When Emma, a baker in NYC, is hired to bake for the King and Queen of Sanovia's anniversary party, she is convinced a good job will lead to her landing a cookbook deal.
当咪咪生病时,梅格·汤普金斯 (Meg Tompkins) 搁置了她在波士顿蓬勃发展的房地产事业,接管了她母亲在楠塔基特岛的书店“咪咪读书角”。咪咪几年前就去世了,梅格有一个缺席的沉默伴侣,她的阿姨蕾妮,只是为了在经济上帮助梅格。当梅格得知蕾妮姨妈想要在退休后开启新的生活阶段并想出售她在商店的权益时,她必须决定该怎么做,梅格不确定她是否能够或愿意自己承担经济负担尤其是当这家商店落入她的怀抱,而不是她曾经追求过的时候。梅格最近在这家书店的一项举措是她所谓的“与读书俱乐部相亲”,她希望推广不知名作家的作品,在当地就更好了,她只销售她策划的书籍,只用简短的口号在描述这本书的情况下,买家对这本书一无所知,他们会在下周返回,在读书俱乐部中讨论这本书。NPR 电台主持人雷娜·布雷姆 (Raina Breem) 就读书俱乐部的情况采访了梅格,雷娜主要对俱乐部成员之间真正的相亲感兴趣。尽管无意,梅格确实意识到俱乐部可以将人们以浪漫的方式聚集在一起,与书籍建立联系。听到采访的人之一是格雷厄姆·斯特林(Graham Sterling),他是青少年系列的畅销书作家,目前正在努力写该系列的第八本书,这是他当前合同中的倒数第二本,因为他想写他伟大的美国小说。他已经完成了这样的历史浪漫史,他的出版商不想出版这份手稿,因为它不符合他的品牌,他们认为它很好,但不是很好。因此,格雷厄姆决定以迪伦·特纳的笔名自行出版这本书,并希望梅格为读书俱乐部策划这本书,以获得真正读者的公正意见。在与“迪伦”的会面中,梅格最终得知了他的真实身份,并决定将其纳入读书俱乐部以帮助他,尽管她对这本书的看法与迪伦的出版商相同。在此过程中,两人开始互相倾心。他们之间发生的事情受到俱乐部中这本书的命运的影响,这可能会无意中影响商店。—哈戈
埃吉尔·奥拉夫森 木村光希 帕尔米·科马库尔 本木雅弘 奈良桥阳子 鲁斯·西恩 中村雅俊 麦格·久保田 Tatsuya Tagawa Charles Nishikawa Starkaður Pétursson 西吉·英瓦松 阿克夏伊·卡纳 基兰·巴克里奇 Brandy Row Eiji Mihara Maria Ellingsen 本尼迪克·埃灵格松 Masaya Mimura 柴田理惠
安妮·海瑟薇 尼古拉斯·加利齐纳 艾拉·鲁宾 安妮·玛莫罗 瑞德·斯科特 帕芮·马费尔德 乔丹·亚伦·霍尔 玛蒂尔达·吉安诺普洛斯 Meg Millidge 奇克·曼诺哈 Ray Cham Jaiden Anthony 维克托·怀特 Dakota Adan 罗克茜·里韦拉 格拉汉姆·诺顿 Grace Junot Jon Levine Demián Castro 特雷弗·戴维
本片根据Robinne Lee同名小说改编。由《大病》《塔米·菲的眼睛》导演迈克尔·肖沃特执导。40岁的离异母亲苏菲(安妮·海瑟薇饰),她的丈夫出轨年轻姑娘而抛弃了母女俩,也取消了原计划带着女儿去科切拉音乐节之旅。苏菲收拾好心情,整装出发,带着女儿去了科切拉,并见到了女儿最喜欢的乐队——August Moon,而这支乐队是目前全球最火的乐队,主唱海耶斯·坎贝尔(尼古拉斯·加利齐纳饰)聪明、成功、自信、时髦,对女孩子有立竿见影的吸引力。而且只有24岁,而俩人竟然走到了要一起。
The first issue of Click-cinema; Rena Tanaka starring "I like you" trilogy.
