历史学家和作家Helen Castor探索生活在欧洲中世纪的人们是如何对待一生中最重要的几个转折点:降生,婚姻,以及去世。
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英国人一直引以为傲的一个事情,是大不列颠是唯一一个在二战中没有向希特勒臣服丶战斗到底并取得最后胜利的西欧国家。虽然历史没有假设,但我们想象下:如果德国法西斯没有撕毁《德苏互不侵犯条约》,希特勒不必陷于东西两线苦战,在对英国一顿狂轰乱炸之后,德军渡英吉利海峡,以机械化师进攻英伦本土,英国人是否真能顶得住?如果英国抵抗失败,英王室流亡,白金汉宫成了德军在英国战区的最高指挥部,大本钟上悬挂党卫军的旗帜和纳粹十字,那会是一番怎样的情景? 虽然这些已经不会在真实的历史中发生,但这并不能阻止英国的作家和编剧们脑洞大开,在电视屏幕上为观众展现这一番景象。BBC将播出一部叫《SS-GB》的电视剧,故事的背景就是假设在德军占领英格兰,英国人生活在法西斯党卫军的白色恐怖的统治下。
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由世界知名指挥家兼音乐总监Antonio Pappano在考文特花园皇家歌剧院推出的意大利歌剧历史三集系列。该系列以华丽的音乐、令人惊叹的意大利地点和一些歌剧界的大腕为特色。
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1780年的英国,罗斯·波达克(艾丹·特纳 Aidan Turner 饰)为了逃避走私指控被迫参军并远赴美洲战场作战,将未婚妻伊丽莎白(海达·里德 Heida Reed 饰)留在身后。三年后,罗斯从美国独立战争的战场上返回家乡康沃尔郡。他发现父亲已经死了,父亲的矿场关门了,其他家族矿场也在不断裁员,房子破败不堪,就连伊丽莎白也将嫁给自己的堂兄弗朗西斯(凯尔·索列尔 Kyle Soller 饰)。罗斯在苦闷中决定开始新的生活。他偶然在集市上救下了性格刁蛮的乡下少女德梅尔扎(埃莉诺·汤姆林森 Eleanor Tomlinson 饰)并雇佣她为女仆,两人在每天的相处之中渐渐产生了情愫并结为夫妻。罗斯试图重震父亲的矿井产业,但是他的商业对手乔治·沃勒根(杰克·法辛 Jack Farthing 饰)处处使坏。弗朗西斯因为生活上的不顺和对罗斯的猜忌与伊丽莎白逐渐疏远,生意上的挫败更是让他险些失去一切。家族的没落,兄弟的隔阂以及对手的搅局都让罗斯·波达克复兴家族的道路倍加艰辛,唯有妻子德梅尔扎永远的守候能给罗斯暗淡的生活带去一丝温暖。
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伊万·麦克格雷格 玛丽·伊丽莎白·温斯特德 碧悠·加德斯顿 利亚 哈维 约翰尼·哈里斯 阿纳斯塔西娅·希尔 保罗·雷迪 比约恩·西鲁·哈瑞森 约翰·赫夫南 Alexa Goodall 费辛蒂·巴洛贡 丹尼尔·切尔奎拉 吉恩-帕斯卡尔·海涅曼德 Dee Ahluwalia Damian Rozanek 莱耶·塞伦 Amy Graham Jason Forbes Gabriel Robinson Rachel Walker
在俄国革命的余波中,Alexander Rostov伯爵发现自己光鲜亮丽的过去将他置于历史的错误面。没有被立刻处决的他,被苏联革命法庭放逐到了大都会酒店的阁楼中,如果他再次踏足户外,将面临死亡。时光流逝,酒店外的俄国经历了最动荡的几十年,而Rostov所处的受限境遇,则让他的精神得以进入一个更为广阔的天地。随着他在酒店内建立起新生活,Rostov发现了友情、家人和爱的真正价值。
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历史学家丹•克鲁克尚克受邀得以进入六座英国最伟大的私家庄园邸宅,引领我们穿越既令人惊异又颇具启迪性的建筑史。这些迷人的建筑一直为私宅,不对公众开放,但它们的主人们准许丹•克鲁克尚克徜徉其间,趣谈每所宅子的故事— 谁建造的、谁住过、谁又失去了它们,还揭示了关于无度与挥霍、权力与野心的轶事。从南瑞赛尔邸宅那不设防的伊丽莎白式的妩媚、苏格兰金洛斯邸宅的古典式缜 密以及霍克斯穆尔之伊斯顿私宅的独出心裁,到正面有600英尺高的文特沃斯林屋的帕拉帝奥建筑型式、克兰德博伊邸宅散发的维多利亚式勃勃生机和鲁琴斯之马 什科特宅子的爱德华七世时代的独创性,这些大宅的秘密不仅向我们透露出建筑的故事,而且反映了国家本身的命运。丹向我们展示每所邸宅的故事如何反映出不列颠的社会及经济史,每所宅子均建于经济强盛或崩溃之时,独特地反映了其建造者的目标、力量和弱点;是那个时期一个统治阶层的结晶产物。
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米歇尔·道克瑞 Stefan Asante-Boateng 乔治·索纳 Ravi Multani 安迪·M·米利根 马诺伊·阿南德 Séainín Brennan Eraina McKenzie 吉恩-帕斯卡尔·海涅曼德 Paul Ginns Andy James Mark de Freitas Matt Backhouse 杰拉丁妮·詹姆斯 大卫·道森 乔丹·博尔格 尼古拉斯·平诺克 埃弗·奥斯汀 Levi Brown Ben Rose
