哈里(Harry)搬入了他们梦寐以求的新家,哈里却不幸意外从楼梯滚落身亡。在他死后,爱丽丝相继发现了若干男人——包括她故去的前任——的种种秘密,而哈里似乎是所有人当中最卑劣的……

乐坛毒舌嗡嗡鸡 第十六季

  A comedy trivia quiz based around pop music, originally hosted by Mark Lamarr up to October 2006, currently hosted by Simon Amstell. Te am  captains Phil Jupitus and Bill Bailey (who replaced Sean Hughes in May 2002) are joined each week by different music stars. Popular rounds include one where team members have to identify song intros hummed to them and another where a bygone music star has to be picked out of a line-up of lookalikes.
  • Season 16
  Episode # Air Date# Guests
  16-01               02/Jan/05   Hannah Lewis, Dave Johns, Suzi Quatro, Beverley Turner
  16-02               09/Jan/05   Roni Size, Dominic Masters, Keedie, Ewen MacIntosh
  16-03               16/Jan/05   Richard Park, Mylo, Therese, Martin Fry
  16-04               23/Jan/05   Pete Tong, Fearne Cotton, Chris Park, Stephen Frost
  16-05               30/Jan/05   Dave Berry, Isaac Hanson, Mickey Hutton, Greg Oliver
  16-06               06/Feb/05   Gary Brooker, Nihal, Paul Heaton, Raghav
  16-07               13/Feb/05   Keisha White, Jim Jeffries, Ortis Deley, Ricky Wilson
  16-08               27/Feb/05   Tyson Kennedy, Kate Garraway, Bez, Tony Christie
  16-09               06/Mar/05   Kenzie, Chinyere, DJ Spoony, Lucy Porter
  16-10               13/Mar/05   Richard Fairbrass, Magne F, Emma Griffiths, Terri Walker
  16-11               20/Mar/05   Simon Amstell, Estelle, Melanie Blatt, Bradley Walsh

乐坛毒舌嗡嗡鸡 第十五季

  A comedy trivia quiz based around pop music, originally hosted by Mark Lamarr up to October 2006, currently hosted by Simon Amstell. Te am  captains Phil Jupitus and Bill Bailey (who replaced Sean Hughes in May 2002) are joined each week by different music stars. Popular rounds include one where team members have to identify song intros hummed to them and another where a bygone music star has to be picked out of a line-up of lookalikes.
  • Season 15
  Episode # Air Date# Guests
  15-01               20/Sep/04   Randy, Matt Goss, Preston, Shystie
  15-02               27/Sep/04   Eos, Dave Bartram, Har Mar Superstar, Leigh Marklew
  15-03               04/Oct/04   Louis Walsh, Ben Ofoedu, Jason Donovan, Lara McAllen
  15-04               11/Oct/04   Lisa Scott-Lee, Toyah Wilcox, Larry Hibbitt, Nick Atkinson
  15-05               18/Oct/04   Joe Brown, Buster Bloodvessel, Shola Ama, Nicole Russo
  15-06               25/Oct/04   Katie Melua, Jane McDonald, Aaron Gilbert, Michelle Gayle
  15-07               20/Dec/04   Christmas Special

乐坛毒舌嗡嗡鸡 第十四季

  A comedy trivia quiz based around pop music, originally hosted by Mark Lamarr up to October 2006, currently hosted by Simon Amstell. Te am  captains Phil Jupitus and Bill Bailey (who replaced Sean Hughes in May 2002) are joined each week by different music stars. Popular rounds include one where team members have to identify song intros hummed to them and another where a bygone music star has to be picked out of a line-up of lookalikes.
  • Season 14
  Episode # Air Date# Guests
  14-01               05/Jan/04   Kwame Kwei-Armah, Terry Hall, Brandon Block, Dave Fulton
  14-02               12/Jan/04   Alice Cooper, Katie Melua, Tony Hadley, Jane Moore
  14-03               19/Jan/04   Lisa Maffia, Mike Lewis, Dave Johns, David Grant
  14-04               26/Jan/04   Alistair Griffin, Carol Decker, Tony Wilson, Jimmy Carr
  14-05               02/Feb/04   Lionel Blair, Mikey Green, Tommy Scott, Gareth Jones
  14-06               09/Feb/04   James Redmond, Sheila Ferguson, Jill Jackson, Crispian Mills
  14-07               16/Feb/04   Dara O'Briain, Fatman Scoop, Gary Jules, Wes Butters
  14-08               23/Feb/04   Fish, Stuart Maconie, Bernie Nolan, Ryan Richards
  14-09               01/Mar/04   Lynsey Brown, Raghav, Martha Reeves, Adam Duritz
  14-10               08/Mar/04   Rich Hall, Amy Winehouse, Mike Peters, Fearne Cotton
  14-11               15/Mar/04   Carrie Grant, Asher D, Kenny Lynch, Mark Joseph

