该剧改编自 C.J.斯库斯 2017 年的同名邪典小说
剧中,Shayne 将饰演Jack Grayling,他曾经是名刑事调查员,但如今在一艘豪华地中海游轮上追逐成为一名歌舞歌手的梦想。然而船上接连发生的谋杀案,让他必须重操旧业。在Catherine 饰演的大副 “Kate Woods”的帮助下,这对不着调的二人组联手侦破了一系列案件。
被描述为“巧妙、快节奏、充满活力” 的本剧以一艘豪华游轮为背景,它的目的地是每个人都喜欢的地中海热门度假胜地;船上充满了阴谋、竞争、魅力、金钱和阶级鸿沟,但它的新晋歌舞表演歌手、曾经的侦探“Jack”(Shayne 饰演)很快发现这里暗藏汹涌。
而刚刚被提拔为大副的Kate行事干练、具有野心,她被男性为主的船队所包围,并且想要证明自己的存在。当一名乘客在游艇第一个停靠地被发现遇害后,Kate 意识到自己的工作陷入了危险,而Jack发现自己又回到了以前作为侦探的生活。
艾玛(海伦·麦克洛瑞 Helen McCrory 饰)是一名经验丰富的律师,专门为曾经在法庭上败诉的人们翻案,这也就意味着,她在工作中要承受远远高于其他同行的压力,但这一切对于心中充满了正义感的艾玛来说并不值一提。 这一次,艾玛的客户是一位名叫凯文(萨姆·斯温斯伯里 Sam Swainsbury 饰)的男子,他锒铛入狱已经14年之久了。曾经,凯文被控诉杀害了一位女学生,虽然并没有确凿的证据证明凯文就是凶手,但当时的舆论对于凯文来说非常的不利,迫于压力,凯文认罪了。如今,凯文的儿子已经成长为了青葱少年,始终不相信凯文有罪的他的前妻决定不再让孩子背负父亲是杀人犯的污名。
《受害者》《杀死伊芙》编剧Rob Williams创作,故事灵感来自他在多所监狱做社工的经历。
故事中心是处境艰难的狱警们的领头Leigh,一位女性,她把成年后的人生贡献给了这座监狱和其中麻烦缠身 的犯人。尽管自己负责的区域人满为患,处于破败的官僚主义和目光短浅造成的灾难之中,Leigh为这些囚犯做的事远在职责之外。但Leigh也有自己的秘密和一段过去,一旦被发现,要付出的代价可能远不止丢掉工作那么简单。新来的年轻狱警Rose有着自己的目的,多嘴的她是否会让Leigh完蛋,亦或是意料之外的救星?
本剧改编自Harlan Coben在2012年出版的同名《纽约时报》畅销小说。Coben将和领头编剧Danny Brocklehurst,及Richard Fee共同负责8集剧本,Daniel O’Hara担任领头导演。
这是Netflix和Harlan Coben的5年14本书超级合约下进行的第5个项目。跟随之前的合作项目,本剧将设定在英国。
故事聚焦三个生活安好的人,每个人都有不可告人的秘密,而身边最亲近的人都不会对此产生怀疑。Megan (Jumbo),一名有三个孩子的职业母亲;Ray (Armitage),曾经未来光明的纪录片摄影师,如今干着一份没有前途的工作,迎合那些痴迷明星的有钱人家孩子;Broome (Nesbitt),一名侦探,放不下一桩失踪人口悬案。Lorraine (Parish),来自Megan过去的一位老朋友,带来了一些惊人的消息,这些消息将影响到这三个角色。当不安的过往再次困扰他们,威胁要毁掉他们和亲近之人的生活,他们下一步会怎么做呢?
卡司包括《傲骨贤妻》Cush Jumbo、《霍比特人》Richard Armitage、《失踪》James Nesbitt和《美第奇家族》Sarah Parish。
Whilst Clive Reader celebrates his taking silk but Martha hits the bottle, angry that inspector Wright has lied in court to convict her client Johnny Foster. Later David, the teen-aged son of chambers head Alan Cowdrey, is arrested for causing the death of a policeman , one of six who kettled him during a demonstration. Martha believes David has been bullied into pleading guilty by Wright and wants Alan involved in his son's case but David is not keen to see his father. Reader and Caroline Warwick agree to help Martha, who sees on CCTV that an anonymous man spoke to David in custody but there is no record of this meeting. In court she faces Wright, this time determined to beat him but evidence comes to light which weakens Martha's crusade.