The series tells the story of an extended family and four young people who are drawn into the world of ska and two-tone music, which exploded from the grassroots of Coventry and Birmingham in the late 70s and early 80s, uniting black, white, and Asian youths.
It is expected to open in 1981 at a moment of huge social tensions and unrest. Against this backdrop, it tells the story of a group of young people fighting to choose their own paths in life, and each in need of the second chance that music offers.
It is expected to open in 1981 at a moment of huge social tensions and unrest. Against this backdrop, it tells the story of a group of young people fighting to choose their own paths in life, and each in need of the second chance that music offers.
海伦米伦也要回归电视圈了!——奥斯卡影后涉足/重返电视圈趋势更甚,HBO刚刚请到梅丽尔·斯特里普加盟《大小谎言》第二季,又宣布海伦·米伦将出演4集限定剧《伟大的凯瑟琳/凯瑟琳大帝》(Catherine the Great),饰演俄罗斯历史上唯一一位被冠以“大帝”之名的女皇叶卡捷琳娜二世·阿列克谢耶芙娜。这也给了HBO竞争艾美奖限定剧类奖项的机会,此前归为限定剧的《大小谎言》因为续订而被归为剧情类剧集。 该剧探索世界上最强大的女君主在政治动荡不安、充满情欲的宫廷中的生活,她与将军格里高利·波将金的私情,丑闻、阴谋、冲突交织的政权等。HBO将其形容为“讲述关于痴迷的爱恋的故事”,凯瑟琳和波将金不能公开结婚、公开滥交,建立了一种独特而忠诚的关系,战胜无数对手,将俄罗斯塑造成当时的最强帝国。
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八集BBC年度巨献纪录片《艺术的力量》,将为您详细讲述卡拉瓦乔、贝尼尼、伦勃朗、雅克、透纳、梵高、毕加索以及罗斯科八位艺术家的生平,重现这八位艺术大师的创作历程。八位艺术大师拥有自成一派的创作风格和鲜明的个性,本片将全面剖析艺术大师们孕育和诞生艺术品时扣人心弦的故事。在主持人西蒙‧沙玛独特而富有个性化的叙事下,这将是一次饱览艺术大师们所创作的最伟大作品的饕餮盛宴。戏剧化的艺术重塑,壮阔华美的摄影画面,八位艺术界巨匠背后鲜为人知的故事被刻画得曲尽其妙,或扼腕叹息或拍手称快,这便是艺术的力量。 这部独特而极具震撼力的纪录片《艺术的力量》,荣获国际艾美奖最佳艺术节目、2007年第60届英国电影电视艺术学院奖最佳摄影纪实类等多项国际大奖。
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露易莎·哈兰德 乔莉·理查德森 皮普·托伦斯 尼克·穆罕默德 弗兰克·迪兰 爱丽丝·克雷梅尔堡 克雷格·帕金森 艾德里安·莱斯特 杰克 邓恩 弗洛伦斯·基恩 Bo Bragason Enyi Okoronkwo Charles M. DeVere 阿什娜·拉韦鲁 Iz Hesketh 吉安尼·卡尔切蒂 劳勃·雷恩 Ndongo Faye 蒂姆·本廷克 Sam Parks
公元1806年,英格兰在抗击拿破仑的持久战中八面受敌,实践派魔法师早在几百年前就已销声匿迹。然而,研究过往光辉历史的学者们发现,尚有一位实践派魔法师——诺瑞尔先生在世。此人深居简出,然略显身手,举国上下无不 为之惊叹。移居伦敦后,他唤美妇人起死回生,召幻影舰队威慑法寇。他一贯瞻前顾后、小题大做,怎奈后生可畏——乔纳森•斯特兰奇初出茅庐,已崭露头角。该生风华正茂、一表人才、意气风发,方方面面与诺瑞尔截然相反。自此,两位伟大的魔法师之间斗争不断、险象环生,比起英法两国之战有过之而无不及。二人各怀执念,暗中更染指黑魔法,哪知一切实为作茧自缚,前途凶险难料。
