兵马俑是一支由 8000 名陶制士兵组成的军队,为守卫中国第一位皇帝的陵墓而建。在被发现 50 年后,这个独特的考古遗址还能挖掘出哪些新的秘密呢?这部专题纪录片由《塞加拉陵墓揭秘》的创作者打造,探索了秦始皇非凡的陵墓。
Cars! Film! Cars on film! Film involving cars! You get the idea. It's basically a DVD involving those two things. Gasp as we find the perfect drift car for a gritty, Bourne Identity-style chase! Cheer as we stage a race for all those unsung heroes of the movie industry! Whoop as we find the car that makes the perfect dramatic exhaust note to dub onto an action sequence! Make so...
音乐大亨斯库特·布劳恩 (Scooter Braun) 于 2019 年 6 月通过交易购买了泰勒·斯威夫特 (Taylor Swift) 前六张专辑的版权后,泰勒·斯威夫特 (Taylor Swift) 与斯库特·布劳恩 (Scooter Braun) 之间发生了争执。
Federer: Twelve Final Days, chronicles the final 12 days of Roger Federer’s epic professional tennis career.
讲述了Taylor的音乐和人生的成长经历,从一位乡村少女如何成长成如今流行乐坛最有影响力之一的流行天后,来一起见证和了解Taylor Swift的璀璨之路吧~~
《千子之父:捐精狂奇案》揭露了一个迷人的荷兰骗子乔纳森·迈耶的惊人故事:他被指控周游世界,大规模地欺骗女性与他生育孩子。这部包含三个部分的剧集深入调查了生育产业的阴暗面,揭示了缺乏全球性的监管如何导致一些国际生育诊所仍然允许匿名捐精行为。 本剧集独家采访了一群既热忱又饱受创伤的家长,讲述了这位 YouTube 红人在全球各地欺骗孩子家长的曲折故事,同时也记录了他们如今如何决心推动法律改革,以防止他继续蒙骗无辜之人。
The pygmy hippo is one of nature's last great mysteries. Solitary, secretive and extremely hard to find, scientists know almost nothing about this endangered animal in the wild and what it needs to survive. Now, a young Australian ecologist, Wei-Yeen Yap, is taking on what could be 'mission impossible'. In a remote West African rainforest, Wei investigates the secret life of th...
The Hidden Story - Secret History: New evidence rewrites the Great Wall of China's history, decodes its complex signals system and reveals the surprise ingredient that's kept it standing.
在地底 在岩穴 在沙滩 不论是单身公寓 还是集体宿舍 这里 是它们所有的爱和智慧 这里 是它们抵御外敌的阵地 这里 是它们抗击严寒的温床 树枝石块 纤维唾液 就连废弃的蜘蛛网 也被那些神奇的建筑师们变成了遮风避雨的港湾 走进动物之家 走进它们的智慧 走进 奇妙的大自然吧~(@酸奶) 转自夏末秋字幕组
For centuries we have dreamt of reaching the centre of the Earth. Now scientists are uncovering a bizarre and alien world that lies 4,000 miles beneath our feet, unlike anything we know on the surface. It is a planet buried within the planet we know, where storms rage within a sea of white-hot metal and a giant forest of crystals make up a metal core the size of the Moon. Horiz...
Executive Producer Fernando Meirelles (Academy Award-Nominated Director of "City of God") and Malian musician Inna Modja take us on an epic journey along Africa's Great Green Wall - an ambitious vision to grow an 8,000km wall of trees stretching across the entire continent to fight back against runaway climate change, increasing conflict and mass migration.
The attempt to send and land astronauts on Mars risks billions of dollars and the lives of those brave enough to attempt it. Is the possible benefit really worth the risk? And is it really achievable? Guiding us through this ethical and scientific minefield is Dr Kevin Fong. Kevin's diverse background in astrophysics, aeronautics and medicine makes him uniquely placed to unders...
吃昆虫能拯救世界吗?吃油炸蝗虫、蚁卵沙拉或者烤狼蛛你会感觉怎么样?在这部纪录片中,你将看到主持人兼美食家的Stefan Gates把自己沉浸在无限制的吃昆虫世界里。他试图克服自己对昆虫挥之不去的厌恶感,探索它们能否真的拯救世界。地球上每个人拥有40吨昆虫,或许昆虫能够真正解决全球粮食危机——每天都有数十亿的人在挨饿。而肉类的巨大需求要消耗全球食物链中大量的粮食。Stefan的任务,在泰国和柬埔寨认识那些以捕获、吃和卖食用昆虫为生的人。从昆虫养殖场的可怕规模,到夜里出去围捕的蚂蚱,再到逮捕咬人凶狠的蚂蚁,这些他都还没准备好。不只是吃昆虫,Stefan将抓捕世界上最恐惧的蜘蛛——狼蛛。如果这是每个人的解决方案,包括英国,Stefan希望可以开始食用昆虫。
亚瑟王是传说中古不列颠最富有传奇色彩的伟大国王。他的故事一直令英国人引以为傲,使他们缅怀昔日的光辉 。亚瑟王与其追随者圆桌骑士们的故事在西欧地区广为流传。他是一位完美国王,一位战斗英雄,一位近乎神话般的传奇人物。如今的我们依旧对他崇拜不已,他的理想激励了现代世界各地的总统和抗议者,民主人士和独裁者。然而,在最早的威尔士故事中,亚瑟却是一个巨人猎手,有时还是一个骗子。那么,他是如何被历史化,被转变成一位传奇人物的?作为威尔士最大的文化输出,他又是如何以一种超越历史事实的方式,成为了整个世界的英雄?
