年轻小说家Jane(凯伦·吉兰 Karen Gillan 饰)完成了带有自传性质的作品,被多家出版社退稿后,终于得到出版商Tom(斯坦利·韦伯 Stanley Weber 饰)的赏识。二人经过一番讨论修改后,小说出版了,然而Jane发现书名被Tom擅自改成《完美结局》。愤怒的Jane决定写完合同里签订的第二本书后,就与Tom分道扬镳。同时,《完美结局》受到读者的热烈追捧,Jane还因此获得新人奖。Jane开始着手写第二本小说,开始时很顺利,直到最后一章,她陷入了瓶颈期。出版商Tom在后面穷追猛打,暗地里使劲办法帮她度过瓶颈期。另一方面,她还得处理与父亲、以及同居男友的关系,读者们对于她的第二部作品十分期待,Jane能不能迎来属于自己的完美结局?©豆瓣
保罗(詹姆斯·柯登 James Corden 饰)自幼就有一副好嗓子,热爱唱歌剧,可是小伙伴们并不能理解保罗所唱的歌剧的含义,只认为他是在鬼喊鬼叫,因此排挤和孤立这个他们认知里的怪胖子。一次偶然中,保罗听了柴可夫斯基第六交响曲《悲怆》,就此深深的爱上了古典音乐,并且前往威尼斯学艺,可是,一连串的失误不仅没有让保罗获得他应有的荣誉,还令他背负上了“永远也不会成名”的恶评。 然而,保罗并没有就此放弃,他利用参加业余歌手比赛而获得的奖金来到了意大利学习意大利语,只为了能够更好的诠释那些意大利歌剧。在保罗的事业刚刚有点起色时,他被诊断患上了癌症。
Just after the First World War Fred Roberts goes for a job as a newspaper journalist and tells the sub-editor how, in the trenches in 1916, he discovered a printing press in working order. Helped by ex-printer Sergeant Harris and with his friend Jack Pearson as his assistant, he sets up the Wipers Times - the name coming from the soldiers' pronunciation of the town Ypres. Despite disapproval from officious Colonel Howfield but with backing from sympathetic General Mitford they produce twenty-three issues of a satirical magazine - its articles represented on screen in black and white - which boosts morale and even gets mentioned in the Tatler. The press is destroyed by a German shell but another is found and the paper's title changed to fit in with wherever the regiment is deployed.