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据国外媒体报道,继抖森与“豪斯医生”主演的《夜间医生》之后,BBC电视网将再次开发一部野心勃勃的电视剧:《特洛伊——陷落之城》(Troy – Fall Of A City)。这次BBC将拉上AMC一同制作,将“木马屠城记”这个耳熟能详的故事再次搬上电视荧屏。《特洛伊——陷落之城》将是一部充满爱恨情仇的史诗巨作,以希腊和特洛伊的战争为背景,讲述一个家族的衰亡史。这部剧集也将对这场战争追根溯源,从特洛伊王子帕里斯的决断、他与海伦的情感纠葛以及他出生时的预言讲起。这部剧集将由大卫-法尔(David Farr)担任制作人和编剧,将于2016年开始选角和前期筹备。
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BBC与Paramount+合作的这部六集剧集取材于有着“世纪之罪”之称的Brink’s-Mat抢劫案。1983年11月26日,六名带有武器的劫匪在希思罗机场附近的Brink’s-Mat仓库,原本策划实施现金抢劫的他们,却阴差阳错发现了由庄信万丰公司持有、多达3000公斤的金条;最后,他们掠夺了价值2600万英镑的黄金、钻石和现金,并成功逃脱。 抢劫之后的大部分黄金都没有被追回,也仅有其中两名参与者被定罪。但这次重大的事件却造成了各种余波:曾经的庄信万丰银行陷入危机最后倒闭,伦敦码头区房地产涌入了脏钱,也流进各种国际范围的犯罪活动;至于“Brink-Mat的诅咒”也悄然而起,因为当初参与的人在后续的几十年前都最终死于枪杀。
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这部四集组成的新剧由《追凶》编剧Ed Whitemore执笔,Philip和Steffan将在剧中搭档饰演主角“Paul Bathell”以及Phil ‘Bach’ Rees。故事将同时放在1973年和21世纪早期两条时间线,两个不同的情境时空观众将见到不同年代的办案方式以及法医手段的进步与突破对中心案件带来的影响;围绕着威尔士塔尔伯特港杀害三名年轻女性的凶手追踪,让跨度三十多年的案件实现隔空对话,凭借开创性的DNA证据又重新追踪了当年的事件,也予人们何为正义的思考。
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故事以18世纪约克郡即将到来的工业革命为背景,讲述了David Hartley (Michael Socha饰)召集一帮织布工和土地工人开始一项革命性的犯罪活 动,将颠覆英国经济,成为英国历史上最大的诈骗案。
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故事背景设定在1850年的伦敦,艾里斯(埃斯梅·科里德-米尔斯 饰)和姐姐罗斯(米伦·麦克 饰)以画娃娃为生,她梦想成为一名艺术家。很快,她遇到了动物标本剥制师塞拉斯,他拥有一家店铺,里面摆满了他的作品,以及拉斐尔前派兄弟会的成员路易斯(乔治·韦伯斯特 饰)。随着艾里斯开始挑战父权观念,她的世界不断扩大,一个黑暗故事开始了。
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亚历山大·德雷蒙 大卫·道森 托拜厄斯·桑特尔曼 艾米莉·考克斯 阿德里安·鲍尔 托马斯·加比利尔森 约瑟夫·米尔森 西蒙·坤茨 哈利·麦克伊泰 夏莉·墨菲 马修·麦克费登 鲁格·豪尔 杰森·弗莱明 伊恩·哈特 亚力克·纽曼 罗肯·克兰尼奇
公元872年,四分五裂的英伦帝国受到入侵的维京人的蹂躏,仅剩下阿尔弗雷德大帝统治的威塞克斯王国屹立不倒。在这个充满混乱的年代,年轻勇士尤特雷德(Uhtred)逐渐成为传说中的英雄。他的父母(撒克逊贵族)都被维京人杀死,他自己也遭到劫掠者的绑架,被他们当做自己的孩子抚养成 人。他被迫在自己出生的祖国和抚养自己长大的亲人之间做出选择,他的忠诚度一次又一次面临考验。为了重获自己与生俱来的权利,尤特雷德(Uhtred)走上了一条危险的道路。他游走于敌对的双方之间,在一个新国家的诞生过程中起着关键的作用。他的最终目标是夺回自己祖先的土地,但那绝非易事。
Filming has started on BBC Two’s critically acclaimed drama The Last Kingdom, from Carnival Films. The second series, adapted by BAFTA-nominated and RTS award-winning writer Stephen Butchard from Bernard Cornwell’s bestselling series of novels, is to return to BBC Two next year, with Netflix joining as a co-production partner.