乐坛毒舌嗡嗡鸡 第十三季

  A comedy trivia quiz based around pop music, originally hosted by Mark Lamarr up to October 2006, currently hosted by Simon Amstell. Te am  captains Phil Jupitus and Bill Bailey (who replaced Sean Hughes in May 2002) are joined each week by different music stars. Popular rounds include one where team members have to identify song intros hummed to them and another where a bygone music star has to be picked out of a line-up of lookalikes.
  • Season 13
  Episode # Air Date# Guests
  13-01               08/Sep/03   Dick Valentine, Huey Morgan, Louise Redknapp, Alexei Sayle
  13-02               15/Sep/03   Har Mar Superstar, Raul Malo, Liz McClarnon, Mark Richardson
  13-03               22/Sep/03   Megaman, Martina Topley-Bird, Howard Jones, Jackie Clune
  13-04               29/Sep/03   Josie D'Arby, Joel Pott, Jane McDonald, Gavin Webster
  13-05               06/Oct/03   Wayne Sleep, Sian Evans, Clint Boon, Mike Wilmot
  13-06               13/Oct/03   Vic Henley, Myleene Klass, Andy Bell, Sinitta
  13-07               20/Oct/03   Adam Hills, Matt Hales, Guy Garvey, Jayne Middlemiss
  13-08               27/Oct/03   Simon Amstell, Kym Marsh, Romeo, Gary Wilmot
  13-09               28/Dec/03   Christmas Special

乐坛毒舌嗡嗡鸡 第十二季

  A comedy trivia quiz based around pop music, originally hosted by Mark Lamarr up to October 2006, currently hosted by Simon Amstell. Te am  captains Phil Jupitus and Bill Bailey (who replaced Sean Hughes in May 2002) are joined each week by different music stars. Popular rounds include one where team members have to identify song intros hummed to them and another where a bygone music star has to be picked out of a line-up of lookalikes.
  • Season 12
  Episode # Air Date# Guests
  12-01               06/Jan/03   Suzi Perry, John Otway, Charlie Simpson, Richard Fairbrass
  12-02               13/Jan/03   Mike Read, Dan Hipgrave, Jessica Garlick, Rick Wakeman
  12-03               20/Jan/03   June Sarpong, Gordon Haskell, Mikey Craig, Tom McRae
  12-04               27/Jan/03   Gary Beadle, Chas Smash, Kathryn Williams, Scott Mills
  12-05               03/Feb/03   Jimmy Carr, Claudia Winkleman, Roisin Murphy, Lisa Stansfield
  12-06               10/Feb/03   Fearne Cotton, Sarah Whatmore, Dennis Locorriere, Christian Datsun
  12-07               17/Feb/03   Christian O'Connell, Nick Bracegirdle, Guy McKnight, Rich Hall
  12-08               24/Feb/03   Adam Hills, Jaret Von Erich, Sam Brown, Matt Hales
  12-09               03/Mar/03   Hugh Cornwell, Siobhan Fahey, Sean Rowley, Barry Cryer
  12-10               10/Mar/03   Liz Bonnin, Su-Elise Nash, DJ Sammy, Tom Rhodes
  12-11               17/Mar/03   Ron Mael, Russell Mael, Pete Tong, Dave Johns

乐坛毒舌嗡嗡鸡 第十一季

  A comedy trivia quiz based around pop music, originally hosted by Mark Lamarr up to October 2006, currently hosted by Simon Amstell. Te am  captains Phil Jupitus and Bill Bailey (who replaced Sean Hughes in May 2002) are joined each week by different music stars. Popular rounds include one where team members have to identify song intros hummed to them and another where a bygone music star has to be picked out of a line-up of lookalikes.
  • Season 11
  Episode # Air Date# Guests
  11-01               23/Sep/02   Ben Shepherd, Clare Grogan, Jenny Frost, Mark Goodier
  11-02               30/Sep/02   Abs Breen, Ali Campbell, Robin Campbell, Marilyn
  11-03               07/Oct/02   Sean Lock, Jason Perry, Lorraine Pearson, Budgie
  11-04               14/Oct/02   Lauren Laverne, Jimmy Cliff, Sheila Ferguson, Steve Frost
  11-05               21/Oct/02   Billy Bragg, Ian McLagan, Mark Steel, Gay-Yee Westerhoff
  11-06               28/Oct/02   Jackie Clune, Gary Moore, Tony Blackburn, Chris Baker
  11-07               04/Nov/02   Emma B, Neil Innes, Sebastian Bach, Dave Fulton
  11-08               11/Nov/02   Mike Wilmot, Nick Carter, Jean-Jacques Brunel, Nicholas Parsons
  11-09               29/Dec/02   Christmas Episode