●"Chashu ramen (noodles with roasted pork fillet)"
Yokohama, in 1958. Naoko (Rena Tanaka) came up to Tokyo immediately after graduation from a junior high school, and was working in the ramen restaurant. One day she sheltered Ando (Kazuo Takahashi) who was escaping from the punk group, and they gradually became intimate for the sake of the fact that they were from the same province. However, a sad separation was waiting for them...
Enoshima, in 1981. Sumire Hatanaka (Rena Tanaka) started for her assignment as a newcommer teacher to an elementary school in the spring of the year. The first day of the summer vacation, Sumire visited the house of Kazuo Nohara (Hironari Shimamura), a transfer student from Tokyo, who was not going to open his heart easily, and there met his father Hirosi Nohara (Tsuyoshi Ito). She felt her affections drawn toward him...
●"Ten count"
Tokyo, in 2000. Miho Kusano (Rena Tanaka) who goes to a vocational school was passing empty days. One night, she finds an envelope in a park, which a boxer Haruo Takahashi (Ken Izawa) dropped there. Miho brings the envelope to the gym on the next day and, seeing the sparring match of Haruo, she feels "something" in Haruo and finds herself attracted by him...
●"Chashu ramen (noodles with roasted pork fillet)"
Yokohama, in 1958. Naoko (Rena Tanaka) came up to Tokyo immediately after graduation from a junior high school, and was working in the ramen restaurant. One day she sheltered Ando (Kazuo Takahashi) who was escaping from the punk group, and they gradually became intimate for the sake of the fact that they were from the same province. However, a sad separation was waiting for them...
Enoshima, in 1981. Sumire Hatanaka (Rena Tanaka) started for her assignment as a newcommer teacher to an elementary school in the spring of the year. The first day of the summer vacation, Sumire visited the house of Kazuo Nohara (Hironari Shimamura), a transfer student from Tokyo, who was not going to open his heart easily, and there met his father Hirosi Nohara (Tsuyoshi Ito). She felt her affections drawn toward him...
●"Ten count"
Tokyo, in 2000. Miho Kusano (Rena Tanaka) who goes to a vocational school was passing empty days. One night, she finds an envelope in a park, which a boxer Haruo Takahashi (Ken Izawa) dropped there. Miho brings the envelope to the gym on the next day and, seeing the sparring match of Haruo, she feels "something" in Haruo and finds herself attracted by him...
Who is lovesick these days? A young journalist wants to expose the charming founder of a lovesick agency as a fake and embarks on a search for his own lost ability to love.
约瑟芬·兰福德 海瑟·格拉汉姆 安迪·麦克道威尔 帕特里克·法比安 德鲁·斯塔基 阿奇·雷诺 阿马利娅·尤奥 Christie Lynn Smith 奥利弗·伊莉丝·阿伯克隆比 豪尔赫·洛佩兹 马洛里·约翰逊 扎卡里·布兰奇 Elbert Kim Maggie Thurmon Gabriel J. Perez Gabriella Saraivah 约翰·克劳 特蕾西·弗兰克 Dillon Belisle Samantha Miro
Zoey Miller, a super smart senior in high school and uninterested in romantic love, has her life turned upside down when Zack, the most popular boy in school, gets amnesia and mistakes Zoey for his girlfriend.
Asli thinks marriage is a scam, and says so. But when her beau Kerem unexpectedly agrees, she goes to great lengths to manipulate him into proposing.