The emotionally complex and compelling landscape of revenge, rivalry, hostility, corruption, love, sex, loyalty and friendship, forms the backdrop to a gripping adventure based on Cornwell's novels, The Lords Of The North and Sword Song – part of the hugely popular bestselling franchise The Last Kingdom.
Set in the year 878, the second series returns as fearless and instinctive warrior Uhtred continues his fight for his native land of Northumbria. Uhtred, having given his sword to King Alfred, despite his upbringing by the invading pagan Danes, embarks on his voyage north to reclaim his own fate: to avenge Earl Ragnar’s death and recapture his ancestral lands of Bebbanburg.
Alfred’s conviction to create a united England is stronger than ever, and he sets his sights on the wild lands of the north, which have fallen into chaos and rebellion. It is a dangerous time for Saxon and Dane alike, but Alfred champions a new king - a Christian Dane - to unite the tribes. However, this king has been enslaved, and Uhtred becomes embroiled in a rescue mission, which brings him face to face with an enemy of old.
The emotionally complex and compelling landscape of revenge, rivalry, hostility, corruption, love, sex, loyalty and friendship, forms the backdrop to a gripping adventure based on Cornwell's novels, The Lords Of The North and Sword Song – part of the hugely popular bestselling franchise The Last Kingdom.
Set in the year 878, the second series returns as fearless and instinctive warrior Uhtred continues his fight for his native land of Northumbria. Uhtred, having given his sword to King Alfred, despite his upbringing by the invading pagan Danes, embarks on his voyage north to reclaim his own fate: to avenge Earl Ragnar’s death and recapture his ancestral lands of Bebbanburg.
Alfred’s conviction to create a united England is stronger than ever, and he sets his sights on the wild lands of the north, which have fallen into chaos and rebellion. It is a dangerous time for Saxon and Dane alike, but Alfred champions a new king - a Christian Dane - to unite the tribes. However, this king has been enslaved, and Uhtred becomes embroiled in a rescue mission, which brings him face to face with an enemy of old.