Thomas Cromwell has gone down in history as one of the most corrupt and manipulative ruffians ever to hold power in England. A chief minister who used his position to smash the Roman Catholic church in England and loot the monasteries for his own gain. A man who used torture to bring about the execution of the woman who had once been his friend and supporter - Anne Boleyn. Diar...
The rich and powerful have hidden billions of dollars in tax havens. They thought their financial secrets were safe, but now a huge leak of documents has revealed a world of secrecy, lies and crimes. Reporter Richard Bilton exposes tax dodgers, criminals and world leaders who have been hiding their money and their secrets offshore.
A fascinating exploration of one of the most significant moments in gothic history - the night when Mary Shelley, Lord Byron and their cohorts gathered together in Lake Geneva to tell ghost stories. The night when Frankenstein and the modern vampire were born. All those involved in the events of the summer of 1816 wrote about their life-changing stay in Switzerland. This dramat...
近年英國氣候越發極端,颶風頻頻來襲,2013年冬天更錄得有史以來最高的降雨量。超強寒流的來襲,亦曾令英國以往的冬天錄得攝氏零下22度的低溫。 英國廣播公司(BBC)科學紀錄片《地平線》(Horizon)系列的《天氣反常了?》,由物理學家Helen Czerski和氣象學家 John Hammond主持,為你詳細講解高速氣流(jet stream)與英國反常氣候的關係。
为庆祝 2021 年世界地球日 ,Apple TV+ 将首播原创纪录片特辑《这一年,地球变得不一样》,由获得艾美奖及 BAFTA 奖项的 David Attenborough 担任旁白。 《这一年,地球变得不一样》展示世界各地历经史无前例的一年之后所拍摄的独家影片,这部贴近时事的纪录片,不但以全新手法描绘全球大封锁的局面,也带大家看见许多由此而生的正向故事。沉寂的城市传来鸟鸣、鲸鱼有了新沟通方式、水豚出没于南美洲郊区,世界各地的人都有机会以前所未见的方式接触大自然。在一小时的特辑中,观众将看见人类的行为改变可为大自然带来实实在在的影响。诸如减少邮轮交通、每年关闭沙滩数日、找出人类和野生动物和谐共处的方法等,都是影响因素。这部由 David Attenborough 讲述旁白的纪录片,是一封献给地球的暖心情书,著重呈现大自然的复甦能为未来带来光明希望。...
Meet the Penguins In this one-off special, bird expert and enthusiast Adrian Walls fulfils a lifelong dream to see an endangered species of penguin in the wilds of Peru. Adrian, head of birds at ZSL London Zoo, has looked after penguins throughout his twenty-five years as a zookeeper, but he’s never seen them in their natural environment on the breath-taking Pacific coast of Pe...
Noma Australia, a three-part adventure documenting the creativity and journey behind one of the most anticipated culinary events of 2016 - the opening of Noma Australia in Sydney.
With the help of a team of experts and the latest in 3D scanning technology, Alexander Armstrong, along with Dr Michael Scott, explores the hidden underground treasures that made Rome the powerhouse of the ancient world. In his favourite city, he uncovers a lost subterranean world that helped build and run the world's first metropolis and its empire. From the secret underground...
A portrait of the "world's greatest living explorer" Sir Ranulph Fiennes, a film that goes beyond the record breaking achievements to explore the man behind the myth.
日本菜的精华是什么?海胆?鱼生?时令蔬菜?优美景致?本片就将为大家揭示日本菜的精髓,大家一起来看英国大厨做出的日式饕餮盛宴! Rick Stein 是英国老资格的电视名厨,以做海鲜菜为名,在Cornwell开了好几家饭店、Fish & Chip 店等,还曾经为BBC做过好几个各地烹饪饮食习惯的系列。Rick Stein 访问了东南亚和东亚(包括中国)等地,研究当地的饮食习惯和烹饪手法。 When the Japanese ambassador saw Rick Stein preparing sushi on a boat off Cornwall, he was not impressed. However, this sparked off an idea where Rick would go on a voyage of discovery ...
Why has a kids TV show about an eccentric man with a box that can travel anywhere in time and space become the BBC's longest running TV drama - and one of Britain's biggest brands? On its 50th anniversary, lifelong fan Matthew Sweet argues you ignore Doctor Who at your peril. It may be a piece of children's television, but he believes it's one of the most important cultural art...