Carolinas,“Caros”,安特卫普的夏天与她想象的不同。 她其实想和约翰一起在汉堡创立一个新的时尚品牌。 但是 Mathis 将她的生活搅得天翻地覆。
善意的谎言会失控并导致彻底的灾难吗? 或者也许就像生活中的一切都分崩离析一样,有可能把它重新放回原处吗? 卡琳娜正在尽最大努力拥有有史以来第一段幸福的关系。 可惜,她心心相印的男人,似乎对自己比对她更感兴趣。 一个不可预见的事件和一个小小的谎言将使卡琳娜井井有条的生活变成一个情绪化和滑稽的过山车。 很快就会发现卡琳娜周围的其他人也有他们的小秘密。 当真相大白之时,大家终究要理顺自己的感情,理顺自己的内心。
1918年事变后,日军占领下的奉天。孟镇德(郑浩南 饰)赌场内,凯旋大舞厅的老板李菁(胡慧中 饰)急忙来找孟镇德,告诉他,舞厅歌女美顺从日本黑道头目古马那里获悉,运送军火的汽车明天下午4点去哈尔滨。次日午后,孟镇德率全副武装的弟兄袭击了军火车。奉天的街道上,日本浪人凌辱百姓,被一位叫李上大的壮汉打得跪地求饶。原来,李上大是来奉天寻找失散的恋人美顺的。他绝没想到,如今美顺已成了凯旋大舞厅红极一时的歌女,并被日本黑社会古马会长霸占为情妇。日本浪人到赌场寻衅,被孟镇德赶出场,此举令古马十分恼火。几天后,古马派负责地片的小林(程天赐 饰)带人将孟镇德杀害。一天,李上大在街上痛打了施虐的小林,被老百姓誉为英雄,并冠以“奉天三虎”的美称。奉天抗日志士成立了一个组织,拥戴李上大做领袖。一名日本记者在舞厅侮辱舞女遭到李上大的教训,李菁非常感激,忙备酒款待。美顺被叫来作陪,一对失散多年的恋人在异乡得以重逢。古马派人刺杀李上大未遂,李菁将身负重伤的李上大救出,并通知了美顺。一对热恋的情人含泪相拥,诉说思念之苦。美顺从古马口中得知,近几天将有大批无辜同胞被运往哈尔滨供做细菌实验。美顺忙用电话通知李菁,结果被暗探发现。尽管第二天劫车成功,美顺却被捕入狱。后来古马得知李菁参与劫车,便一次次谋害李菁。李菁被逼无奈,找李上大联手剪除古马。李菁和李上大等人潜入古马总部,不料古马防范在先,使他们陷入重围。美顺也被当做人质。美顺鼓励李上大英勇杀敌,她自己却惨死在乱刀之下。古马举刀刺向李上大,被李上大飞脚将战刀反踢进古马腹中。李上大、李菁刚刚杀出古马总部,一队荷枪实弹的日本兵拦在面前,枪战中,李上大、李菁壮烈献身,但他们的英名与日月同辉。
导 演郑国恩,唐光涛
编 剧阿布都哈德尔,朱玛克,郑国恩
类 型爱情 剧情
主 演塔莱古丽 ,叶尔肯,斯拉木江,阿孜古丽,买买提乌斯曼
色 彩彩色
导 演郑国恩,唐光涛
编 剧阿布都哈德尔,朱玛克,郑国恩
类 型爱情 剧情
主 演塔莱古丽 ,叶尔肯,斯拉木江,阿孜古丽,买买提乌斯曼
色 彩彩色
导 演:王志杰
编 剧:王志杰 倪运宏
主 演:敖登高娃 谭幸 陈鸿梅 马琳 戈治钧
上 映:1986年
地 区:中国大陆
颜 色:彩色
类 型:剧情片
导 演:王志杰
编 剧:王志杰 倪运宏
主 演:敖登高娃 谭幸 陈鸿梅 马琳 戈治钧
上 映:1986年
地 区:中国大陆
颜 色:彩色
类 型:剧情片
郑大世哞(民赫)是日历模型娜英幸福(韩佳人Yeong)有微笑的他虽然他们不能在一起。有一天,他的梦中女孩的动作旁边的钟武的枯燥的生活变成了兴奋的门。钟武学她如何遭受背后的空想,他把他所拥有的一切就行,安慰她。娜英是被他的天真和她的工作之间。同时,钟武的朋友勇进(Kwon Yeong Ho)和他可爱的女友姬熙一热夜梦(李熙II)但他每次尝试他站在死亡的边缘,最后在吉熙承认一些东西给他…
扎克(塞斯·罗根 Seth Rogen 饰)与米莉(伊丽莎白·班克斯 Elizabeth Banks 饰)虽然不是情侣,但他们对彼此再熟悉不过了,二人同居一室,彼此分担生活支出,唯独没有过亲密接触,因为扎克认为这会让情况变复杂,不过他们眼下面临更复杂的问题——缺钱。账单堆积如山、房子被停水停电,本欲参加感恩节高中同学聚会排遣冬夜寒意,无奈他们除了一堆通讯录一无所获,扎克无法忍受困顿的日子,向米莉提出自拍A片贩卖盈利。作为在网络上意外成名的“大内裤女郎”,米莉终于被同居好友说动。他们找来各色胸怀表演梦想的人才出镜,然而出师不利,简陋的摄影棚被强拆,扎克和米莉的关系也因二人要在镜头前亲密接触而发生了变化……挺搞笑的...
