在国家地理的《奇形怪物》节目中,地球上一些最奇怪,最迷人和最离奇的生物占据了舞台的中心位置。该系列节目以最不寻常的形式揭示了地球上的生命。 深入研究令人毛骨悚然的水生生物领域,寻找具有怪异特征的奇特陆地动物,然后飞向天空,看看不需要翅膀飞翔的奇怪生物。
Burroughs: The Movie explores the life and times of controversial Naked Lunch author William S. Burroughs, with an intimacy never before seen and never repeated. The film charts the development of Burroughs' unique literary style and his wildly unconventional life, including his travels from the American Midwest to North Africa and several personal tragedies. Burroughs: The Mov...
Documentary filmmaker Jon Greenhalgh examines the life of Dave Schultz, a professional wrestler who was part of 'Team Foxcatcher', funded by multi-millionaire John du Pont.
这个全新的系列呈现动物王国中最奇特、疯狂、怪异和令人匪夷所思的行为。在母亲背部皮肤中发育的宝宝、动物为了适应极端环境而发生的演化、奇形怪状的身体部位和伪装等,本系列节目中应有尽有,每一集都以单一环境为主。 World's Weirdest: Freaks Of The Sky Brush feathers with the freakiest denizens of the winged world as we take to the World's Weirdest: Freaks On Land There's no shortage of bizarre behavior. We burrow high and low to unearth some of the creepiest creatures which crawl on this ...
A documentary-style look into how the Disney+ original series "High School Musical: The Musical - The Series" (2019) was created.
Follow Olivia Rodrigo as she recounts the memories of writing and creating her debut album. Take a look on her journey from Salt Lake City to Los Angeles.
In-depth examination of the dark side of an American justice system where women who report sexual assault are instead charged with perjury and jailed for it. Investigative journalist Rae de Leon has discovered a startling pattern in rape cases in the United States. Namely, that women who have reported a sexual assault are suspected of lying by the police. First they are accused...
导演史坦利库布里克与作家史蒂芬金对《鬼店》到底有何歧异诠释?主人翁杰克在宴会厅酒吧为何引用英国作家吉卜林的诗?是谁打开储藏室门的锁?片尾字幕结束后的鬼魂对话到底-是何含意?印地安原住民信仰符码到底有何功用?《闪灵》闹鬼房号从原著217 改成237,是拍摄场景饭店经理抗议还是另有居心?五位专家抽丝剥茧分析隐藏线索,影史三十年秘辛即将揭晓。从年度烂片到影史杰作,从未有电影像恐怖经典《闪灵》这般传奇起伏,当影评各自解读影像中印地安符号,当影迷抓包剧情矛盾与画面穿帮,影痴导演罗尼艾许契却整合五位不同领-域权威进行全面性密码解构,看似不相关的论点却意外组成一幅奇妙拼图。“我不确定是否解出《闪灵》之谜,但希望我们能给大家探索艺术杰作关联性的一线光芒,无论是电影、《最后晚餐》或玛丹娜的《宛如处女》。”
Facebook is a company that has grown from nothing to be worth half a trillion dollars in just 15 years. Today nearly a third of all humans are using it, and yet we rarely get to see the people actually in charge of the biggest social network in the world. The company has suffered a series of deepening scandals and intense media scrutiny. In 2018, their mission - to connect ever...
纪录片《曼联92班》讲述了曼联六位才华横溢的足球运动员(大卫·贝克汉姆、尼基·巴特、瑞恩·吉格斯、保罗·斯科尔斯、菲尔·内维尔以及加里·内维尔)成长为世界足坛的风云人物的故事。影片重点放在1992年到1999年,曼联登顶欧冠,伴随着英国的社会文化风云变迁,如史诗般的足球的浮沉兴衰。6个14岁的少年,不同的家庭背景,进入了同一家足球俱乐部,撑起了这支在世界足坛中最受称颂的球队的脊梁,即使功成名就后退役的他们依然还是无可取代的好朋友。影片的独特之处还在于破天荒的获得了近距离了解这6位球星的机会,对他们每个人有了新的和更深层的认识,还得到了关于英国足球文化史上那段特殊时期珍贵的档案资料。此外,影片中还有其它许许多多的引人瞩目的内容包括对齐内丁·齐达内、托尼·布莱尔、石玫瑰乐队(the Stone Roses)的Mani、埃里克、坎通纳以及丹尼·鲍尔的采访。
2016年,美国国家体操队队医拉里·纳萨尔数十年间对于年轻运动员的性侵遭到披露。震惊了美国体操。 艾琳·李·卡尔的这部纪录片勇于揭开丑闻、示人以藏掖的事实及其影响,使幸存者得以发声。
Best friends travel though Latin America meeting shamans, experimenting with plant medicines, and wondering about what makes a life well-lived when one of them might have half the time to live it.