Gene editing is transforming medical research and could deliver new treatments and cures for diseases. It also gives scientists control over evolution, allowing genetic changes to be forced through species. 基因编辑正在改变医学研究,并可能提供新的治疗和治疗疾病。它还赋予科学家对进化的控制权,允许通过物种强制进行基因改变。
冒险家兼记者的西蒙·里夫动身前往越南,寻找我们每天早晨的提神饮料背后的故事。 英国人每周都要喝掉几百万杯咖啡,而又有多少人知道他们的咖啡从哪里来呢?答案不是巴西、哥伦比亚或牙买加,而是越南!英国人所喝咖啡中的八成不是卡普奇诺或拿铁,而是速溶咖啡,而越南正是他们最大的供应商。 三十年前越南的咖啡产量仅占全世界产量的很小一部分,但在越战之后,政府决定大规模种植咖啡。现在,越南已经是世界上第二大咖啡出产国。咖啡产业为几百万人提供了工作,令少数人白手起家成为百万富翁。但西蒙也发现,越南的快速发展令当地居民和环境付出了沉重的代价。
We all like to think we are in control of our lives - of what we feel and what we think. But scientists are now discovering this is often simply an illusion. Surprising experiments are revealing that what you think you do and what you actually do can be very different. Your unconscious mind is often calling the shots, influencing the decisions you make, from what you eat to who...
1 波普艺术(POP)字面意思就是流行艺术.和流行音乐/文化含义一样,意义其实也类似. 2 本片采访POP一堆教父级别的人物.是其他艺术运动纪录片从未有过的. 3 POP用通俗的表达方法打掉了看似高雅的抽象现代艺术. 前者让大众接受, 后者更多只是个人无法理解的表现. 4 POP形式上类似于推销和宣传,而本质上是使用同样手段反宣传反推销. 5 POP的高潮在50年代的纽约,而21世纪的热点,甚至代表人物在中国.
Birds of paradise are one of David Attenborough's lifelong passions. He was the first to film many of their beautiful and often bizarre displays, and over his lifetime he has tracked them all over the jungles of New Guinea. In this very personal film, he uncovers the remarkable story of how these 'birds from paradise' have captivated explorers, naturalists, artists, film-makers...
Rio Ferdinand reveals his untold troubles dealing with raising three children by himself following the death of his wife Rebecca.by:https://www.yuankan.cc/dianying/162734.html
Facebook is a company that has grown from nothing to be worth half a trillion dollars in just 15 years. Today nearly a third of all humans are using it, and yet we rarely get to see the people actually in charge of the biggest social network in the world. The company has suffered a series of deepening scandals and intense media scrutiny. In 2018, their mission - to connect ever...
What is it about the Bolshoi Ballet that makes it uniquely Russian? This documentary follows internationally acclaimed former Royal Ballet dancer Deborah Bull as she enters the world of the Bolshoi ballet, to look at how and why the Bolshoi is an internationally renowned, world class company. Deborah explores what makes it so special & different from other great ballet companie...
In America it’s an epidemic. Now new evidence raises concern about the UK’s use of prescription opioids. Michael Mosley goes on an immersive journey to ask what can be done about it. The opioid epidemic has devastated America. But what’s the situation here? A new report from Public Health England raises serious concerns about Britain's own relationship with painkillers. Dr Mich...
Tony Slattery was one of the most gifted TV comedians of the late 80s and early 90s. One of the Cambridge Footlight set that included Stephen Fry, Hugh Laurie and Emma Thompson, he became a household name on Whose Line is it Anyway? Then in 1996, amidst rumours of a massive breakdown, he seemed to vanish from our screens overnight. Now as he approaches 60, Tony has been touring...
The incredible story of how Pluto has been propelled from an unremarkable ball of ice on the edge of the solar system to a world of unimaginable complexity - where some form of alien life might exist. Featuring first-hand accounts of the incredible discoveries made by New Horizons from many of the scientists involved in the mission.
https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b0bb33ht/horizon-2018-3-how-to-build-a-time-machine Time travel is not forbidden by the laws of nature, but to build a time machine, we would need to understand more about those laws and how to subvert them than we do now. And every day, science does learn more. In this film Horizon meets the scientists working on the cutting edge of discov...
Artificial Intelligence is starting to transform healthcare beyond recognition. The vision for tech companies is to get AI computers to diagnose diseases as well as a human doctor, which could ultimately result in accessible, more affordable, better healthcare for almost everyone. In a world with a chronic shortage of doctors, but where even the very poor own mobile phones, it ...
Suicide is the biggest killer of men under 50 in the UK - causing more deaths in this group than car accidents, and even more than cancer. This means that the most likely thing to kill Dr Xand Van Tulleken is himself. And he wants to know why. In this sensitive film, Xand finds out what we know about why people develop suicidal thoughts, and whether there is anything that we ca...
https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b0bcmjht/horizon-2018-4-spina-bifida-me One in every 1,000 pregnancies in Britain has a spine or brain defect like spina bifida. Thirty years ago, actress Ruth Madeley was one of them. Despite having spina bifida herself, it is a condition she doesn't fully understand. In this programme, Ruth sets out to discover why she has it, whether it ...