Inspired by a shocking story from the Windrush Scandal.
After 50 years in the UK, Anthony McKay-Williams is wrongfully detained by the Home Office and threatened with deportation.
Patrick Robinson and Nadine Marshall lead the drama as Anthony and Janet McKay-Williams.
Pippa Bennett Warner plays Patrick’s daughter Eileen, CJ Beckford plays her brother Gary and Corinne Skinner Carter plays Patrick’s mother, Lucille.
In "Upside-Down Magic, a Disney Channel Original Movie, 13-year-old Nory Boxwood Horace discovers she can flux into animals, and her best friend Reina Carvajal can manipulate flames. Together, they enter the Sage Academy for Magical Studies. Reina's expert ability to harness the power of fire lands her at the top of her class of "Flares," but Nory's wonky magic and proclivity for turning into a "Dritten"-a half-kitten, half-dragon-lands her in a class for those with Upside-Down Magic, otherwise known as UDM. While Headmaster Knightslinger believes the UDM's unconventional powers leave them vulnerable to dangerous and evil "shadow magic," Nory and her fellow UDM classmates set out to prove that Upside-Down Magic beats right side up.
This is a story of a young man named Kenny Stanford who had dreams of being an Successful artist in the music industry, but these dreams were cut short.
Single-mother Sandra (Clare Dunne) escapes her abusive partner with her two young children, only to find herself trapped in temporary accommodation. After months of struggling, she draws inspiration from one of her daughter’s bedtime stories and hits upon the idea of self-building an affordable home. She finds an architect who provides her with plans and is offered land by Peggy (Harriet Walter), a woman she cleans for. Aido (Conleth Hill), a building contractor, appears willing to help too. But as her past rears its head, in the form of Gary (Ian Lloyd Anderson), her possessive ex, and as bureaucrats fight back against her independent spirit, will Sandra be able to rebuild her life from the ground up?
这是沃尔伯格和导演彼得·博格自《孤独的幸存者》《恐袭波士顿》《深海浩劫》《22英里》后第五度,合作基于罗伯特·B·派克所著同名小说,派克死后由Ace Atkins接手创作,也是以男主角Spenser为中心的八本系列悬疑小说中的一本。Netflix已经和派克遗产方面达成协议,基于Spenser这一角色打造一系列电影。
本片将有别于小说,小说讲述Spenser从一个满嘴俏皮话的拳击手变为波士顿的一名私家侦探,电影从Spenser出狱开始讲起,他被剥夺了私人侦探执照,当他揭露了一个耸人听闻的谋杀案和背后阴谋的真相时,他又被拉回了波士顿的黑暗犯罪世界中。尼尔·莫瑞兹(《速度与激情》系列 《越狱》)制片, Sean O’Keefe编写剧本。
丽萨(德博拉·温格 Debra Winger 饰)和丈夫罗伯特(理查·詹金斯 Richard Jenkins 饰)都是一生行骗的骗术大师,在有了孩子奥德(埃文·蕾切尔·伍德 Evan Rachel Wood 饰)之后,夫妻两人自然也想将她培养成为和他们一样优秀的“人才”。
一晃眼26年过去了,奥德出落成为了亭亭玉立的美人,同时也在父母身上习得了各种各样天花乱坠的骗术,然而,在奥德的内心里,她明白现在的生活并不正常,这让她对平凡的亲情更加的渴望。某日,一位名叫梅兰妮(吉娜·罗德里格兹 Gina Rodriguez 饰)的同行加入了丽萨和罗伯特的家庭中,梅兰妮的出现替丽萨打开了新世界的大门,她宛如一块巨石,被投入了平静的湖面。
某日,农场里来了一对小夫妻——塔利(凡妮莎·柯比 Vanessa Kirby 饰)和芬妮(克里斯托弗·阿波特 Christopher Abbott 饰),塔利的处境和艾比盖尔差不过,在家庭中也处于弱势的地位,她因为无法怀孕而遭到丈夫的冷待。两个内心里伤痕累累的女人一拍即合,很快就培养出了真挚的友谊,这友谊随着时间渐渐发酵,散发出了爱情的醇香。