It’s the summer of 1940 and the village of Great Paxford is caught up in the nightmare of the Battle of Britain. Two weeks after the defeat at Dunkirk, the German army is advancing through France and Britain is bracing itself for invasion. Throughout the series the residents at the heart of this rural Cheshire community face their own personal challenges and conflicts as reputa...
18世纪英国乡间班纳特家有五个女儿,班纳特太太整天焦躁不已,最大的心愿就是将女儿们一个个嫁出去。一日年青富家子宾利先生搬进城内的消息传来,令班纳特太太兴奋不已,希望大女儿简能获取宾利先生青睐。舞会上宾利果然看上了最漂亮的大小姐。而宾利的老友达西(柯林·菲尔斯 Colin Firth 饰)却天性傲慢,直言难与平民交往,更不屑与老二伊丽莎白跳舞(詹妮弗·艾莉 Jennifer Ehle 饰)。可不久达西对她活泼可爱的举止产生了好感。达西虽然欣赏伊丽莎白,却无法忍受她母亲及妹妹们粗俗无礼的举止,劝说宾利放弃娶简。宾格来和简因为误会,关系危在旦夕,伊丽莎白也因为这件事迁怒于达西。最终班纳特能否顺利嫁出五个女儿,宾格来与简、达西与伊丽莎白会不会从迷失中走来,缔结幸福良缘?
Scott’s life is in freefall: his girlfriend has just left him, he’s dropped out of studying medicine and he’s desperate for cash to help save his brother. Out of the blue his terminally ill neighbour comes to him for a favour – to help him commit suicide. Scott reluctantly agrees, and in the process, he and his two friends decide to set up their own illicit assisted-suicide bus...
Will needs inspiration for his new play A Midsummer Night's Dream. Meanwhile, how can he get hold of m.ysgou.ccsome love potion, and where is Bottom going to put that stuffed donkey head?
In series one, Barbara from Blackpool realised her dream and became TV comedy star, Sophie Straw, the nation’s favourite. In series two, Sophie finds out that ‘having a voice’ doesn’t mean it will be heard and that fame is a fickle friend.
Fed up with being the comic muse in old school comedy shows, Sophie tries her hand at arthouse cinema hoping it will be more progressive – it isn’t!
Undeterred, Sophie decides to create her own comedy show where she can tell authentic stories in all their messy and hilarious glory. She’s found her voice, and no one can stop her using it! She learns that the power is in the word.
Funny Woman is produced by Potboiler and Rebel Park Productions, in association with Sky Studios. Executive produced by Nick Hornby, Gemma Arterton, Andrea Calderwood, Gail Egan, Jessica Parker and Jessica Malik.
For the Goodman family, Friday Night Dinner is just like Sunday lunch: just take two days away, add an extra course and you've pretty much got it. Adam and his brother Jonny view Friday night dinner as a necessary annoyance - necessary because they get fed, and meijubar.net annoying because, well, they have to spend the evening with Mum and Dad. It's not that Mum and Dad aren't...
Emma Woodhouse(萝玛拉·嘉瑞 Romola Garai 饰)家境富有,聪颖美丽,伶牙俐齿又自命不凡。她自己打定主意不结婚,却有个有趣的爱好--爱当红娘。但每次她的牵线搭桥都是凭着异想天开或一时冲动,乱点鸳鸯谱,往往都是以失败告终。而Emma对别人的婚姻干预,引起了她家的老朋友Knightley(约翰尼·李·米勒 Jonny Lee Miller 饰)的不满。他告诫她应该让恋爱双方自主地处理婚姻大事,别人干预只会把事情搞糟。这也让Emma开始反思自己的行为。在和Knightley的逐渐相处中,Emma发现了他身上的发光点。最后Emma虽然没给别撮合成一对亲事,自己却和Knightley坠入情网,和喜结良缘。
《童话归来 Once Upon a Time》的Robert Carlyle及《王冠 The Crown》的Victoria Hamilton将主演政治题材6集Sky One英剧《内阁作战室 Cobra》。这部Ben Richards负责执笔的剧集主角为英国首相Robert Sutherland(Robert Carlyle饰)及总参谋长Anna Marshall(Victoria Hamilton饰),他们将在内阁作战室/ COBRA(Cabinet Office Briefing Room A)与英国其他专家﹑政治家﹑危机规划人员共同应付各种决定,而同时间主角还得处理个人生活﹑政治对手等。 其余角色包括国内应急秘书处首长Fraser Walker(Richard Dormer饰)﹑内政大臣Archie Glover-Morgan(David Ha...
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The team is back and ready to tackle more of Amsterdam’s criminal underworld.