乐坛毒舌嗡嗡鸡 第十季

  A comedy trivia quiz based around pop music, originally hosted by Mark Lamarr up to October 2006, currently hosted by Simon Amstell. Te am  captains Phil Jupitus and Bill Bailey (who replaced Sean Hughes in May 2002) are joined each week by different music stars. Popular rounds include one where team members have to identify song intros hummed to them and another where a bygone music star has to be picked out of a line-up of lookalikes.
  • Season 10
  Episode # Air Date# Guests
  10-01               07/Jan/02   Mari Wilson, Boy George, Blade, Tommy Vance
  10-02               14/Jan/02   Boothby Graffoe, DJ Spoony, Cathy Dennis, Craig Cash
  10-03               21/Jan/02   Adam Buxton, Midge Ure, Suzi Quatro, Claudia Winkleman
  10-04               28/Jan/02   Beverley Turner, Lesley Garrett, Leee John, Ben Norris
  10-05               04/Feb/02   Kerry McFadden, Ashley Taylor Dawson, Pete Burns, Christian O'Connell
  10-06               11/Feb/02   Nemone, Alexander O'Neal, Ian Watkins, Mark Owen
  10-07               18/Feb/02   Ben Miller, Lisa Scott Lee, Kate Thornton, Tony Wilson
  10-08               25/Feb/02   Dave Johns, Christian Ingebrigtsen, Paul Young, June Sarpong
  10-09               04/Mar/02   Shaun Williamson, Coleen Nolan, Bruce Dickinson, Ian Stone
  10-10               20/May/02   Eurovision Special

乐坛毒舌嗡嗡鸡 第九季

  A comedy trivia quiz based around pop music, originally hosted by Mark Lamarr up to October 2006, currently hosted by Simon Amstell. Te am  captains Phil Jupitus and Bill Bailey (who replaced Sean Hughes in May 2002) are joined each week by different music stars. Popular rounds include one where team members have to identify song intros hummed to them and another where a bygone music star has to be picked out of a line-up of lookalikes.
  • Season 9
  Episode # Air Date# Guests
  9-01                10/Sep/01   Ben Volpeliere-Pierrot, Steve Strange, Matthew Meschery, Katy Hill
  9-02                17/Sep/01   MC Harvey, Paul Ross, Fay Tozer, Ian Astbury
  9-03                24/Sep/01   Ben Adams, Chris McCormack, Dara O'Briain, Claire Sweeney
  9-04                01/Oct/01   Toyah Wilcox, Steve Lamacq, Captain Sensible, Kermit
  9-05                08/Oct/01   Edith Bowman, Mark Steel, Kevin Simm, Terry Hall
  9-06                29/Oct/01   Jo Breezer, Alesha Dixon, Rich Hall, Richard McNamara
  9-07                15/Oct/01   Roger Sanchez, Brian Molko, Tony Mortimer, Jon Culshaw
  9-08                05/Nov/01   Phil Alexander, Kiki Dee, Richard Fairbrass, Mike Wilmot
  9-09                22/Oct/01   Jenni Falconer, Becky Hunter, Ricky Tomlinson, David Van Day
  9-10                12/Nov/01   (9th series compilation)
  9-11                30/Dec/01   Christmas Special