这一个小时长的纪录片中采访了George Lucas, Steven Spielberg, Ron Howard, J.J. Abrams 和 Jon Favreau, 还有演员 Samuel L. Jackson 和 Robin Williams, 制片人 Jerry Bruckheimer 和 John Lasseter, 迪士尼和皮克斯动画公司的首席创意。也采访了许多工业光魔的关键视觉特效总监
For centuries Egyptologists have believed that the Great Pyramids of Giza were designed as tombs. But why have no bodies or treasure ever been discovered inside the pyramids? Now, the history of the pyramids could be on the verge of being re-written. With exclusive access we follow the team as they unearth and examine the lost tombs, making the most important find in Egypt sinc...
拉姆·达斯(Ram Dass),原名理查德·阿尔伯特,是20世纪60年代哈佛大学心理学教授,后为追求人生真义,赴印度灵修达数十年之久。他被称为20世纪最受推崇的心灵导师。1971年,拉姆·达斯首部著作——绘本《活在当下》”(Be here now)出版,迅速在美国热销200多万册,其“活在当下的理念唤醒了整整一代人的心灵意识。
英国人每年在食品杂货上的消费达1900亿英镑,生产商和超市当然不会放过如此大的商机,有时采用的促销手段并不光彩。数学家Hannah Fry和餐饮专家Priya Tew引导消费者判断超市食品的品质优劣
《天生狂野》讲述的是发生在人类救助人员和成为孤儿的野生动物之间的故事。 一些动物在出生之后,因为各种各样的原因成为了孤儿,在大自然中孤苦无助的它们很容易死亡。这个时候,一些善良的人们充当起了“救世主”的角色,自然保护小组、野生动物救护组织和一些环保人士自愿自觉地开始了拯救野生动物孤儿的活动。 在《天生狂野》中,观众能看到刚出生不久的大象和猩猩在救护站里得到了人类无微不至的照料并且最终重返自然的过程。也能看到世界著名的灵长类动物学家比卢特·葛莱迪卡斯为保护猩猩种群而做出的努力和奋斗。 幕后制作 17年前的夙愿 17年前,本片的编剧兼制片人德鲁·菲尔曼来到了东南亚旅游,他访问了婆罗洲,拜访了知名的动物学家比卢特·葛莱迪卡斯。回来之后,他的脑子里就盘旋着一个念头,要把葛莱迪卡斯的故事用IMAX格式拍成电影。虽然IMAX诞生于1970年代,不过,直到菲尔曼萌...
本片是专门为影史最卖座恐怖电影<猛鬼街>系列制作的纪录片,本片将揭秘鬼王-弗兰迪的更多精彩幕后。 Explore the origins of everyone's favorite hideously charred boogeyman, discover the secrets of the horror franchise that keeps coming back, and find out just what an impact Wes Craven's creation has had on the world of pop culture in this documentary narrated by original Nightmare on Elm Street star Heather Langencamp. In-depth ...
Archaeologists dive into a flooded pyramid near the Nile, to search for a king's burial that could reveal clues about the ancient kingdom of Kush.
In 2016 filmmaker/photographer Pete McBride and writer Kevin Fedarko set out on a 750-mile journey on foot through the entire length of the Grand Canyon. More people have stood on the moon than have accomplished this task. Their quest was more than just an endurance test — it was also a way to draw attention to the unprecedented threats facing one of our most revered landscapes...
Filmed over the summer festival season, Underplayed presents a portrait of the current status of the gender, ethnic, and sexuality equality issues in dance music.
Digital Media: New Learners of the 21st Century takes viewers to the frontlines of what is rapidly becoming an education revolution. The film, targeted at parents, teachers, and anyone concerned about education in America, explores how exceptional educators are increasingly using digital media and interactive practices to ignite their students' curiosity and ingenuity, help the...
本纪录片取材于野生动物保护主义者蒂莫西·崔德威尔(Timothy Treadwell)1999~2003年在美国阿拉斯加州卡特迈国家公园及自然保护区所拍摄的素材。崔德威尔从1989年起致力于野生灰熊的研究和保护,并与朋友成立了“熊人协会”,每年夏天来到卡特迈独自野营,观察记录灰熊的生活习性,并义务对数千名学童进行讲解,呼吁社会打击偷猎,关注、保护灰熊。导演沃纳·赫尔佐格(Werner Herzog)探访了崔德威尔的父母和前女友,并对2003年10月崔德威尔及女友艾米·胡格纳德(Amie Huguenard) 之死的细节进行了细致采访描绘,试图在展示崔德威尔非凡经历的同时,回答究竟是什么使他选择远离人类放逐荒野,将生命献给灰熊。 本片获圣丹斯电影节纪录片评审团大奖提名及艾尔弗·斯隆奖,并获2005年独立精神奖、洛杉矶影评人协会、纽约影评人协会、美国国家...