亚历山大·德雷蒙 伊恩·哈特 大卫·道森 埃莉萨·巴特沃思 哈利·麦克伊泰 阿纳斯·费达拉维修斯 艾米莉·考克斯 阿德里安·布薛特 米莉·布拉迪 詹姆斯·诺斯科特 奥拉·拉佩斯 蒂莫西·英纳斯 凯文·埃尔登 伊万·米切尔 马修·斯蒂尔 托比·瑞格波 艾德·伯奇 马丁·安格鲍尔 伊娃·柏西斯托
年轻勇士Uhtred的亲生父母均死于入侵者维京人之手,而年幼的他被维京人抚养长大。为了夺回亡国故土,他游走于敌对双方之间,踏上了危险的征程。 第三季中,Alfred大帝油尽灯枯,但他依旧没有放弃统一英格兰的梦想。Uhtred临危受命迎战新敌人——丹麦战神Sigrid。而老王日薄西山、国家腹背受敌之际,继承人Aethelwold却对王位毫无兴趣,权力更替困难的真空期似乎是Uhtred不可错失的好机会……可他会背叛Alfred大帝吗?
The mini-series follows the history of the Roman Empire, from approximately the death of Marcellus (24/23 BC) to Claudius' own death in 54 AD. As Claudius narrates his life, we witness Augustus' attempts to find an heir, often foiled by his wife Livia who wants her son Tiberius to become emperor. We also see the conspiracy of Sejanus, the infamous reign of Caligula, and Claudius' own troubled period of rule.
In 1940, Varian Fry traveled to Marseille carrying three thousand dollars and a list of imperiled artists and writers he hoped to help escape within a few weeks. Instead, he stayed more than a year, working to procure false documents, amass emergency funds, and arrange journeys across Spain and Portugal, where the refugees would embark for safer ports. His many clients included Hannah Arendt, Max Ernst, Marcel Duchamp, and Marc Chagall, and the race against time to save them is a tale of forbidden love, high-stakes adventure, and unimaginable courage.
克莱尔·芙伊 保罗·贝坦尼 朱莉娅·戴维斯 理查德·麦凯布 索菲娅·迈尔斯 菲比·尼克尔斯 阿曼达·德鲁 理查德·古尔丁 蒂莫西·雷诺夫 卡米拉·拉瑟福德 乔纳森·阿里斯 奥利弗·克里斯 尼古拉斯·罗尔 奥尔文·梅 唐·加拉格尔 索菲娅·沃德 迈尔斯·贾普 蒂姆·斯蒂德 马特·里皮 丹尼尔·弗恩 Simon Thorp 马修·斯塔格 霍莉·伍德豪斯 David Monteath Mitchell Robertson Albertine Kotting McMillan Daniel Burt
本剧是BBC基于《A Very English Scandal》打造诗选类剧集,考虑到故事背景变化,续作重命名为《A Very British Scandal》。故事将讲述英国上层阶级遭遇的丑闻危机。
新故事背景为苏格兰,聚焦1963年阿盖尔公爵夫人Margaret Campbell的性丑闻事件。在Margaret(Claire Foy饰)与第二任丈夫混乱的离婚过程中,其丈夫阿盖尔公爵(Paul Bettany饰)拿到了她与一名陌生男性发生性行为的照片,Margaret由此被称为"肮脏的公爵夫人"。
新故事背景为苏格兰,聚焦1963年阿盖尔公爵夫人Margaret Campbell的性丑闻事件。在Margaret(Claire Foy饰)与第二任丈夫混乱的离婚过程中,其丈夫阿盖尔公爵(Paul Bettany饰)拿到了她与一名陌生男性发生性行为的照片,Margaret由此被称为"肮脏的公爵夫人"。
Episode 1: High Castle
A university professor who had been working as a translator at the Nuremberg trials is stabbed to death. As Foyle investigates, he delves into the world of international oil politics and corrupt Nazi businessmen. Sam assists the murder inquiry by going undercover, despite her pregnancy.
Episode 2: Trespass
As Britain debates the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine, the son of a wealthy Jewish businessman is assaulted. The flames of anti-Semitism have recently been fanned in London by Charles Lucas, a right-wing writer, and Foyle suspects the attack was racially motivated.