乐坛毒舌嗡嗡鸡 第八季

  A comedy trivia quiz based around pop music, originally hosted by Mark Lamarr up to October 2006, currently hosted by Simon Amstell. Te am  captains Phil Jupitus and Bill Bailey (who replaced Sean Hughes in May 2002) are joined each week by different music stars. Popular rounds include one where team members have to identify song intros hummed to them and another where a bygone music star has to be picked out of a line-up of lookalikes.
  • Season 8
  Episode # Air Date# Guests
  8-01                26/Feb/01   Brian Molko, Rhona Cameron, Pete Deveraux, Sarah Cawood
  8-02                05/Mar/01   Tania Strecker, Brian Harvey, Dave Mustaine, Arthur Smith
  8-04                12/Mar/01   Slash, Tony Blackburn, Josie D'Arby, Paul Marazzi
  8-03                16/Mar/01   Have I Got Buzzcocks All Over
  8-05                19/Mar/01   Claire Richards, Michael Greco, Miles Hunt, Junior Simpson
  8-06                26/Mar/01   Dane Bowers, Glenn Tilbrook, Darius Danesh, Vic Henley
  8-07                02/Apr/01   Noel Sullivan, Kym Marsh, Mark Owen, Johnny Vegas
  8-08                09/Apr/01   Steve Harley, Eddie Brill, Dani Filth, Lisa Rogers
  8-09                16/Apr/01   Barbara Dickson, Rowland Rivron, Phil Kay, Jade Jones
  8-10                23/Apr/01   Fish, John Taylor, Jo Caulfield, Jon Lee
  8-11                30/Apr/01   Leo Sayer, Samantha Fox, Leeroy Thornhill, Ralf Little

乐坛毒舌嗡嗡鸡 第七季

  A comedy trivia quiz based around pop music, originally hosted by Mark Lamarr up to October 2006, currently hosted by Simon Amstell. Te  am captains Phil Jupitus and Bill Bailey (who replaced Sean Hughes in May 2002) are joined each week by different music stars. Popular rounds include one where team members have to identify song intros hummed to them and another where a bygone music star has to be picked out of a line-up of lookalikes.
  • Season 7
  Episode # Air Date# Guests
  7-01 15/Sep/00 Roisin Murphy, Danny McNamara, John Entwistle, Johnny Vegas
  7-02 22/Sep/00 Daphne & Celeste, Par Wiksten, Graham Gouldman, Stuart Maconie
  7-03 29/Sep/00 Gary Stringer, Mark Morris, June Sarpong, Bradley Walsh
  7-04 06/Oct/00 Melanie B, Jo Brand, Sally James, Josh Doyle
  7-05 13/Oct/00 Kirsty MacColl, Bob Mortimer, Joe Washbourn, Jamelia
  7-06 20/Oct/00 Josie D'Arby, Pete Shelley, Richie Neville, Mark Steel
  7-07 27/Oct/00 Melanie C, Paul Young, Sean Lock, Dermot O'Leary
  7-08 10/Nov/00 Alvin Stardust, Trevor Nelson, Lloyd Cole, Liz McClarnon
  7-09 03/Nov/00 Kate Thornton, David Soul, Dane Bowers, Dave Gorman
  7-10 28/Dec/00 Christmas Special

乐坛毒舌嗡嗡鸡 第六季

  A comedy trivia quiz based around pop music, originally hosted by Mark Lamarr up to October 2006, currently hosted by Simon Amstell. Te am  captains Phil Jupitus and Bill Bailey (who replaced Sean Hughes in May 2002) are joined each week by different music stars. Popular rounds include one where team members have to identify song intros hummed to them and another where a bygone music star has to be picked out of a line-up of lookalikes.
  • Season 6
  Episode # Air Date# Guests
  6-01                10/Sep/99   Sister Bliss, Martin Fry, Jayne Middlemiss, Arthur Smith
  6-02                17/Sep/99   Dave Bowers, Jeff Green, Nik Kershaw, Roisin Murphy
  6-03                24/Sep/99   Sarah Cawood, David Essex, J, Pauline McLynn
  6-04                01/Oct/99   Stuart Adamson, Marianne Faithfull, Sean Lock, Gail Porter
  6-05                08/Oct/99   Lisa Scott-Lee, Boy George, Suggs, Jo Brand
  6-06                15/Oct/99   Ian Broudie, Rich Hall, Ben Ofoedu, Suzi Quatro
  6-07                22/Oct/99   Jamie Benson, Vic Henley, Mary Mary, Bryan McFadden
  6-08                29/Dec/99   Christmas Special
  6-09                11/Feb/00   Chandrasonic, Tommy Vance, Junior Simpson, Davina McCall
  6-10                18/Feb/00   Nicky Shaw, Chas Hodges, Kelle Bryan, Simon Day