Wounded and on the run, notorious gunman Quirt Evans (John Wayne) gallops onto a farm owned by Quaker Thomas Worth (John Halloran) and his family and collapses. When Quirt urgently insists upon sending a telegram, Thomas and his daughter Penelope (Gail Russell) drive him into town in their wagon. After wiring a claim to the land recorder's office, Quirt kisses Penny and then passes out. Ignoring the doctor's advice to rid themselves of the gunman, the compassionate Worth family tends to the delirious Quirt, and Penny becomes intrigued by his ravings of past loves.
Quirt recovering under the care of the two women (from left to right: Rich, Russell, and Wayne)
Days later, when Quirt regains consciousness, Penny patiently explains the family's belief in non-violence. Three weeks later, Laredo Stevens (Bruce Cabot) and Hondo Jeffries (Louis Faust) ride into town looking for Quirt. When Penny's younger brother Johnny (Stephen Grant) rushes home to inform Quirt of his visitors, Quirt quickly prepares to flee. Penny, now smitten with Quirt, offers to run off with him. At the sound of approaching horses, Quirt grabs his gun and discovers that it has been emptied. Training his gun on the doorway, Quirt calmly greets Hondo and Laredo. Thinking that Quirt has the upper hand, Laredo offers to buy his claim. When Quirt sets the price at $20,000, Laredo hands over $5,000 in gold and challenges him to come for the balance when he is able – if he has the nerve.
Afterward, Quirt saddles his horse, but when Penny begs him to stay, he changes his mind. Later, Quirt learns that cantankerous rancher Frederick Carson (Paul Hurst) has dammed up the stream that runs through the valley, thus draining the Worths' irrigation ditches. Quirt intimidates Carson into opening the dam.
One Sunday, Penny asks Quirt to join the family for a ride. Before they leave, Marshal Wistful McClintock (Harry Carey) comes to question Quirt about a stagecoach robbery. The family swears that Quirt was with them at the time. The marshal then asks Quirt why he resigned as Wyatt Earp's deputy, sold his ranch and crossed over to the wrong side of the law soon after cattleman Walt Ennis was gunned down in a saloon brawl. When Quirt refuses to answer, the marshal leaves. Penny then begs Quirt to steer clear of Laredo, and he acquiesces because of his love for her.
As Quirt and the Worths ride to the Quaker gathering, Quirt's erstwhile sidekick, Randy McCall (Lee Dixon), tags along. Randy tells Quirt that Laredo plans to rustle a herd of cattle and suggests that they then steal the herd from Laredo and let him take the blame. Mr. Worth gives Quirt a Bible for ending the feud with Carson. Fearing that he will never be able to live up to Penny's expectations, Quirt abruptly leaves with Randy.
Quirt and Randy steal the herd from the original rustlers. They then celebrate with showgirls Lila Neal (Joan Barton) and Christine Taylor (Rosemary Bertrand). When Lila, sensing a change in her old flame, teases Quirt about his Bible, Quirt becomes angry and rides back to the Worth farm. Overjoyed, Penny throws her arms around him, just as the marshal arrives to question Quirt about the rustling. Quirt states that Lila can provide him with an alibi. Penny is hurt that Quirt was with his old flame, who she heard him talk about in his delirium, thinking Quirt prefers Lila's fair hair. Quirt realizes the depth of his feelings for Penny, and they kiss hungrily in the barn, while the camera fades.
The marshal warns Quirt that he is the wrong man for Penny. Quirt decides to propose to her anyway. Instead of replying, Penny invites Quirt to join her picking blackberries. Quirt answers Penny's questions about his early life. Kindly Walt Ennis raised him after his parents were massacred by Indians. Then Ennis was murdered.
