Soo-kyung is a news reporter with a troubled past. Back then when she was a teenager, she and her best friend Min-soo wanted to go to a park, but there Min-soo disappeared without a trace. Soo-kyung felt responsible and decided to become a journalist, to investigate the case on her own. But until now she has found no sign of her friend. One day, she gets a call from her childhood-friend Min-gook who insists that he saw Min-soo. Soo-kyung doesn't believe him at first, but finally she is able to meet Min-soo again. Min-soo in return confirms her identity and also recognizes Soo-kyung, but she behaves totally different. Soo-kyung feels that something is still terribly wrong and everything points to Min-soo's boyfriend Dong-min.
Dong-goo, a lowlife thug, has always been living a hopeless miserable life. One day, he accidentally obtains a bankbook with such a large amount of money as much as one billion won. He travels down to Busan in order to try to obtain the PIN number for the bank account. As Dong-goo meets the eight year old boy, Bok-gi (Jo Won-bin), who believes Dong-goo is his dad, and the boy’s mother, Ae-sook (Hong Ah-reum) in Busan, their story begins.
广告编辑郑宇亭(金智秀 饰)身中9刀,惨死在了江南酒店1207号房间。警方通过监控录像抓到了一个犯罪嫌疑人金永勋(申河均 饰),案发时,他正神色匆匆地拎着一个汽油瓶准备逃离现场。警官崔延奇(车胜元 饰)对他进行了审讯,整个过程成为了电视台关于司法辩论的参考录像。此后,警方开始广泛搜集证人证言,包括加油站员工,电梯中的日本乘客,酒店的老板及服务生,盲人按摩师,死者生前的同事,甚至还有跳大神的巫师……
在警官排查时,发现死者竟然是某个舞女(朴正雅 饰)父亲的情妇。于是,他们开始怀疑她和男友(柳承龙 饰)蓄意杀害这个小三,但审讯无果而终。最后,崔警官认为稳操胜券,揭穿凶手身份之时,却发现了另一个真相……
某个下雨的日子,经营宠物医院的张文浩(李善均 饰)带着还有一个月就要与之共赴婚姻殿堂的姜善瑛(金敏喜 饰)前往老家看望父母。途中文浩下车购物,而善瑛在接了一通电话之后便从男友身边神秘失踪。焦急的文浩四处寻找,结果却发现一桩桩令他难以置信的事实。善瑛曾于2007年债台高筑宣布破产,而当年的照片与他失踪的未婚妻竟完全是两个人。这个失踪的女人真身为何?她的背后又隐藏怎样的秘密和故事呢?
New couple Na-ni and Joon-seo left the stuffy Seoul to try and start a cafe in the countryside. Behind the couple's attempt to change, they had some unspeakable worries, so they were sexless people who used their own rooms because they were not sexually compatible. Regardless of her husband's xiaokan.cc efforts to establish a relationship, her wife Na-ni has long been on an extramarital affair with her sex partner Dal-ho, who has been embroiled in a hit-and-run accident that she never thought of enjoying sex outdoors and is asked for a large settlement. Na-ni, who has been relying on her husband's financial resources since before marriage, kneels down to his victim Chang-soo and pleads for mercy, but Chang-soo, a farmer, persistently digs into her weaknesses and demands humiliating physical relationships. While Na-ni is falling into a rut for the creation of a rural village, her husband, Joon-seo, who has been complaining about his nervous wife Na-ni these days, is also beginning to open his eyes to her unique sexual orientation due to the charm of young, provocative part-timer Cheong-ah. What is the identity of Chang-soo and Cheong-ah, the farmers who are squeezing these couples, and the fate of those who are entangled like webs?
在汉江一座桥的下面,生活着三个贫穷的流浪者:爷爷、小男孩以及年轻暴躁、无所顾忌的青年鳄鱼(赵在铉 饰)。鳄鱼凭借武力统治着这个三口之家,他没有正当工作,平时靠为警方指引溺水者的尸体、赌博、诈骗、做小买卖赚取日用。他不断挣扎,又不断遭受挫折,水底的小空间是他短暂的避难场所。这一日,鳄鱼解救了一个为情自杀的少女,但随后他便强行占有了这个女孩。男孩和爷爷敢怒不敢言,只得以各自的方式反抗鳄鱼。女孩从此也住在了桥下,随着时间的流逝,鳄鱼冷酷的心渐渐融化,一家四口过着贫穷却安宁的生活。只是,命运似乎从来不愿赐福于善良的人……
The memories of the title are the recollections of a young woman’s older sister that killed herself mysteriously. The subtle traces of abstractness that inform the film show signs of experimentation by the film’s rookie director, full of dramatic careers in her middle-50s making her feature debut.
“清醒梦”(Lucid Dreaming)是在做梦时保持清醒的状态,又称作清明梦。影片讲述的是在3年前丢失了孩子的父亲通过清醒梦在梦中寻找线索的犯罪惊悚片。
在美国洛杉矶夜店工作的马克(马东石 饰),一直梦想在腕力比赛中成为世界冠军,被自认是他经纪人的晋基(权律 饰)说服,回到韩国参加全国腕力大赛。
除了比赛之外,晋基还送了从小被领养到美国的马克亲生母亲住家地址当做回国礼物。不过,马克只遇见从没见过面的妹妹秀珍(韩艺利 饰)和她的 一双儿女。在晋基牵线下,马克参加非法的腕力比赛。面对腕力怪物强敌环伺,在家人的支持下,马克能够一圆冠军梦吗?