乐坛毒舌嗡嗡鸡 第五季

  A comedy trivia quiz based around pop music, originally hosted by Mark Lamarr up to October 2006, currently hosted by Simon Amstell. Te  am captains Phil Jupitus and Bill Bailey (who replaced Sean Hughes in May 2002) are joined each week by different music stars. Popular rounds include one where team members have to identify song intros hummed to them and another where a bygone music star has to be picked out of a line-up of lookalikes.
  • Season 5
  Episode # Air Date# Guests
  5-01 12/Feb/99 Simon LeBon, Karen Poole, Ian Dury, Kathy Burke
  5-02 19/Feb/99 Faye Tozer, Glen Matlock, Sara Cox, Junior Simpson
  5-03 26/Feb/99 Frank Skinner, Leeroy Thornhill, Rick Wakeman, Paul Godfrey
  5-04 05/Mar/99 Rowland Rivron, Meat Loaf, Billie Piper, Nick Keynes
  5-05 12/Mar/99 Have I Got Buzzcocks All Over
  5-06 19/Mar/99 Carl Cox, John Hegley, Kate Thornton, Roy Wood
  5-07 26/Mar/99 Toyah Willcox, Kele LeRoc, Tom Gray, Adam Bloom
  5-08 02/Apr/99 Bill Bailey, Howard Jones, Grant Nicholas, Tony Wright
  5-09 26/Mar/99 Tony Hadley, Chrissie Hynde, Bobby Davro, Josie Lawrence

乐坛毒舌嗡嗡鸡 第四季

  October 2006, currently hosted by Simon Amstell. Te am  captains Phil Jupitus and Bill Bailey (who replaced Sean Hughes in May 2002) are joined each week by different music stars. Popular rounds include one where team members have to identify song intros hummed to them and another where a bygone music star has to be picked out of a line-up of lookalikes.
  • Season 4
  Episode # Air Date# Guests
  4-01                11/Sep/98   Vic Reeves, Chris Moyles, Bill Bailey, James Broad
  4-02                18/Sep/98   Glenn Gregory, Bez, Tony Wright, Bob Mills
  4-03                08/Sep/98   Neil Hannon, Emmy-Kate Montrose, Tom Robinson, Keith Chegwin
  4-04                02/Oct/98   Sophie Ellis Bextor, Sean Cullen, Ken McAlpine, Jayne Middlemiss
  4-05                09/Oct/98   Tommy Scott, Mani, Jo Brand, Matthew Marsden
  4-06                16/Oct/98   Mel Giedroyc, Arthur Smith, Mark Chadwick, Jimmy Constable

乐坛毒舌嗡嗡鸡 第三季

  A comedy trivia quiz based around pop music, originally hosted by Mark Lamarr up to October 2006, currently hosted by Simon Amstell. Te  am captains Phil Jupitus and Bill Bailey (who replaced Sean Hughes in May 2002) are joined each week by different music stars. Popular rounds include one where team members have to identify song intros hummed to them and another where a bygone music star has to be picked out of a line-up of lookalikes.
  • Season 3
  Episode # Air Date# Guests
  3-01 27/Feb/98 Donna McPhail, Roachford, Cerys Matthews, Tommy Scott
  3-02 06/Mar/98 Mani, Rick McMurray, Lemmy, Richard Fairbrass
  3-03 13/Mar/98 John Moloney, Toyah Wilcox, Saul Davie, Tom Wright
  3-04 20/Mar/98 Zoë Ball, Louis Eliot, Graham Norton, Keith Duffy
  3-05 27/Mar/98 Rick Witter, Mark Owen, Richard Morton, Shovell
  3-06 03/Apr/98 Lauren Laverne, Tom Robinson, Math Priest, Jeff Green
  3-07 17/Apr/98 Mary Ann Hobbs, Justin Currie, Billy Bragg, Jonathan Ross

乐坛毒舌嗡嗡鸡 第二季

  A comedy trivia quiz based around pop music, originally hosted by Mark Lamarr up to October 2006, currently hosted by Simon Amstell. Te  am captains Phil Jupitus and Bill Bailey (who replaced Sean Hughes in May 2002) are joined each week by different music stars. Popular rounds include one where team members have to identify song intros hummed to them and another where a bygone music star has to be picked out of a line-up of lookalikes.
  • Season 2
  Episode # Air Date# Guests
  2-01 15/Sep/97 Marie DuSantiago, Mark Little, Shaggy, Suggs
  2-02 22/Sep/97 Gary Barlow, Edwyn Collins, Jeff Green, Tony Wright
  2-03 29/Sep/97 Billy Bragg, Sarah Blackwood, Richard Fairbrass, Neil Morrissey
  2-04 06/Oct/97 Midge Ure, Shellie Poole, Math Priest, Graham Norton
  2-05 13/Oct/97 Mark Owen, Lisa l'Anson, Shovell, Richard Fairbrass
  2-06 20/Oct/97 Saffron, Brian Molko, David Baddiel, Bruce Dickinson
  2-07 27/Oct/97 Louise, Math Priest, Norman Blake, Jeff Green
  2-08 29/Dec/97 Merry Mind the Buzzcocks