Quirt and Penny are ambushed and chased by Laredo and Hondo on their way home. Their wagon plunges over a cliff into the river, causing Penny to develop a dangerous fever. When the doctor informs Quirt that there is no hope for her, Quirt straps on his pistol and rides into town to exact revenge. After Quirt leaves, Penny's fever suddenly breaks.
In town, Quirt sends Bradley to tell Laredo and Hondo he is waiting for them in the street. Penny and her family arrive. She gets Quirt to surrender his gun to her. As Laredo and Hondo draw their guns, Marshal McClintock shoots them both. Quirt rides off in the wagon with Penny. The marshal picks up Quirt's discarded weapon. Bradley comments that Quirt may need the weapon, to which the marshal says, "Only a man who carries a gun ever needs one." And, the film fades to black.
Quirt recovering under the care of the two women (from left to right: Rich, Russell, and Wayne)
Days later, when Quirt regains consciousness, Penny patiently explains the family's belief in non-violence. Three weeks later, Laredo Stevens (Bruce Cabot) and Hondo Jeffries (Louis Faust) ride into town looking for Quirt. When Penny's younger brother Johnny (Stephen Grant) rushes home to inform Quirt of his visitors, Quirt quickly prepares to flee. Penny, now smitten with Quirt, offers to run off with him. At the sound of approaching horses, Quirt grabs his gun and discovers that it has been emptied. Training his gun on the doorway, Quirt calmly greets Hondo and Laredo. Thinking that Quirt has the upper hand, Laredo offers to buy his claim. When Quirt sets the price at $20,000, Laredo hands over $5,000 in gold and challenges him to come for the balance when he is able – if he has the nerve.
Afterward, Quirt saddles his horse, but when Penny begs him to stay, he changes his mind. Later, Quirt learns that cantankerous rancher Frederick Carson (Paul Hurst) has dammed up the stream that runs through the valley, thus draining the Worths' irrigation ditches. Quirt intimidates Carson into opening the dam.
One Sunday, Penny asks Quirt to join the family for a ride. Before they leave, Marshal Wistful McClintock (Harry Carey) comes to question Quirt about a stagecoach robbery. The family swears that Quirt was with them at the time. The marshal then asks Quirt why he resigned as Wyatt Earp's deputy, sold his ranch and crossed over to the wrong side of the law soon after cattleman Walt Ennis was gunned down in a saloon brawl. When Quirt refuses to answer, the marshal leaves. Penny then begs Quirt to steer clear of Laredo, and he acquiesces because of his love for her.
As Quirt and the Worths ride to the Quaker gathering, Quirt's erstwhile sidekick, Randy McCall (Lee Dixon), tags along. Randy tells Quirt that Laredo plans to rustle a herd of cattle and suggests that they then steal the herd from Laredo and let him take the blame. Mr. Worth gives Quirt a Bible for ending the feud with Carson. Fearing that he will never be able to live up to Penny's expectations, Quirt abruptly leaves with Randy.
Quirt and Randy steal the herd from the original rustlers. They then celebrate with showgirls Lila Neal (Joan Barton) and Christine Taylor (Rosemary Bertrand). When Lila, sensing a change in her old flame, teases Quirt about his Bible, Quirt becomes angry and rides back to the Worth farm. Overjoyed, Penny throws her arms around him, just as the marshal arrives to question Quirt about the rustling. Quirt states that Lila can provide him with an alibi. Penny is hurt that Quirt was with his old flame, who she heard him talk about in his delirium, thinking Quirt prefers Lila's fair hair. Quirt realizes the depth of his feelings for Penny, and they kiss hungrily in the barn, while the camera fades.
The marshal warns Quirt that he is the wrong man for Penny. Quirt decides to propose to her anyway. Instead of replying, Penny invites Quirt to join her picking blackberries. Quirt answers Penny's questions about his early life. Kindly Walt Ennis raised him after his parents were massacred by Indians. Then Ennis was murdered.
Quirt and Penny are ambushed and chased by Laredo and Hondo on their way home. Their wagon plunges over a cliff into the river, causing Penny to develop a dangerous fever. When the doctor informs Quirt that there is no hope for her, Quirt straps on his pistol and rides into town to exact revenge. After Quirt leaves, Penny's fever suddenly breaks.