Episode 3: Elise
After an attempt on Hilda Pierce's life, Foyle scrutinizes her work for SOE during the war. Could this be related to the deaths of nine SOE agents in France and rumors of a traitor called Plato?
A university professor who had been working as a translator at the Nuremberg trials is stabbed to death. As Foyle investigates, he delves into the world of international oil politics and corrupt Nazi businessmen. Sam assists the murder inquiry by going undercover, despite her pregnancy.
Episode 2: Trespass
As Britain debates the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine, the son of a wealthy Jewish businessman is assaulted. The flames of anti-Semitism have recently been fanned in London by Charles Lucas, a right-wing writer, and Foyle suspects the attack was racially motivated.
Episode 3: Elise
After an attempt on Hilda Pierce's life, Foyle scrutinizes her work for SOE during the war. Could this be related to the deaths of nine SOE agents in France and rumors of a traitor called Plato?
Episode 1 - The Eternity Ring
MI5 suspects British atomic research has been infiltrated, and ask Foyle to investigate whether a Russian spy network could be at work in the heart of London.
Episode 2 - The Cage
Foyle’s investigation into the death of a nameless Russian leads to a mysterious military facility and the discovery that the victim was a spy with dangerous connections to British intelligence.
Episode 3 - Sunflower
Professor Peter Van Haren gives a lecture to a group of students on the self-portraits of the artist Rembrandt and causes a young man to suffer a frightening flashback which ends in tragedy.
MI5 suspects British atomic research has been infiltrated, and ask Foyle to investigate whether a Russian spy network could be at work in the heart of London.
Episode 2 - The Cage
Foyle’s investigation into the death of a nameless Russian leads to a mysterious military facility and the discovery that the victim was a spy with dangerous connections to British intelligence.
Episode 3 - Sunflower
Professor Peter Van Haren gives a lecture to a group of students on the self-portraits of the artist Rembrandt and causes a young man to suffer a frightening flashback which ends in tragedy.
Horrible Histories is back with a special episode delving in to the life and times of the world's most famous writer. Tom Stourton stars as the Bard, as we find out about his humble beginnings, his glove-making father and his early life as an actor. How did he climb to become a royal favorite? And what was it like to be in the audience of one of his plays, where fruit was thrown at the stage, it was illegal for women to act, and there were no toilets!?!
詹森·刘易斯 汤姆·罗森塔尔 Natalie Walter Jim Howick Simon Farnaby Ben Miller Jessica Ransom Adam Riches Naz Osmanoglu Dan Li Lawry Lewin Jon Culshaw John Eccleston Jalaal Hartley Tom Stourton Bhavna Limbachia Sophie Wu Louise Ford Dominique Moore Kevin Eldon Sanjeev
Horrible Histories returns for a special about King John and Magna Carta, starring Ben Miller. John annoys the Barons and agrees Magna Carta at Runnymede, after a banging rap battle. Meanwhile across the world we meet the formidable Genghis Khan in Mongolia, and catch up with the crafty Saladin during the Crusades. With of course, our host Rattus to guide the way!
Morse is taken seriously ill at a museum reception and is hospitalized. In the hospital, Supt. Strange, visits Morse to push him to take early retirement, while Dr. Millicent 'Millie' Van Buren gives him her book on a 140 year-old court case known as the Oxford Canal Murders. The case involved the murder and rape of a young woman, Mrs Joanna Franks, traveling by canal boat from Coventry to London. The case resulted in three boatmen being sentenced to death and two of them hanged. Morse starts to read Millie's book and dreams about it. He soon has a number of problems with the case.
Why weren't the three men also charged with theft? Why did Mrs Franks take a boat instead of a train that was much faster and comfortable and only slightly more expensive? Why didn't she abandon the boat after she complained about lewd behavior of the crew at the shipping office in Banbury? Why did she then drink and 'socialise' with the crew? What happened to her 'carpet bag' with which she arrived on the boat but which was not mentioned in the court case, nor was it stored in the archives with her, almost empty, trunk? The trunk was marked with initials of her first husband who had died. How did it happen that her shoes were found on the boat but nobody saw her return to the boat from the forest?
