Young Rinus Jongbloed, the new boss of a Croatian marketing agency which has recently changed owners and is now in the Dutch property, has organized for his employees a weekend of white-water rafting and paintball battle, with the purpose of the popular team building. During the rafting trip an incident happens, but what happens the following day will completely outshine the rafting incident. During the paintball war simulation, our heroes will face a local family determined to terminate some of them, they will meet strange hiker"s couple and they will realize that their paintball instructors have hidden agenda.
As the day approaches its end, they all slowly realize that the lives of those who manage to survive will never again be the same.
Right Beyond Co., Ltd.制作
但房子给他们的第一印象并不好. 就像这一地区的其他地方一样, 这幢公寓看起来像是被废弃的, 空无一人... 并且地板、楼梯和平台上到处是凌乱的商店橱窗的人体模型的胳膊和脚...
房产经纪商再次说服他们放心,城市在重新规划这个地区. 不久后这里就会很繁荣.而且,楼下还有两户新家庭刚搬进来……
尽管这个新的鬼魂一直困扰着他们,但是最后有一个希望,当Balloon和First遇到一个准备去同一个寺庙受戒的韩国-泰国歌手Toh Min-jun。为什么这座寺庙的僧侣不可能安然无恙地离开呢?2个同性朋友Balloon和 First是否能够再次生存到受戒的那一天?
本片讲述的是一个果阿杀手收买了一位前警员Arjun(埃朗·哈斯米 饰)来帮他寻找失踪的女孩的故事。Arjun是一个为了可以填饱肚子,挣更多的钱,从而干过了很多错事的前警官。作为一个无神论者,他捐助了大笔的财富给教堂,只为了能从中获得更多的钱。当杀手在经济低迷,他的黑客失踪的情况下,找到了Arjun帮他去寻找失踪的女孩。Reshma是一位17岁的大学女生,她沦落风尘只为了养家糊口。她正是杀手用来引出那些失踪女孩藏身之处的诱饵,送去了Dheeraj(Prashant Narayanan 饰)那儿。而Dheeraj则是一个杀害了失踪黑客的精神病杀手。到底Reshama是成功的引出了失踪女孩呢?还是她也会被这位精神病杀手杀害了呢?最后这位精神病杀手又会不会受到法律的制裁呢?
A pair of psychotic hoodlums and an equally demented nymphomaniac woman terrorize two young girls on a train trip from Germany to Italy.
With her friends Walid and Bilel, Yassmin, a journalism student, tries to solve a mysterious criminal case dating back more than 25 years, when a woman was found mutilated and almost dead in the middle of nowhere. Following their investigation, they end up in the forest where they discover a small isolated village called Dachra. Feeling trapped, they try to escape the horror. Will they succeed?
在一个远离喧嚣闹事的田园所在,双胞胎卢卡斯(卢卡斯·施-瓦兹 Lukas Schwarz 饰)和伊莱亚斯(伊莱亚斯·施-瓦兹 Elias Schwarz 饰)过着无忧无虑的生活,同时每天等待住院的妈妈早日归来。这一天,两个小家伙一身泥泞跑回家中,惊喜地发现妈妈(苏珊娜·伍艾斯特 Susanne Wuest 饰)终于回来了。只不过妈妈头上缠着绷带,几乎看不清原来的模样。只不过接下来的一段时间,孩子们发现妈妈态度变得冷淡,言行举止也有许多怪异的地方,他们甚至认为这并非真正的妈妈。母子间的冲突不断加剧,妈妈禁止伊莱亚斯和哥哥卢卡斯说话,男孩为此痛苦不堪。
A Paris model must return to Madrid where her grandmother, who had brought her up, just had a stroke. But spending just a few days with this relative turns into an unexpected nightmare.