In town, Quirt sends Bradley to tell Laredo and Hondo he is waiting for them in the street. Penny and her family arrive. She gets Quirt to surrender his gun to her. As Laredo and Hondo draw their guns, Marshal McClintock shoots them both. Quirt rides off in the wagon with Penny. The marshal picks up Quirt's discarded weapon. Bradley comments that Quirt may need the weapon, to which the marshal says, "Only a man who carries a gun ever needs one." And, the film fades to black.
阿莫·帕拉卡 宾迪雅·戈斯瓦米 Deven Verma Shubha Khote Manju Singh Dina Pathak Pushpa David Abraham Yunus Parvez 乌特帕尔·道特 Ashwani Harish Magon Bhola Amol Sen Siddharth Anjan Srivastav 阿米达普·巴强 Om Prakash 瑞哈 阿鲁娜·伊拉尼 泽尼特·阿曼 希玛·玛丽妮
Ramprasad Dashrathprasad Sharma (Amol Palekar) is looking for a better paying job. He and his sister Ratna (Manju Singh) have no relatives or acquaintances except Dr. Kedar (David). Dr.Kedar tells him about Bhavani Shankar's (Utpal Dutt) firm known as Urmila Traders. Shankar is a weird man. He is a man of traditional values, hence he naturally hates youth wearing modern clothes. He is a sports fan, but thinks lowly of youth knowing anything about sports. But his most weird trait is hatred towards men without moustaches. He thinks that men without moustaches are characterless.
Ramprasad has a moustache. He takes care of other problems by wearing kurta & feigning ignorance about sports. Bhavani hires him immediately. Ram is a hardworking guy, so Bhavani (& Ram) have no problems. However, Ram once takes leave by pretending that his mother (who died many years ago) has taken ill, and goes to watch a hockey match. Bhavani Shankar, who also attended the match, sees him there.
The next day Bhavani summons Ramprasad to his office and asks him about the Hockey match. Remembering the plot of a movie a friend of his is shooting, Ram convinces Bhavani Shankar that he had seen his "moustache-less" identical twin Lucky (alias Lakshmanprasad Dashrathprasad Sharma) at the stadium.
Bhavani Shankar buys his argument & feels bad about accusing him and decides to make amends by hiring Lucky to teach his daughter Urmila (Bindiya Goswami) music. Ramprasad reluctantly shaves his moustache to become Lucky and starts to teach music to Urmila. He is helped by his actor friend Deven Verma (playing himself).
Now Urmila aka Urmi is the exact opposite of her father. She takes immediate liking to Lucky, while Ram is barely noticed by her. Bhavani notices this & gives Ram another job to tutor on the pretext of her exams. Meanwhile, Mrs. Srivastav (Dina Pathak), a socialite, is roped to play the part of Ram, "Lakshman" & Ratna's mother. Like Ram, she also ends up playing her own twin in front of Bhavani.
Ram decides to tell Urmila the truth. Urmila tells him to tell the truth to Bhavani as well. Ram goes to Bhavani to tell the truth, but Bhavani sees Ram's moustache giving away. Bhavani exposes Ram, but ends up thinking that Lucky murdered Ram & impersonated him to marry Urmila.
In a hilarious chase that follows, Bhavani ends up totalling a police jeep. The Senior Inspector (Om Prakash) mistakes him for a thug named Pascal D'Costa & is about to lock him up in the jail. Only when his Inspector identifies Bhavani Shankar by his real identity is he freed. By now, a harried Bhavani has developed hatred for twin as well.
On coming home, he finds that Urmila & Lucky are married. He refuses to give them blessings, until Dr.Kedar comes to the scene & explains the whole situation. Now, Bhavani becomes even more furious, but on everybody's insistence, relents. The film ends with a family photo of Mrs.Srivastav, Ratna, Urmila, Ram, Dr.Kedar, Bhavani's sister Kalindi (Shubha Khote) & Bhavani (who is shown without moustache).