PC Adrian Kershaw does some brilliant leg work for Morse. He studied history and has invaluable background knowledge. For instance, he mentions that the boatmen had bad reputation because they worked on Sundays and did not attend church. Later a chapel was built for them in Oxford.
The dead woman's clothes and the shoes found on the boat are submitted to modern forensic investigation. The result is that the shoes did not belong to the dead woman found in the water because she was much taller.The shoes were never used in the forest.
Only Mrs Franks' husband, Charles Franks, was called to identify the body of the dead woman. He claimed that, while her face was darkened and disfigured, he found a birth mark behind her ear. The prosecutor welcomed that information "that only a husband or a lover would know". The accused were not shown the body. The defense attorney merely claimed that the guilt of the three men was not proved. All three accused claimed to the end that they were innocent. One of them was not executed because he embraced Christianity in prison.
Morse instructs Kershaw to investigate if Charles Franks benefited from his wife's death and, indeed, he pocketed 300 pounds insurance money. Case closed: Charles Franks murdered a tall women and dropped her in the canal after meeting Joanna in the forest. If Joanna Franks jumped off the boat at the same time as the dead body hit the water, she swam to the bank and joined her husband. The couple changed their names, in the case of 'Charles Franks' a second time after he 'died' as Joanna's first husband. The fourth boatman, a youngster who was not charged, was probably paid by Joanna to give false testimony.
Morse travels to Ireland and has a grave of Joanna's first husband exhumed. The coffin contains bags of sand and some stones.
Why weren't the three men also charged with theft? Why did Mrs Franks take a boat instead of a train that was much faster and comfortable and only slightly more expensive? Why didn't she abandon the boat after she complained about lewd behavior of the crew at the shipping office in Banbury? Why did she then drink and 'socialise' with the crew? What happened to her 'carpet bag' with which she arrived on the boat but which was not mentioned in the court case, nor was it stored in the archives with her, almost empty, trunk? The trunk was marked with initials of her first husband who had died. How did it happen that her shoes were found on the boat but nobody saw her return to the boat from the forest?
PC Adrian Kershaw does some brilliant leg work for Morse. He studied history and has invaluable background knowledge. For instance, he mentions that the boatmen had bad reputation because they worked on Sundays and did not attend church. Later a chapel was built for them in Oxford.
The dead woman's clothes and the shoes found on the boat are submitted to modern forensic investigation. The result is that the shoes did not belong to the dead woman found in the water because she was much taller.The shoes were never used in the forest.
Only Mrs Franks' husband, Charles Franks, was called to identify the body of the dead woman. He claimed that, while her face was darkened and disfigured, he found a birth mark behind her ear. The prosecutor welcomed that information "that only a husband or a lover would know". The accused were not shown the body. The defense attorney merely claimed that the guilt of the three men was not proved. All three accused claimed to the end that they were innocent. One of them was not executed because he embraced Christianity in prison.
Morse instructs Kershaw to investigate if Charles Franks benefited from his wife's death and, indeed, he pocketed 300 pounds insurance money. Case closed: Charles Franks murdered a tall women and dropped her in the canal after meeting Joanna in the forest. If Joanna Franks jumped off the boat at the same time as the dead body hit the water, she swam to the bank and joined her husband. The couple changed their names, in the case of 'Charles Franks' a second time after he 'died' as Joanna's first husband. The fourth boatman, a youngster who was not charged, was probably paid by Joanna to give false testimony.
Morse travels to Ireland and has a grave of Joanna's first husband exhumed. The coffin contains bags of sand and some stones.
