当我们打开一本书并发现自己迷失在其中时,这是一种罕见的感觉;在故事中找到自己的片段,让自己沉浸在出现的情绪中。这种效果是 Elena Ferrante 的作品最为人所知的。埃琳娜·费兰特 (Elena Ferrante) 被《时代》杂志评为全球 100 位最有影响力的人物之一,她是一位当代偶像,其身份与她的小说密切相关,仅此而已。
尽管埃琳娜·费兰特在国际上取得了巨大的成功,但她的真实身份仍然未知。通过摘录阅读和对评论家、导演、书商、编辑和作家(如 Jonathan Franzen 和 Elizabeth Strout)的采访,Ferrante Fever 探索了 Ferrante 非常私密的写作,并探讨了她选择保持匿名的方式,这引发了一场前所未有的文化辩论。
With one programme each on the Rocky Mountains, the Andes and Himalaya, this series will use drones to reveal these mountains as never before. The audience will be taken from hidden valleys to unknown peaks and they will feel the vertigo, cold and sense of wonder that these great ranges evoke.
This landmark three-part series on the iconic ranges of the world will show how the mountains mould the lives of the extraordinary animals and the remote peoples that live there and how these great ranges create weather systems that rule our planet.
影片改编自柬埔寨裔美国女性作家Loung Ung的回忆录《First They Killed My Father: A Daugher of Cambodia Remembers》,讲述了她在柬埔寨红色高棉统治时期的悲惨求生经历。Loung Ung出生于1970年的柬埔寨,5年后,红色高棉(即柬埔寨民主党)成为执政党,建立民主柬埔寨政权,并于随后在柬埔寨展开了近四年的管制时期。在此期间,约有两百万柬埔寨人因为政治迫害、饥荒、劳役、疾病等原因非正常死亡。在这场劫难中Loung Ung的家庭破碎,成为孤儿的她被训练为童子军,而她的兄弟姐妹则被送去劳改营。
Directed by Sonja Sohn (one of the stars of the HBO series The Wire), Baltimore Rising follows activists, police officers, community leaders and gang affiliates, who struggle to hold Baltimore together, even as the homicide rate hits record levels, and explores how to make change when change is hard.
The strife that grips Baltimore following the death of Freddie Gray exposes longstanding fault lines in a distraught and damaged community. Baltimore Rising chronicles the determined efforts of people on all sides who fight for justice and work to make their city better, sometimes coming together in unexpected ways, discovering a common humanity where before they often saw each other only as adversaries.
Among the key figures spotlighted in Baltimore Rising are:
Genard “Shadow” Barr (community leader, former gang member) is an addiction recovery specialist at the Penn-North Recovery Center, where he also helps organize a reentry jobs program for community members. Bridging the divide between police and residents of the Penn-North area, he works with all parties to mitigate violence. Barr is now working to open an entrepreneurship and job training center in West Baltimore.
Commissioner Kevin Davis has led the Baltimore Police Department since 2015. He took over as interim police commissioner in the aftermath of the uprising and surging violence, when the mayor fired previous commissioner Anthony Batts. A lifelong Marylander, Commissioner Davis is a 25-year veteran and fourth-generation public safety professional. He was faced with repairing public trust in the department and stemming a rising tide of homicides amidst the trials of his six officers.
Makayla Gilliam-Price (activist) founded the youth justice organization City Bloc as a high school student. She also organizes with the grassroots think-tank Leaders of a Beautiful Struggle.
Adam Jackson (activist) is CEO of the grassroots think-tank Leaders of a Beautiful Struggle. His efforts are aimed at connecting young people to public policy and creating transformative change in Baltimore.
Dayvon Love (activist), director of public policy for Leaders of a Beautiful Struggle, has deep experience with grassroots activism in the community. He has given numerous speeches and led workshops to give insight into the plight of its citizens.
Kwame Rose (activist), an artist, writer, musician and public speaker, gained notoriety during the uprising that followed Freddie Gray’s death for his public confrontation with FOX News reporter Geraldo Rivera. Arrested during protests outside the trials of the police officers charged in the Gray case, he recently accepted a position in the office of Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh.
Lt. Colonel Melvin Russell, chief of the Community Partnership Division, Baltimore Police Department, joined The Baltimore Police Department (BPD) in 1979 as a police cadet. He worked as a uniform patrol and then an undercover officer for 20 years before becoming an Eastern District Lieutenant in 2007. Recently he led the BPD’s chaplaincy program and worked cooperatively with such community leaders as Genard “Shadow” Barr to support a reentry jobs program and prevent another uprising during the police officers’ trials in the Gray case.
Dawnyell Taylor (police detective) has been with the Baltimore City Police for more than 16 years. In 2015 and 2016, she was the lead investigator in the Freddie Gray homicide case, and testified at the trial of Officer Caesar Goodson Jr., who was charged with Gray’s murder. Taylor continues to serve in the police academy in Baltimore.
The executive producers of Baltimore Rising are Sonja Sohn, Marc Levin, Anthony Hemingway, George Pelecanos and Mark Taylor; producer, Nathan Mook; supervising producers, Daphne Pinkerson and Kara Rozansky; directed by Sonja Sohn. For HBO: senior producer, Nancy Abraham; executive producer Sheila Nevins.
平北抗日根据地处于华北抗战最前沿, 对平西抗日根据地起了“挡箭牌”的作用;并成为冀东抗日根据地的交通站及战略依托点,牵制、抗击了大量华北日伪军,对晋察冀乃至华北抗战的胜利都具有重要影响。
2006 年,夫妻团队 Duncan Lorimer 和 Maura McLaughlin 发现了来自太空的神秘信号,称为快速射电暴。这是一个如此明亮的辐射脉冲,似乎不是由宇宙中任何已知的物体引起的。解释范围从碰撞的中子星到来自比我们更先进的外星文明的通信信号。
50 多年来,科学家们一直在宇宙中寻找像洛里默爆发这样的奇怪信号。影片以科学家对地外智慧的最新探索结束。 Horizon获得了绿岸望远镜的电影研究人员的独家访问权,以寻找来自塔比之星的无线电信号,这颗恒星如此神秘,以至于一些科学家认为它可能被戴森球包围,这是一个由先进外星人建造的巨大能量收集器。
该片由Josh Lowell&Peter Mortimer执导,将于3月11日在西南偏南电影节首映。