善良淳朴的韩国少女顺英(金赛纶 饰)家中除了有一个智障的父亲和流氓叔叔望泽(李天熙 饰)之外,还有一个身体不健康的妹妹顺子(金雅纶 饰)需要她照顾,因此小 小年纪的顺英便充当起了整个家的家长。她和美国少女芭比(凯特·波茨沃斯 Kate Bosworth 饰)之间产生了一份跨越国境的真挚友谊。但是芭比的妹妹身体一直不好,为了获得拯救女儿性命的机会,芭比的父亲决定通过“跨国领养”这一国际制度来获取移植器官。而叔叔望泽在获悉通过国际领养能够让自己获利金钱的利益后,也打起了将侄女顺英送去美国人家领养的念头。妹妹顺子在知道这次机会以后千方百计希望可以取代姐姐去美国生活。但是她并不知道,等待她的将是什么......
Ultra Bleu follows Jim Park for the first 24 hours after a violent break up with his ex-boyfriend and how a chance meeting with a stranger reveals deeper issues he must confront.
After the film screening, five people hold a meeting. Director Jeong asserts that a film should move the heart. Actress Soo-yeon emphasizes on the message of the film, Film critic Tony just discusses about the current trend of Korean cinema. Tomiyama cannot fully express her thoughts because of the language barrier. And, the head of jury, Sung-ki can’t control the situation. Will this jury reach an agreement against all odds? A satire for those who make, watch, and criticize films is about to begin.