公元前52年,罗马共和国正值鼎盛时期,执政官庞贝(里克•沃登 Rick Warden 饰)坐守都城,盟友凯撒(塞伦•希德 Ciarán Hinds 饰)征战高卢。期间,第13军团屡立战功,主将乌里纳斯(凯文•马克德 Kevin McKidd 饰)有勇有谋,手下波罗(雷•史蒂文森 Ray Stevenson 饰)虽嗜酒如命,却忠肝义胆。适逢凯撒得胜,屋大维遵母命赴前线慰问,不想途中遭劫,被经过的乌里纳斯和波罗救下。13军团凯旋,乌里纳斯与阔别8年的妻子相见,却各怀心事。波罗偶然间发现了乌里纳斯妻子红杏出墙的事实,为了保护长官的名誉,波罗在屋大维的帮助下,逼出了真相。凯撒准备独揽大权,一直等待时机。庞贝看出了他的野心,与元老院众人商议,其中以西塞罗为首的贵族势力,坚持认为凯撒为共和国叛徒,应诛杀之。而此时,凯撒的大将安东尼(杰姆斯•鲍弗 James Purefoy 饰)接任了护民官,与庞贝一伙展开周旋……
关德林(萝玛拉·嘉瑞 Romola Garai 饰)和丹尼尔(休·丹西 Hugh Dancy 饰)两人性格迥异,一个主动奔放野心勃勃,一个温文尔雅心思细腻,但这并没能阻碍他们的相互吸引,可就在两人越走越近之时,关德林却因为经济拮据而被迫嫁给了富商格兰克(休·博内威利 Hugh Bonneville 饰)。
婚后的生活与自私自利的格兰克令生性自由的关德林感到十分痛苦,压抑之中,她向丹尼尔发出了求救信号,希望能利用他的温暖安抚自己伤痕累累的内心。可是,这时的丹尼尔正同一位名叫米拉(乔迪·梅 Jodhi May 饰)的美丽犹太女孩坠入了爱河,随着时间的推移,三人之间的情感纠葛演变得越来越复杂起来。
婚后的生活与自私自利的格兰克令生性自由的关德林感到十分痛苦,压抑之中,她向丹尼尔发出了求救信号,希望能利用他的温暖安抚自己伤痕累累的内心。可是,这时的丹尼尔正同一位名叫米拉(乔迪·梅 Jodhi May 饰)的美丽犹太女孩坠入了爱河,随着时间的推移,三人之间的情感纠葛演变得越来越复杂起来。
大卫·田纳特 丹尼尔·梅斯 杰森·沃特金斯 罗恩·库克 巴里·沃德 费伊·麦基弗 本·贝利·史密斯 布罗娜·沃 杰伊·辛普森 艾利克斯·巴哈特 乔尔·莫里斯 安迪·贾耶 查内尔·克雷斯韦尔 乔纳森·考尔 奥斯卡·伽蓝德 卡尔·马卡宁奇 罗斯·安德森 劳拉·埃尔芬斯通 劳利·基纳斯顿 西拉斯·卡森 杰米·帕克 皮普·托伦斯 托尼·威 斯图尔特·麦克奎里 杰拉德·霍兰 安德鲁·伍德尔 贝丝·戈达德
大卫·田纳特主演的ITV三集新剧《丹斯》发布首张定妆照!田纳特将饰演臭名昭著的苏格兰连环杀手丹尼斯·尼尔森。剧集卡司还包括杰森·沃特金斯(《王冠》)、丹尼尔·梅斯(《好兆头》)等。该剧根据布莱恩·马斯特斯撰写的书籍《为同伴杀戮》(Killing For Company)改编,讲述尼尔森在1978年-1983年期间曾杀害15名年轻男子。Luke Neal(第一、二集)与凯利·琼斯(第三集)操刀剧本,Polly Hill担任制作。
休·博纳维尔 杰克·劳登 多米尼克·库珀 夏洛特·斯宾塞 斯蒂芬妮·马蒂尼 埃蒙·埃利奥特 肖恩·吉尔德 埃洛拉·托尔基亚 Robyn Betteridge 索菲亚·拉·波塔 Isabella Nefar Anil Desai 伊恩·皮里 西恩·哈里斯 汤姆·库伦 弗兰基·威尔森 George Taylor 鲍勃·克赖尔 吉安尼·卡尔切蒂 罗曼·朔姆堡 塔祖·卡尔瓦略 特蕾莎·马奥尼 吴国耀