克拉拉(伊萨贝尔·祖拉 Isabél Zuaa 饰)是一名护士,某日,她收到了一份神秘的委托,要求她去照顾一位名叫安娜(玛乔丽·伊斯恬诺 Marjorie Estiano 饰)的孕妇。心细如发的克拉拉将安娜照顾的无微不至,安娜对克拉拉也十分友善,一来二去之间,两人之间结下了深厚的友谊,安娜也逐渐开始向克拉拉敞开心扉,吐露了自己的过去。
从前,一位国王十分喜欢造鼓,他花费了大量的精力,终于造出了一只世界上最完美的鼓,然而,他的女儿却因为鼓死去了。一晃眼六十年过去,阿平(Kett Thantup 饰)是一位非常热爱打鼓的青年,每天,他都花大量的时间练习打鼓。
阿平的师傅继承了完美之鼓,这只鼓能够保护它的主人,却也在主人身上施下了诅咒,凡是抛弃鼓的人,都将在三天之内惨死。一次偶然中,阿平结识了名叫提普(沃拉娜特·旺萨莞 Woranut Wongsawan 饰)的女孩,提普十分欣赏阿平的勤奋和刻苦,随着时间的推移,两颗年轻的心渐渐靠在了一起。小镇上有许多人都想得到完美之鼓,于是阿平的师傅决定举行一个鼓艺大赛,从此自后,恐怖的事情接二连三地发生了。
每所學校都有自己的恐怖傳說,在這裡,若聽到了詭異聲音,千萬別回頭…。這所明星學校培育出無數菁英學生,卻有著極不合理的學長學弟制陋習,一年級新生被迫以「奴隸」身分生活,永遠只有被稱為「國王」學長姐霸凌的份。飽受欺凌的高一新生艾力克斯(安格尤納達 飾),只有跟同年的美琪(阿曼達蘿爾思 飾)相處時,才能稍獲喘息。然而,有天艾力克斯被學長姐強迫用筆仙召喚傳說中的鬼魂,卻引來神秘詛咒,學生們一個接一個離奇喪命,校園一夕之間成了駭人地獄…
A psychological thriller with aspects of the horror genre, focusing on the lives of the remaining Serbs in Kosovo nowadays and the real life stories that lie beneath the media coverage.
No bloody slashers have ever before been made in Lithuania. Takashi Miike’s die-hardest fan Jonas Trukanas accomplished his dream and independently created an inventively ripping horror thriller with a minimal budget.
Bewitching from the first minutes, the dynamic chase builds a scary atmosphere of danger, fear and horror, while also clinging to luck and chance. “Be the hunters, not the prey,” the school mistress ironically wishes them on the graduation day, when the damnably awesome classmates follow the tradition of renting a cottage for a weekend to celebrate their graduation. They end up in the middle of nowhere for an ultimate prom party. Unfortunately, they make some terribly wrong and naive mistakes on the way.
There is no mobile coverage there, as you may expect in line with all the unwritten rules. A mysterious masked savage suddenly shows up with the intention of conducting a stylish massacre. One by one, graduates are barbarously punished and axed for cynicism, arrogance, jealousy, debauchery, blackmail, filthiness, hatred, slandering, and gossiping. So many bright hopes, future plans and promising careers destroyed in just one fateful night at an illegal rave. Only shy Marius is destined to survive and turn misfortune to fortune. But why is the ruthlessly slashing serial killer protecting him?
Sparked by local myths and legends (co-written with Titas Laucius, director of “Parade” from the First Feature Competition), inspired by beloved classical slashers and enriched by morbid ironic horror, the film unites whole gang of talented Lithuanian youngsters, led by Gabija Bargalaitė after her immersive debut in “Pilgrims” (Winner of Venetian “Orizzonti”). A small indie gem with hidden easter eggs and uncredited cameos.
Director Sisworo Gautama Putra does an expert job of ably creating and sustaining a powerfully eerie and unnerving otherworldly atmosphere. Moreover, Putra does a totally convincing job of evoking a thoroughly believable mundane everyday reality that's ripped asunder by bizarre and inexplicable supernatural phenomenon. Better still, Putra keeps the pace slow, yet steady throughout, uses violence in a shocking, but restrained manner and gradually builds up a tremendous amount of harrowing tension before pulling out all the stops with a genuinely terrifying conclusion in which all hell quite literally breaks lose. This film even offers a rich, colorful and illuminating depiction of a fascinatingly different culture and its strongly held religious beliefs. An extremely solid and satisfying foreign fright feature.
Diana, a young woman who lost her sight, finds a guide in a Chinese boy named Chin. Together they will track down a dangerous killer th rough the darkness of Italy.
A young apprentice healer tries to suppress his supernatural abilities so he can fit in with the other kids, but when a malicious spirit breaks out in his apartment he decides to use his abilities while dark family secrets are revealed.
Four desperate teenagers. A night of sexy mayhem. The big city. Or so the plan goes, until a series of misadventures later, Babai, Pele, Ria and Payal end up in a locked shopping mall in the dead of the night. Alone at last... until an old couple appears out of nowhere with a piece of folded leather and a glass container with two dice made of bone. A game. Simple, but deadly. They call it Ludo. A game defiled by a young couple centuries ago. An unbreakable curse, a living board, eons of bloodbath spanning the subcontinent. A game that has reached this city. Not just monsters, but prisoners of fate. Immortal lovers existing under a curse that will not die. They live within the game. Blood must spill. Bone must shatter. Beware the rattle of the Ludo dice.
Brett Halsey,Meg Register和Lino Salemme主演,卢西奥·弗尔兹导演的恐怖片,在西西里岛考古的几名队员意外地惊醒了500年前被谋杀的修女恶灵...作为导演粉丝,我不得不赞叹卢西奥的想象力,情节虽俗套但杀人手法真是惊人,“家猫挖眼杀”“两树分尸”“幻影裸杀”...