Ramprasad Dashrathprasad Sharma (Amol Palekar) is looking for a better paying job. He and his sister Ratna (Manju Singh) have no relatives or acquaintances except Dr. Kedar (David). Dr.Kedar tells him about Bhavani Shankar's (Utpal Dutt) firm known as Urmila Traders. Shankar is a weird man. He is a man of traditional values, hence he naturally hates youth wearing modern clothes. He is a sports fan, but thinks lowly of youth knowing anything about sports. But his most weird trait is hatred towards men without moustaches. He thinks that men without moustaches are characterless.
Ramprasad has a moustache. He takes care of other problems by wearing kurta & feigning ignorance about sports. Bhavani hires him immediately. Ram is a hardworking guy, so Bhavani (& Ram) have no problems. However, Ram once takes leave by pretending that his mother (who died many years ago) has taken ill, and goes to watch a hockey match. Bhavani Shankar, who also attended the match, sees him there.
The next day Bhavani summons Ramprasad to his office and asks him about the Hockey match. Remembering the plot of a movie a friend of his is shooting, Ram convinces Bhavani Shankar that he had seen his "moustache-less" identical twin Lucky (alias Lakshmanprasad Dashrathprasad Sharma) at the stadium.
Bhavani Shankar buys his argument & feels bad about accusing him and decides to make amends by hiring Lucky to teach his daughter Urmila (Bindiya Goswami) music. Ramprasad reluctantly shaves his moustache to become Lucky and starts to teach music to Urmila. He is helped by his actor friend Deven Verma (playing himself).
Now Urmila aka Urmi is the exact opposite of her father. She takes immediate liking to Lucky, while Ram is barely noticed by her. Bhavani notices this & gives Ram another job to tutor on the pretext of her exams. Meanwhile, Mrs. Srivastav (Dina Pathak), a socialite, is roped to play the part of Ram, "Lakshman" & Ratna's mother. Like Ram, she also ends up playing her own twin in front of Bhavani.
Ram decides to tell Urmila the truth. Urmila tells him to tell the truth to Bhavani as well. Ram goes to Bhavani to tell the truth, but Bhavani sees Ram's moustache giving away. Bhavani exposes Ram, but ends up thinking that Lucky murdered Ram & impersonated him to marry Urmila.
In a hilarious chase that follows, Bhavani ends up totalling a police jeep. The Senior Inspector (Om Prakash) mistakes him for a thug named Pascal D'Costa & is about to lock him up in the jail. Only when his Inspector identifies Bhavani Shankar by his real identity is he freed. By now, a harried Bhavani has developed hatred for twin as well.
On coming home, he finds that Urmila & Lucky are married. He refuses to give them blessings, until Dr.Kedar comes to the scene & explains the whole situation. Now, Bhavani becomes even more furious, but on everybody's insistence, relents. The film ends with a family photo of Mrs.Srivastav, Ratna, Urmila, Ram, Dr.Kedar, Bhavani's sister Kalindi (Shubha Khote) & Bhavani (who is shown without moustache).
因与有妇之夫桑原(濮存昕 饰)恋爱,安妮(张路 饰)失业了,再求职处处碰壁,不得已到冯肖(赵小川 饰)的律师所专司讨帐。所里连冯肖一共三人,分工很明确,朝野(刘之冰 饰)负责黑吃黑这一摊,专门用武力追讨。方太太(洪流 饰)欠减肥中心五千元,这差事落在安妮头上,几经接触未果,经女友冬凌(李梅 饰)相帮又经顾太太(江南雁 饰)推荐,安妮接近了方太太,略施小计追回了五千元欠款。后被派往顾家追债,然而开门的竟是帮助过自己的顾太太,她先生因车祸已成了植物人。安妮仰慕朝野的追债手段,求他教自己,朝野如此这般一番交待,安妮假装不正经女人敲开了高老板的家门,趁机而入的朝野把刀架在了高老板的脖子上......
米娅·科施娜 Ben Savage 玛丽露·亨纳尔 布兰迪亚历山大 大卫·卡耶 迈克尔·泰根 Madeline Hirvonen 布拉德利·斯泰克尔 Anthony Timpano Advah Soudack 阿特利·斯莫曼 Laura Carly Miller
As Christina prepares her restaurant for its busiest time of year, she gets her DNA test revealing that she's Jewish. The discovery leads her to a new family and an unlikely romance over eight nights.